Supreme Phantom

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Supreme Phantom

Creature — Spirit


Other spirits you control get +1/+1.

desmondwrite on

3 years ago

I like the list! Consider replacing Battleground Geist and Gallows Warden with cheaper mana value lords like Supreme Phantom and Empyrean Eagle. If you want a big spirit (because that's fun), consider Oyobi, Who Split the Heavens which is super cheap right now because it was in the Crimson Vow Commander precon.

zapyourtumor on Inky, Blinky, Pinky and Clyde

3 years ago

I love the name.

Some comments:

You don't have a single one drop/turn one play, other than Vial. That's definitely a big tempo loss. Jabberjaw46 mentioned Mausoleum Wanderer for the sideboard, which is a good suggestion, except I strongly think you should put all 4 copies of it mainboard.

Supreme Phantom is an amazing card. I'd up it to a playset.

Honestly, I've always been lukewarm about Geist. Yes, it is a hard to remove threat that can win games on its own, but the creature itself has no evasion, plus the angel token that's created isn't a spirit so it doesn't benefit from our lords.

I think you might be going a bit overboard on the removal and counterspells. I like that the deck is a bit more controlly than most UW spirits which makes it a little more unique, but if you add too many of these other spells it makes it harder for you to churn out enough creatures and lords and make full use of Vial. I'd just straight up cut the Mana Leaks. 4 Counterspells total feels like the highest I would go, since you also have 4 Queller (2 Counterspell 2 Force of Negation seems like a good split to me). Same for removal, you have 4 Apparition so I'd cut down to 4 removal spells tops as well (whether you keep path or on thin ice is personal preference I guess). Removing these will give you space for Mausoleum Wanderer and more Supreme Phantoms.

In case you want more spirits, Rattlechains and Shacklegeist are two that I like. Cemetery Illuminator is a new card that looks interesting for the sideboard, doubling as grave hate and CA engine. Guardian of Faith is nice as a one of in the sideboard against wipes.

Plunderburger on Monoblack Eldrazi

3 years ago

Have some time to reflect on how the tournament went, and what to do with the deck moving forward.

1st Round: UW Spirits (literally the precon) Got kinda embarrassed in this match; I drew poorly, and my opponent drew quite well, but I must admit the deck also wasn't fully ready for the matchup. My reasonable board of ground creatures couldn't do much against the flyers game 1, even gaining life on the attack with two Gifted Aetherborn and chunking in for 2-4 a turn with a Dream Devourer. I never drew any removal, but I also don't think I was really playing enough to respect the matchup. Warping Wail was reasonable, killing a lord with another on the stack, but not fantastic. There are 0 sorceries to get here, and the token could never chump anyways. Game 2, I used Cry of the Carnarium for a one-sided board wipe to kill 3 of his 4 creatures (the last was a Supreme Phantom. Then he ripped a Watcher of the Spheres and an Empyrean Eagle in the next two turns and I died anyways. Bad beats, such is life. 0-2

Round 2: Lotus Field Combo This one was somewhat a reversal of the last match. Deck had a ton of things to get with Warping Wail and Thought-Knot Seer and he had trouble racing some aggressive dudes. Game 2, I brought in some Thoughtseizes and Go Blanks and it was kind of a rout. It really is crazy how good Warping Wail is here, dealing with their Wish effects pretty well (and Sweltering Suns and its ilk postboard). I'd board in 4 more if I could, ha ha ha. 2-0

Super small this week, they were running two formats simultaneously alongside quite a few other games, so it was just the 2 rounds. Starting relatively soon they're going to shuffle the times/dates around a bit, so I should have more competitive tournaments to build off of. Deck is fun when it works and you're at least doing things even when it doesn't, I'm satisfied and will keep tuning.

Durkle on Abiding Grace Turbo Frog

3 years ago

I'm going to take a different stance, I like the mill crabs. At least, I like Hedron Crab, not sure about Ruin Crab. People are seriously undervaluing the self-mill I think. If you have a crab and abiding grace in hand, the crab can find you a fogger to get back, no tutor required.

I will say that I'm not a fan of the green splash. It complicates the mana base, and I doubt you need 8 copies of fog when the entire deck is build around the engine of Abiding Grace.

Also, I can't BELIEVE it hasn't been mentioned yet, but a couple copies of Proclamation of Rebirth seems like an absolute shoe-in, especially with the self-mill.

All that said, I have a spicy idea I want to throw out, concerning the idea of other win cons: I think you can foray this into a super interesting take on UW Spirits. Kami of False Hope and Skyclave Apparition are both already spirits. Mausoleum Wanderer plays VERY nicely with Abiding Grace, and is just a solid card overall. From there, thrown in Rattlechains to give your spirits flash, Supreme Phantom as a lord, Drogskol Captain as another lord + protection, and I think you've got the makings of a really sweet list. Spectral Sailor could be a nice one to round it out as another very solid 1 drop. Or, if you keep the green, you have access to stuff like Willow Geist and Collected Company, if you want. Probably unnecessary, but the Willow Geist is kinda neat if nothing else.

Anyway, that's just a crackpot idea. What you're working with here is already super cool.

DragonzBane on U/W Spirits Tempo Deck

3 years ago

Counterspell is a pretty big upgrade over Mana Leak if you can handle the mana requirements, which I think your deck can. Additionally I think Remand is probably better than Unsubstantiate and does more or less the same thing. I would also recommend going up to 4 copies of Supreme Phantom , perhaps dropping a Vapor Snag for it. I like it!

TheVectornaut on Soulherder Spirits

3 years ago

This deck seems tailor-made for Essence Flux . It could replace or play alongside Cloudshift . As for other flicker effects, I've had moderate success with Eerie Interlude as a Ghostway that lets you keep what you need on the board. Focusing more on spirits, there's Supreme Phantom as another lord or Forbidding Spirit , Geist-Honored Monk , Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit , and Hanged Executioner as cards that might synergize with the exile theme. Less budget-friendly but still powerful includes are Spell Queller and Skyclave Apparition .

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