Hanged Executioner

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Hanged Executioner

Creature — Spirit


When this enters the battlefield, create a 1/1 white Spirit creature token with flying.

, Exile this: Exile target creature.

Kron on Kron - King of the Oathbreakers

1 year ago


I will for sure give Wretched Confluence another look.

As for Hanged Executioner that wouldn't work unfortunately because him exiling himself is part of the cost to activate his ability.

GrimlockVIII on Kron - King of the Oathbreakers

1 year ago

Psst, yo, Wretched Confluence is pretty sweet if you manage to combo it with Spellbinder

Wait, now I'm curious about Hanged Executioner. If you phase it out after activating its exile effect, would you be able to prevent the executioner from exiling himself while still exiling your intended target creature? If so, that's some sneaky tech I haven't thought of before.

AstroAA on Need help with Karametra God …

2 years ago

I used to play Karametra, God of Harvests as somewhat of a storm commander. She wasn't storm in the typical sense of building up to something like Grapeshot, but was built off of abusing Paradox Engine back when it wasn't banned to get infinite mana off of tapping and untapping mana dorks into using Whitemane Lion and Temur Sabertooth to recast Craterhoof Behemoth an arbitrarily large number of times. I've since rebuilt the list, but it doesn't work nearly as well as it did.

Now, it's based off of abusing Aluren to cast Whitemane Lion-esque cards an infinite amount of times. Then, paired with Cloudstone Curio, casting cards like Wall of Blossoms or Hanged Executioner an arbitrarily large number of times because you can get an additional bounce off of a Whitemane Lion cast with the Cloudstone Curio.

My list can be found here, but keep in mind - it's very outdated and I don't really intend on updating it.

[EDH][PRIMER] Karametra's Garden of Eden

Commander / EDH* AstroAA


If you have any other questions about Karametra, feel free to ask.

AstroAA on How do you build Karametra?

2 years ago

I used to run a Karametra, God of Harvests combo deck ages ago when Paradox Engine was legal. I updated it last summer, but it's still kind of mediocre and I would definitely redo it again if I had any interest in the deck. Regardless, if you're interested - my decklist is here:

[EDH][PRIMER] Karametra's Garden of Eden

Commander / EDH* AstroAA


I did not go with the landfall mechanic as I'm not particularly a fan of it outside of Lotus Cobra. IMO she's best built abusing ETB triggers with cards like Aluren and Cloudstone Curio.

Cards like Whitemane Lion, Kor Skyfisher, and Emancipation Angel are absolutely phenomenal in Karametra. They bounce themselves, allowing you to play them again and get more lands. With Aluren out, you can get every single Forest/Plains out of your deck in a single turn.

Cards like Wall of Blossoms and Wall of Omens are great with Aluren + Cloudstone Curio because you could essentially draw your entire deck in one go. Albeit you'd need to be careful and specify how far you should go with this otherwise you'd deck yourself, but that's beyond the point - still a powerful draw effect.

With Aluren, Cards like Sandsteppe Outcast and Hanged Executioner are awesome for getting an arbitrarily large number of tokens, as the token on the ETB effect can bounce the creature that generated it with Cloudstone Curio. This can pay out in several different ways - mainly infinite mana with Ashnod's Altar and/or Phyrexian Altar through sacing the token, and infinite damage/winning the game on the spot with Blasting Station and sacing the token. You could also create infinite tokens with Oketra's Monument and any of the self-bounce creatures if you just have Aluren out.

I also really liked cards like Reveillark, Renegade Rallier, Destiny Spinner, Eternal Witness, Aura Shards, Bygone Bishop, Temur Sabertooth, and Rhonas's Monument.

Personally, if you wanted to play a straight-up ETB combo deck, I think Trostani, Selesnya's Voice is a better general due to having far easier access to using Aetherflux Reservoir, (generate a ton of life with Aluren + Whitemane Lion, shoot people with the Death Star). Karametra, God of Harvests is nice for land filtering, but you only run so many lands in the deck she becomes kind of useless later on in the game - hence why I've kind of lost interest in her. In addition, what TypicalTimmy said is very true - if you rush out to an early lead in lands with her, you often become a target. IF you wanted to build Karametra, God of Harvests still, I would highly recommend going combo and including a myriad of methods to win - such as combat damage, Walking Ballista combos, and Blasting Station combos.

TheVectornaut on Soulherder Spirits

3 years ago

This deck seems tailor-made for Essence Flux . It could replace or play alongside Cloudshift . As for other flicker effects, I've had moderate success with Eerie Interlude as a Ghostway that lets you keep what you need on the board. Focusing more on spirits, there's Supreme Phantom as another lord or Forbidding Spirit , Geist-Honored Monk , Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit , and Hanged Executioner as cards that might synergize with the exile theme. Less budget-friendly but still powerful includes are Spell Queller and Skyclave Apparition .

seshiro_of_the_orochi on The Flying Pony Kills Everyone

4 years ago

You're welcome :)

I really like the nastiness going on here, I guess I'll come up with more ideas soon. In the mean time:

Long-Forgotten Gohei

Blinking Spirit is a must-include basically.

Drogskol Cavalry

Forbidding Spirit

Ghost Tactician

Hanged Executioner

Hollowhenge Spirit

Hundred-Talon Kami

Jeweled Spirit is pretty sick with Martyr's Bond.

Karmic Guide

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