Shinka, the Bloodsoaked Keep

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Shinka, the Bloodsoaked Keep

Legendary Land

: Add .

, : Target legendary creature gains first strike until end of turn.

DreadKhan on Berserk

1 month ago

I'm not sure if you're interested in ideas, but I remember really enjoying Berserk, so I hope you don't mind a few ideas that came to me while looking through this!

Brand of Ill Omen and Brand have some vorthos value, Ill Omen is the better card IMHO but just getting back your equipped Commander when she's stolen can be huge IMHO.

Darksteel Plate maybe (or Mithril Coat I guess?)? Maybe Two-Handed Axe (though in the manga I mostly remember the author hating on axes)? IMHO either would be an easy to card to alt art, Darksteel Plate into Guts' armour, and Two-Handed Axe into his sword (he did have more than one iteration)? Flavorwise it's funny that you could give Guts Double Strike at instant speed with the Axe, he often gets the drop on people.

Maybe Tome of Legends and use the cover art from the first manga for the alt art?

At your budget I wonder if you've considered Shinka, the Bloodsoaked Keep and Shizo, Death's Storehouse? There is also Witch's Cottage to consider, but it's colourless and thus worse arguably in a 3 colour deck.

DreadKhan on Canadian Short-King

1 month ago

Who knows if it's entirely 'good' in here, but Raised by Giants isn't an aura and it gives Wolverine +8/+8, too bad it doesn't come with Trample! There is also Belt of Giant Strength that might synergize for a handy buff.

Maybe One with the Kami? It doesn't have to go on Wolverine, and if he's strong enough you a ton of bodies. The card can go infinite with many other cards fwiw, but I've rarely seen it used for that so it shouldn't attract attention.

While it might not look fantastic at first glance, Kessig Wolf Run is a pretty useful card in most Gruul lists that feature ramp, and in this list it's even better since your Commander can regenerate if the opponent kills him due to low toughness. Since it's a land it's a safer include IMHO. Shinka, the Bloodsoaked Keep is a much fancier land, but First Strike seems like it'd be a nice ability to have. Final one, the new Arena of Glory, Haste is a sweet ability.

Inquisitor's Flail is a card I always look at when I build a Voltron list, if it's at all possible to be sneaky with it it's a very cheap damage doubling equipment that stacks with almost everything. Just this and and your Commander hits for 8 without any counters, and you can just regenerate him if he dies, but it's even better with double strike, then you'd hit for 16 from just those 2 things, and having even +1 power would turn it into 24, which is lethal.

As for possible cuts:

I don't love Assault Strobe, I hate that it's a Sorcery, especially when even Temur Battle Rage exists, giving double strike without trample seems like a bad idea. BTW I'm not saying run Battle Rage necessarily, I don't know if you want a one and done like this, and you for sure don't want it to be a Sorcery IMHO.

Animist's Might makes me wonder if Monstrous Onslaught is better, it doesn't have to target your own creature so it's harder to disrupt, and the ability to spread the damage out can make things very ugly for people if have a big creature. Might to me looks like it'd be cheaper to cast, but you'll only ever kill one creature with it. Similarly I don't love Contest of Claws, Sorcery speed removal isn't very good and I'm not sure that's enough upside (though it is better than Might fwiw, I'd look at better cards). If you're dead set on a card like this why not use Stump Stomp  Flip instead? At least it's a land if you're desperate.

Grumgully the Generous seems bad? I could be missing something, but a single +1 counter doesn't sound like it's worth a slot, especially at 3 mana, and you can only get it on ETB, so it's VERY timing sensitive; do you REALLY want to delay Wolverine a turn for this guy? I love the flavor of the card so I could see it being a pet card, so if it's a favorite keep it! Similarly I don't know about Renata, Called to the Hunt, both of these are great if you've got synergies with the counters, but if you don't they are just a one time +1/+1, and if they come down late they might just do nothing at all.

Concord With the Kami looks like a bit of a trap to me, if you are getting wiped a lot the card will do nothing, right, and that's when you want it the most!

How often do you find yourself drawing more than 3 cards with Season of Growth? I think Harmonize is going to play more consistently fwiw, but if you find you're usually drawing 3 or more cards with Season it's probably fine.

Do you really need to size of the effect for Signature Slam? It seems worse than Kamahl's Will, which costs only one more for an (arguably) much bigger effect. These lands are Indestructible and have Vigilance, so they can all safely swing (and can benefit from buffs as creatures for that turn) if you need that, but they can also work as handy blockers, I feel like killing the opponent's best creature AND making a bunch of blockers is nice upside?

I don't think you want or need stuff like Arcane Signet or Gruul Signet in Gruul, you're already vulnerable to stuff like Bane of Progress, so why increase that vulnerability? There are still Green ramp spells out there fwiw, including Three Visits. I guess the rocks are cheaper (and can add Green when you're truly desperate), but it seems more like an allowance to run more Basics (in a deck that doesn't run anything like Primal Order or Blood Moon), do you have some good payoffs for running Basics over the odd dual? I get the price point, but I feel like when you go much over $100 you have to start spending more on lands, or really lean into some kind of synergy with Basics, such as the ability to dig out a TON of Basics somehow (there are cards like Traverse the Outlands I guess).

