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1v1 Commander | Legal |
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Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
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Vintage | Legal |
Creature — Wolf
Whenever an opponent casts a blue or black spell during your turn, put a +1/+1 counter on Witchstalker.
Aizea on Bogles Remix
1 year ago
wallisface Thank you for your feedback on this deck! I'm new to modern and still learning a lot.
- The reason I titled this deck as "remix" is because it isn't a normal bogles deck. I have ordered a playset of Gladecover Scout and agree they do have a place in the deck, but want to test them out first to see how they would best fit.
- Witchstalker and Loxodon Smiter are in the deck because my local meta has a lot of blue/black decks with lots of counter and discard. Witchstalker still is a bit too slow so it is a good contender to be replaced by Gladecover Scout
- Fleecemane Lion is also slow to get hexproof and indestructible, but it is good against other aggro decks or decks that ramp and put out big creatures quickly. Its more of a flexibility option if my opponent isn't running heavy removal.
- Gods Willing is another flexibility option for me personally because it can protect Fleecemane Lion and Loxodon Smiter, but it also is good for winning the game by making sure the opponent cant block. For example, even with trample if they have a 5/5 on the board that's 5 less damage im doing because they blocked. It also helps me win a trade if its necessary. If I'm blocking a creature that would kill my hexproof creature it instead does no damage to my creature.
- I am looking at other enchantments to include in the deck. I think Gryff's Boon would be a good addition because it gives flying. I also like Sentinel's Eyes as an option.
- As for the 3-drops: as stated previously Witchstalker can be traded out. Unflinching Courage is worth it in my opinion because it gives so much. The lifelink and +2/+2 are just all around good effects for the deck. Loxodon Smiter as stated previously is something specific for my local meta, which has a ton of counter cards.
- Ajani is in the deck mostly because this deck was made of cards I had on hand after playing standard for a few years in 2013. The flying and double strike ability is nice and has been a game winner several times in these past couple weeks I've been playing. Definitely open to taking him out!
Thank you again for your feedback and taking the time to offer advice
wallisface on Bogles Remix
1 year ago
Some thoughts:
normal bogle decks generally rely on Gladecover Scout and Slippery Bogle. While Bassara Tower Archer might be kindof ok, Witchstalker is waay too slow, and both Fleecemane Lion and Loxodon Smiter have no kind of protection to justify them being here.
the main point of a bogles deck is that the opponent has no easy way to interact with your board. If you have to run Gods Willing, you’re doing it wrong.
you probably want a LOT more enchantments to make use of Ethereal Armor, as well as secure a quick win. Bogles deck generally want the game to be over by turn 4-5, because the strategy becomes increasingly weaker as the opponents board-state develops.
I think you probably want to try to lower your mana curve a bit. You’ve got a lot of 3-drops in the deck for what is traditionally a hyper-aggressive archetype.
Why is Ajani here?
Rahrune on RaH's Bogle
2 years ago
Hi Zobi,
Thanks for commenting.
You'll find the Bogle deck to be easy to buy, build and play. I built mine just because I had the cards on hand, later finding that I liked the simplicity.
Really only play advice I have is don't be afraid to mulligan - you only need 2 cards to start (Forest and Bogle or Scout) but you NEED them right away. As for auras, prioritize Ethereal Armor as early on the first strike and growth is key but yes that wipe protection from Umbras is next. Don't under estimate flying, I find it better then trample and reach.
I like Kor Spiritdancer, just don't have any, or Sixth Sense for that matter. Would like some Witchstalker as well, just because. I had a Daybreak Coronet but I believe I needed it in another deck.
Thanks again & I will check out the cards you suggested.
nbarry223 on Glittering Company
3 years ago
So to me, that means that:
Cartel Aristocrat, Good-Fortune Unicorn, Kitchen Finks, Impromptu Raid and to a lesser extent Revival / Revenge, Fiend Artisan, Knight of the Reliquary are win-cons.
I'd say the first 4 in that list are definite staples that need to stay. Revival / Revenge seems to do it's job well too. Everything else does its job, but doesn't have haste or has some minor downside, so there's potentially room for improvement.
Personally, my top choices of everything I'm going to throw out there is as follows:
Liliana, Heretical Healer
Flip (maindeck recusion/utility)
Sigarda, Host of Herons (potential side anti-removal)
Dragonlord Dromoka (potential side anti-counterspell)
I also see a lot of cards in here to counter control/removal. Have you considered a bigger hexproof/shroud creature, or something that's just uncounterable and a threat? There's also recursion, which Revival / Revenge does a pretty good job at, but some other options I can think of for that are Liliana, Heretical Healer Flip, Lurrus of the Dream-Den, Necropanther, Vesperlark or Nethroi, Apex of Death.
