Bant Blink & Flicker

Commander / EDH Kalavas


Kalavas says... #1

Just watched a Command Zone episode called Words of Wizdom. They suggested lowering the mana curve and adding more lands. At least 37 or 38. I'm taking out my Avenger of Zendikar and replacing it with a land. It feels bad but I will place my trust in Jimmy and Josh.

April 18, 2018 6:16 a.m.

caniturrito says... #2

Hi! u got a nice deck over there i must say, cost efficient. U commented a derevi deck i started to play not long ago and i was wondering if i could ask u some things about the deck playstyle itself, like some cards and stuff. Prob pm would be the best way so we don't spam here. Btw i would change Transguild Promenade since i didn't find it quite useful since u can have a glacial forest or play more fetchs to keep ur deck empty. Also i tried it out, and azami and arcanis the omnipotent really bring u huge card draw, perfect for this deck i must

April 19, 2018 6:55 p.m.

Bchong says... #3

Just put in actual ramp instead of increasing your land count...35 lands is like the max you ever want to go above unless you know what you are doing. So put in all the mana dorks that you can. Edric, Spymaster of Trest is a fantastic card it protects you from getting swung at and you can draw cards off of it. In every deck unless you know to otherwise you need to ramp all of the Signets like Simic Signet and every possible talisman like Talisman of Progress.

Vedalken Orrery is a bad card that doesn't do anything...if your are going to have a chance at responding it is better to just use cards like Nature's Claim or Disenchant or any counterspell.

is there some advantage to running Harmonic Sliver rather than Reclamation Sage ? it just seems like it is harder to cast

Fatespinner is just better than Stonehorn Dignitary and you don't need to blink it

and if you are going to be running ramp from lands... use cards like Nature's Lore ... getting from 2 to 3 lands in more important than 4 to 6

You have a lot of individually powerful cards but your overall curve is way too high. If you ever play semi-competitively and your average CMC is 3.98 then you will have already lost before you even get to play your first card. Letting most decks do what they want for 4 turns then its a great way to lose to some combo deck.

Also you should run Peregrine Drake its another combo and it is mana ramp. Mulldrifter is good too.

Also Command Zone don't know what they are doing they suggest cards which are super strong in causal games but have no viability at all in even semi competitive environment. Also try and take out all of your tap lands... phase them out as soon as possible they really hurt your ability to play the game.

April 21, 2018 1:45 p.m.

Kalavas says... #4

Thanks for the suggestions Bchong! I appreciate your thoughtful critique of my deck.

I think you're right about the mana curve being too high for competitive play, though I'm not sure about which cards to replace to lower the curve.

Reclamation Sage is now mainboarded, replacing Harmonic Sliver. I will look into getting a Nature's Claim. As for Nature's Lore and other 1 for 1 cards, I have a hard time wanting to include them. Signets and talisman's I will look into adding later, though right now the deck seems to work very well.

I will keep Vedalken Orrery for now, but might take it out later. Fatespinner I will not be including as Stonehorn Dignitary does exactly what i want it to, and has stalled my opponents out giving me enough time to win in many games.

I will also try to get my hands on a Peregrine Drake and include it, however i took Mulldrifter out long ago due to it under performing for the mana cost.

I get where you are coming from with the Command Zone not playing competitively against tier 1 decks. I don't play against tier 1 at my LGS or my playgroups either. I like how it plays now, it wins most games I play, but I suppose if I were to go against faster leaner decks that combo'd out turn 4, then I would need to change many of the things you suggested.

May 6, 2018 8:16 a.m.

Kalavas says... #5

So just fyi, this is my physical deck that I run, so I don't replace cards here until I get them irl. That being said some new additions to this deck include: Snapcaster Mage, Breeding Pool, Hinterland Harbor, and I replaced Ghostway with Eerie Interlude as eerie is strictly better.

May 6, 2018 8:24 a.m.

Kalavas says... #6

I recently updated this deck to lower the mana curve by changing the following cards: Desertion for Disallow, Skyshroud Claim for Rampant Growth and I decided to get rid of Thran Dynamo for Enlightened Tutor. It's a powerful deck, but the curve is still too high. I will continue to try to fix the curve in the future.

October 18, 2018 9:52 a.m.

Kalavas says... #7

Removed Consecrated Sphinx and replaced with Kitchen Finks to continue to lower the overall curve.

October 18, 2018 9:57 a.m.

Kalavas says... #8

Removed Reclamation Sage and replaced it with Knight of Autumn. I love the modular etb effect of this new card, it's so great in an etb deck!

October 18, 2018 10:45 a.m.

Kalavas says... #9

Yet another edit! I decided that 4 complete board wipes was about 1 too many and removed Austere Command. I replaced this card with a great graveyard hate card in Scavenging Ooze. This change lowers my overall curve and gives me something to combat graveyard decks with. I also have Sentinel Totem in the sideboard. I might decide to mainboard that as well.

October 18, 2018 10:59 a.m.

Kalavas says... #10

Removed Dissipate in favor of Mystic Confluence. Mystic confluence, while 2 mana more, is far more powerful. It raises the mana curve some, so I'm still looking to get rid of some of the higher costing cards.

October 21, 2018 3:08 a.m.

Kalavas says... #11

I'm changing my commander Derevi, Empyrial Tactician out for Brago, King Eternal. I think this will make my deck work better.

October 21, 2018 4:55 a.m.

Kalavas says... #12

As per Bchong's advice, I'm finally taking out Vedalken Orrery and replacing it with the lowly Simic Signet. I realized I needed more ramp and I will soon be adding in Farhaven Elf as well.

October 21, 2018 6:35 a.m.

Kalavas says... #13

Just realized Brago, King Eternal is not Bant colors. So I'm switching my commander to Roon of the Hidden Realm.

October 21, 2018 10:30 a.m.

Kalavas says... #14

November 6, 2019 3:58 a.m.

Kalavas says... #15

Thinking about changing out Hornet Queen for Wood Elves as well as taking out Glen Elendra Archmage for Ephemerate . This will lower the overall curve and still maintain the theme of this deck.

November 9, 2019 9:36 p.m.

This is a very focused and streamlined tempo list. Only one card sticks out as weak: Wall of Blossoms. My suggestions for an upgrade would be: Charming Prince , Spellseeker , Archon of Valor's Reach or Gulf Squid .

November 12, 2019 2:52 a.m.

Kalavas says... #17

Thanks for the feedback Suffer. I really like your suggestions of Charming Prince and Spellseeker . I think i'm going to switch out 2 of my creatures for those 2. As for Archon of Valor's Reach and Gulf Squid , I think, while powerful, are not the direction I want to take.

November 12, 2019 3:29 a.m.

Kalavas says... #18

Some minor changes to this deck:

Added Sea of Clouds and Bountiful Promenade and took out a Forest and Evolving Wilds .

Added Spellseeker and Cloud of Faeries and took out Fracturing Gust and Green Sun's Zenith .

I think these changes will help make the deck more resilient and enable earlier combo's.

November 27, 2019 5:21 a.m.

Kalavas says... #19

Added: Ancient Tomb Removed: Plains

Added: Worldly Tutor Removed: Solemn Simulacrum

Added: Thassa, Deep-Dwelling Removed: Conjurer's Closet

Lowered the overall mana curve with these changes, it should make the deck more competitive.

May 5, 2020 12:30 p.m.

Kalavas says... #20

My friends and I recently banned Sol Ring and Mana Crypt from our playgroup, so I removed them from the deck. I Replaced them with Thraben Inspector, and Talisman of Unity.

April 19, 2022 12:03 a.m.

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