I hope some of these ideas help, apologies if I suggested you cut any pet cards!

Abbanation01 on

10 months ago

Primevals' Glorious Rebirth

Animar, Soul of Elements

Skrelv, Defector Mite

Djeru and Hazoret

The Reaver Cleaver

Shizo, Death's Storehouse

Shinka, the Bloodsoaked Keep

those two lands have won me games against players who refuse to pay attention when I announce my land drops

DreadKhan on Sauron, The Dark Lord Commander Deck

1 year ago

I feel like this deck should look pretty hard at Relic of Sauron, it's one of the best mana rocks for a Grixis deck, it also offers card draw and a discard outlet when you don't need the mana. I also feel like you might want more ramp, but I'm not sure I'd shave the land count too much further. I do have much higher average MV decks with similar land counts, they tend to run a lot of ramp though!

I've always liked the idea of evasive Changelings in this deck, the best being Changeling Outcast, but Mistwalker is also good, Mothdust Changeling less so but still interesting, evasion is really good on an Army in here. Taurean Mauler might be worth throwing in too, any of these is infinitely better than trying to use a token as the base for your army. Amoeboid Changeling can make any creature an army (to trigger Sauron). You might even try Maskwood Nexus, you can always choose not to wheel your hand away if you're happy with it (could be an issue if you're getting in with several armies in a turn).

Since Sauron discards your hand before he draws a new one you might want to look into some recursion effects, Black is very good at that kind of thing. Sheoldred, Whispering One is a nice easy-button recursion card that also hassles your opponents, but she is slow and a ton of mana, but you can reanimate her with something like Animate Dead or Reanimate. Since Sauron can make you a new token whenever someone casts a spell (if you don't already have one) you could use sacrifice based recursion effectively, Hell's Caretaker could do some work. These are just a few low hanging fruit, if you need a bunch more (or cheaper ones) I could probably rattle off more.

With this much built in discard you might look at the better Delve cards, Treasure Cruise and Dig Through Time come to mind immediately, both are pretty good card draw if you don't have to pay any generic mana in.

Mask of Griselbrand can work well as a draw source, it also gives two useful abilities for an Army. Not sure if this is too out there, but you could try Shinka, the Bloodsoaked Keep and Shizo, Death's Storehouse, if you make an Army your Ringbearer it becomes Legendary, meaning these lands don't just help Sauron (but making Sauron unblockable is inherently good in a deck like this because he has 7 power and he's a 3 hit kill). Fear from Shizo is probably better than First Strike in most metas, but First Strike is a very useful effect. Rogue's Passage is a nice budget card that can let Sauron or an Army get in each turn. I really have enjoyed using Scavenged Brawler, it would be very good with your Commander (if he can get in twice he can kill someone, regardless of their life total), but it'll also be useful with a good sized Army token, those key word abilities are pretty sweet in my experience. Dauthi Embrace is a nifty old card that can be very sneaky, you can use it to help opponents get in, not just to protect your creature from blockers. If you plan to attack and are in Red you might benefit from Berserkers' Onslaught, double strike on your entire board can be a very powerful effect.

If you want a way to protect Sauron from most board wipes, I really love Gift of Doom, this gem of a card can be cast as a Morph for 3 mana, after which you can sacrifice a creature to attach the aura to a creature (note that this method doesn't target the creature it attaches to, so you can get around Shroud on your creature) at literally any time you have priority iirc. It's also not a spell or ability, so you can use it in response to something with Split Second. Indestructible is very good, but if you can get Deathtouch on a creature with trample it only takes 1 point of damage to 'destroy' any creature (regardless of whether or not it dies), the rest goes over, so it has great synergy with Scavenged Brawler (and other Trample sources). You can always cast it for 5 mana, and it's not a terrible card in that form, but the Morph effect is one of the best ways to protect an individual creature (or to turn your opponent's block attempt into a blood bath).

Finally, Mercadian Bazaar, Subterranean Hangar, and Saprazzan Cove are my spiciest ideas for a deck like this, I will take no offense if you laugh at them, but you might be surprised by what they can do in a deck with a 6 mana Commander. I use the first two as well as two Fallen Empires storage lands (which I wouldn't encourage you to use unless you want gray hair) in my Rakdos deck, I play them as ramp cards, and it's openly hilarious how useful they can be if you really want to cheese out a big Commander (or recast them repeatedly).

Hope some of this brainstorming is helpful, Sauron is a pretty strong Commander that attracts a fair bit of attention afaik.