Also, I know you don't have red, but General Ferrous Rokiric seems like it would be a good consideration for that type of a slot. Hexproof agaianst most removal and it synergizes with all of the multicolored you have going on.
Better fits as far as colors go are Reaper of the Wilds, Sigarda, Host of Herons, Thrun, the Last Troll, Witchstalker, Carnage Tyrant, Loxodon Smiter or Dragonlord Dromoka. Some are wish targets while others aren't, figured i'd throw out anything that had potential though.
To me, a wish target has to either be low enough that you can cast it same turn, or big and strong enough that you can cast it next turn and it turns the game around/seals the deal.
I just think you have a lot of slots in the sideboard that accomplish the same basic thing and you might be able to get away with condensing it a bit more to give more versatility for broader answers like psuedo-board wipes, silver-bullets, etc.
So if all that rambling somehow allows you to free up maybe a slot or 2 and still cover everything you need to cover, then maybe you will have the space to consider a broader selection of counterplay instead of just furthering your own strategy.
There's also things like Vindicate that hit lands too, which could help with the tron match as well as covering basically everything.
Pheardemons on That is the most Rakdos way to win
3 years ago
zapyourtumor - He didn't play it, but no reason you can't. This list is as close that I have found to my friend's list.
My friend did not play Beastcaller Savant , Chromanticore , nor Witchstalker , but everything else is fairly close. I've seen lists that play Nightveil Specter and Chromanticore and I feel like that's a pretty cool idea. Playtest everything and see what you like. If you put it up here on tappedout tag me in it and I'll take a look. Oh, my friend did play Questing Beast and Carnage Tyrant as a beat face plan B.
BotaNickill on Sex-Proof Selesnyabians
3 years ago
zapyourtumor, I'm still working the "sexproof" angle I just thought maybe I could be faster with Sythis, I'm trying to decide how to move forward. I feel like if I stay with Sythis, I would have to add back into the deck a handful more of the cheap hexproof creatures to ensure I would pull at least on in my opening hand. I've got Witchstalker , Troll Ascetic , Bassara Tower Archer , Slippery Bogle , Heroic Intervention , Alpha Authority sitting here staring at me. What to do, what to doooo?
TheVectornaut on RG Wolves
3 years ago
From my own experience playing pure wolves in jank Howl of the Night Pack / Wolfbriar Elemental , Feed the Pack walls, golgari Kessig Cagebreakers , and my shaman kinship deck Size of the Fight in the Dog, I highly recommend Silverfur Partisan . He's good with friendly Giant Growth and enemy Doom Blade s flying around, and he's excellent with multitarget spells like Setessan Tactics and Strength of the Tajuru thrown in. If I had to cut something first, it'd probably be Brazen Wolves since a 3 mana (sometimes) 4/3 isn't as impactful as even a Spirit of the Hunt or Witchstalker . Interestingly, both of those wolves might make decent sideboard cards, the stalker especially. The new Sarulf's Packmate is a card I haven't tested but I think is worth looking into as well. Otherwise for the side, I'd start by adding some ways to stop removal from shutting down your creatures. Asceticism is a classic pick for slower metas.
osiczym on Fast Aggro Low-Mana Mono-Green
4 years ago
Hi Reynan,
Thank you for all your advices! The idea is to make green deck really fast, to compete with red haste decks. That’s why I use Boggart Ram-Gang (they are 3/3 haste for 3rd rnd drop giving +3 devotion) and Llanowar Elves (giving 3rd rnd drop in second rnd, also I need much mana to cast multiple spells in round - I used to think like you and got rid of them once and it didn’t end well).
Barkhide Troll - it is really great creature, cause it’s 3/3 with potential hexproof in 2nd rnd. But I notices that in fact I always wait for 3rd, because I dont wanna lose him and always leave 1 mana for ability, which is annoying. I think I’m gonna swap it for Bassara Tower Archer as you said.
Witchstalker plays a different role than Silhana Ledgewalker. The first is 3/3, second is 1/1 and it is huge difference. It is not an aura deck, so it may lose firepower when I will do that. I was even thinking about adding something more powerful for him (e.g. Yorvo, Lord of Garenbrig), but I’m afraid I won’t have much creatures to buff without worrying of destroying them by opp’s spells then.
Vines of Vastwood - yeah, they play very well! I agree I need more of them. Maybe I will remove Become Immense since I noticed I don’t have many cards in graveyard since my creatures don’t die easily.
Auras - maybe I’ll try for fun, but it’s just... I wanted to experiment with unusual approach to this deck, cause many people use hexproof+aura, but haven’t seen many very fast hexproof+buff decks :)