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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal



Until end of turn, you may tap lands you don't control for mana. Spend this mana only to play spells.

FormOverFunction on "Tribal" is being replaced by …

1 year ago

It was demons and pentagrams before, it’ll be something else again in the future; there is no stopping the pendulum. As long as we have Eviscerate, Piracy, Hurricane, Extinction, Torture, Blatant Thievery, and Murder everything will be fine ;p

tiffanyann on Unique Commanders

3 years ago

Oh God here we go.

Aethertide Whale

Brineborn Cutthroat

Brine Hag  WTF IS THIS

Arcane Adaptation

Daring Saboteur

Deadeye Plunderers

Denizen of the Deep

Diabolic Edict

Dire Fleet Ravager YES.

Dusk Legion Dreadnought

Elaborate Firecannon MUST INCLUDE

Fatal Push

Fathom Fleet ANYTHING

Fell Flagship

Fleet Swallower

Forerunner of the Coalition COP DFR

Ghost of Ramirez DePietro

Ghost Ship

Grasping Scoundrel

Gust of Wind

Gyruda, Doom of Depths SHOULD WE DO ALL EVEN HAHA NO

High Tide

Hostage Taker

Icebreaker Kraken

Inga Rune-Eyes


Jace, Cunning Castaway

Killer Whale

Kraken of the Straits

Lingering Mirage

Lookout's Dispersal

Merchant Raiders

Merchant Scroll

Merchant Ship

Merfolk Assassin

Merfolk of the Pearl Trident

Nadir Kraken

Nameless One

Nezahal, Primal Tide

Phantasmal Dreadmaw

Phantasmal Terrain

Phantom Warrior


Pirate Ship

Queen's Bay Soldier

Raiders' Karve

Raiders' Wake

Reef Pirates

Rescue from the Underworld

Return Upon the Tide

Rise from the Tides

Rishadan Dockhand

River Serpent

Run Aground

Run Ashore

Ruthless Knave

Saprazzan Cove

Saprazzan Outrigger

Scourge of Fleets

Sea God's Revenge

Sea Serpent

Serpent of the Endless Sea

Shadowed Caravel

Shipbreaker Kraken

Siren Stormtamer


Skymarch Bloodletter

Sleek Schooner

Slipstream Eel

Sorcerous Spyglass

Spectral Sailor

Spined Megalodon

Steam Frigate

Stormsurge Kraken

Stormtide Leviathan

Thassa's Ire

Thing from the Deep

Thing in the Ice  Flip

Tidal Wave

Unknown Shores

Vampire Revenant

Vanquish the Weak

Vexing Scuttler

Waker of Waves

Walk the Plank

War-Wing Siren

Watery Grave

Wavecrash Triton

Wu Longbowman

Pursued Whale

BMHKain on

5 years ago

@goodair & bushido_man96: It turns out the War Cadence + War's Toll as a combo is a mere ruse. Even when Toll taps all lands, that player can just tap all their lands FOR MANA; effectively making the combo absolutely worthless. I decided to cut both.

But I've still 34 left to cut. So I ponder as to what is least needed In a deck about the Flavorful elements of Pirates, & why Piracy just couldn't make it in, I'm literally about to resume another deck that's impossible to make even Mid-Core Status...

Any ideas? Raid is a great Keyword, but how good is it for the conventional Pirates in this case for starters? Ol' Bolas is in there; How good is Flood of Tears + Omniscience ? Any Counterspells worth removing/replacing? I'm literally about to put in Bloodthirsty Blade , & finally, any Pirates, or otherwise, worth cutting? I just wanted to know as I just confirmed a duped combo... :/

Caerwyn on Help Wanted for Admiral Beckett …

5 years ago

I would recommend against Piracy --its effectiveness has diminished pretty significantly with mana burn being removed from the game. In practice, what's going to happen is your opponents will activate all their lands, then still have mana to interact with you on that main phase. You can circumvent this by playing Piracy in your first main, then moving to second main before casting any further spells--leaving your opponents unable to respond.

But, there's a problem. If any players go after you in a pod, no one else will be able to interact with them. In practice, if you are player 2, that means players 3 and 4 are safe to combo off and win the game, knowing no one can stop them.

BMHKain on Help Wanted for Admiral Beckett …

5 years ago

I'm just going to have to go for an update here.

No response since this was edited. I've since added Piracy , which seems Flavorful enough; & using your Opponent's Lands as Mana of your own? Pretty friggen awesome. Anyone else have an idea for Timestream Navigator Infinite Extra Turns; what 2nd piece would not only work great, but is also Flavorful like you guys want it to be?

Thanks, even though nobody helped thus far... :(

MadF on TeamPlayFTW

5 years ago

Either donate Kill Switch or Unwinding Clock to a team mate, depending on how much they rely on artifacts themself.

Mana Vapors and Piracy keeps opponents out of the game. Donate an Isochron Scepter with Piracy to allow a team mate to use your mana on their turn. Artifact lands combine nicely with Unwinding Clock in this regard.

seshiro_of_the_orochi on Kangee Wonky Birbs

5 years ago

How about Airborne Aid ? It can easily be a draw 3, and with good timing even more. Also, with birds, any Piracy effect is great, for example Deepfathom Skulker or Bident of Thassa .

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