DreadKhan on Super Juri-o Galaxy

1 year ago

Have you thought about Prosper, Tome-Bound in here to make Star Bits/generate card advantage? People usually use it as a Commander, but I suspect it'll do work in the 99 too. Any reason (price comes to mind, I missed my opportunity on these) you don't use The Ozolith? It seems like it has huge synergy with your Commander.

There is a fair bit of Voltron that might work in here, Juri can get big enough for Mask of Griselbrand to be very useful (he'll have Lifelink when he dies if he was equipped, so you can just deal damage and gain cards instead of life), Dauthi Embrace is very good at helping any creature attack safely, yours or an opponents even, you might try out Shizo, Death's Storehouse and/or Shinka, the Bloodsoaked Keep, either works for Juri or another Legendary, but I think Witch's Clinic offering Lifelink, even if it's only to your Commander, will be quite useful. I also like Berserkers' Onslaught for Double Strike on your entire board, 5 mana to permanently double your attacking power seems like good value. Finally, there is the new (and fairly unusual) Scavenged Brawler, this is a way to put 4 +1 counters on Juri once the card is in the graveyard, but you also get a bunch of very powerful keywords that synergize very well with a +10 power Juri. Since you like to sacrifice stuff, if you choose to try out some of those voltron cards you might like Rite of the Raging Storm, it makes plenty of tokens, and they aren't coming your way. Rite really likes Exquisite Blood and Kothophed, Soul Hoarder, and both I would argue are independently playable. All of these cards do a surprising amount of work in my own Rakdos deck, and I think your Commander is also pretty beefy.

DreadKhan on

1 year ago

I have a Chaos deck, maybe a few of the cards would work here too? I'm a huge fan of Exquisite Blood, even if you play it without the combo, the effect has big synergy with your Commander's ability, and it helps keep you alive when you're ahead. Another enchantment that works with Esquisite Blood (and your Commander) is Rite of the Raging Storm, this is often good for damage and it makes everyone else play way more cautiously (because anyone but you can be stuck taking 15 damage in a cycle if they can't handle the tokens). Rite itself likes a number of other cards that might work here too, one really sneaky one is Mask of Griselbrand, Lifelink is useful (and stacks with Blood), Flying is useful, and the card draw can be very powerful, obviously this is hilarious with Rite since you can equip the token with the Mask, at which point it's probably getting in for damage and when it dies inevitably you can draw 5 cards. It seems like a good piece of gear for your Commander especially. Berserkers' Onslaught is a funny card sometimes, you do need some kind of board, but even your Commander is openly terrifying with Double Strike. Another card that Rite and your Commander both would love is Dauthi Embrace, Shadow is really good evasion (you might look into Dauthi Voidwalker as well, very useful dual purpose card). Scavenged Brawler is a creature I'm testing in that deck atm, it seems good, offering a useful body that can be 'scavenged' when a wipe happens. If your deck doesn't run combos and is in Black Protection Racket can be a source of life loss for your Commander, your average MV is probably high enough to matter, it can also give cards. It will never give you any lands or 0 MV cards, so it's not a perfect card. Make an Example is a generically good card in my experience, you always get (at minimum) each opponent's most problematic creature. Shinka, the Bloodsoaked Keep and Shizo, Death's Storehouse are two cards that might help your Commander out, and they're untapped lands, very few drawbacks to those!

Cultural Exchange is a Blue Chaos feeling card I love, I can't decide if you've got enough tokens/creatures you don't care about to make it work, but if you can trade off some small stuff for the best stuff on board then you're doing good I think. I guess it doesn't say anything about untapping, so you can use it to open someone up to attack by trading away all their blockers for already tapped creatures in a pinch. Mass Diminish seems worse than stuff like Sudden Spoiling and Polymorphist's Jest (both great cards though!), but the ability to cast it twice is big, and the effect weirdly lasts a turn cycle, this can help eliminate 2 players sometimes.

Since you probably want your Commander out most of the time, have you considered Stubborn Denial? It's not Fierce Guardianship, but I find Guardianship to be obnoxious.

My final ideas are War Tax and War Cadence, Cadence can easily make your stuff unblockable if people are tapped out, Tax can make it very hard for people to attack in draw out games, but Cadence is probably the better fit.

Crow_Umbra on

2 years ago

Mick-Tis, Urabrask the Hidden would be on theme since it's Legendary. I get that Fervor isn't a Legend, but it's more favorable for being played on curve for aggro vs Urabrask that's at 5 cmc.

Playing more Legendary Lands could be the most mana efficient way to get Shanid to pop off. There are quite a few options, and each one has some additional utility upside:

Some of them are kinda pricey, but even adding 4-5 can give you more flexibility on your other spells.

There are also some other legendary artifacts that are options, like Shadowspear and Eye of Vecna

Madcookie on Game of Marchesa

2 years ago

Shinka, the Bloodsoaked Keep could work here as it synergises well with Queen Marchesa, but I think it can work flavor-wise.

The glow from within looks inviting, but woe awaits whomever finds out who stokes the fire or what simmers in the pot.

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