Blinking Spirit

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Blinking Spirit

Creature — Spirit

(0): Return Blinking Spirit to its owner's hand.

ThinMargin on Liesa, Liesa, they so flying...

2 years ago

multimedia great feedback! All of those cards were on the maybe list for me for sure. The deck was feeling a little creature heavy.

There are a few mechanics I would like to keep though. I am using Gideon's Avenger and the Vampire Scrivener to counter up and give them life link with one of the 3 enchants I have for that. Makes them good blockers or attackers and a tempting removal burn to keep Liesa out longer. They fit in line with the punishment theme of Liesa. If I had something that did both, that would be better. If Liesa is out, each combo costs me 4 life. It is a side road I need to consider if I can get my Loyal Unicorn out and haven't found my Victory's Herald .

Also, it pains me to let go of my infi-chump blocker. Blinking Spirit is one of my favorite cards for watching peoples heads explode, it probably should have been blue, really. But I can see the sense in getting rid of a recasting creature in a Liesa deck. Good call.

What do you think of this:

I appreciate the help! Cheers!

seshiro_of_the_orochi on The Flying Pony Kills Everyone

4 years ago

You're welcome :)

I really like the nastiness going on here, I guess I'll come up with more ideas soon. In the mean time:

Long-Forgotten Gohei

Blinking Spirit is a must-include basically.

Drogskol Cavalry

Forbidding Spirit

Ghost Tactician

Hanged Executioner

Hollowhenge Spirit

Hundred-Talon Kami

Jeweled Spirit is pretty sick with Martyr's Bond.

Karmic Guide

Futuremonk on White Zombie

5 years ago

Thanks! Felidar Guardian is a great card, but it doesn't technically return creatures to your hand to recast them. So I would need to flicker Whitemane Lion or something like that with it to get the same effect, and at 4 mana it's a little too pricey.

I've considered cutting Ancestral Statue and Blinking Spirit for the same reason. At 4 mana, something like Dust Elemental , which returns three creatures to your hand, or Eiganjo Free-Riders , which returns a creature each turn for free, is the sort of payoff I really want.

shinyrays on zenith flicker

5 years ago

as of right now updating daily; waiting for Expedition Map to fetch the tron lands. Urza's Mine , Urza's Tower , and Urza's Power Plant . the actual Flicker and maybe even Blinking Spirit . gonna get nutty.

BlackjackHD on

7 years ago

Add: Bident of Thassa, Goblin Spymaster, Kindred Boon, Kindred Discovery, Blinking Spirit, Ashnod's Altar, Drift of Phantasms, Patriarch's Bidding, Karmic Guide, Birthing Pod, Oyobi, Who Split the Heavens, Distant Melody, Decree of Pain, Blasphemous Act, Wrath of God, Final Judgment, Descendants' Path

Drop: Drogskol Reaver, Fumiko the Lowblood, He Who Hungers, Kagemaro, First to Suffer, Petalmane Baku, Promised Kannushi, Glacial Ray, Baku Altar, Long-Forgotten Gohei

Honestly the whole arcane interplay plan may need to go, unfortunately. Compare Ribbons of the Reikai to Distant Melody or even Shamanic Revelation. Splice is such an awkward and unreliable mechanic that unless the card is excellent even without it (like Through the Breach) it's not worth trying to make it work.

Pieguy396 on Spirited

7 years ago

Hey there! Cool deck idea! I have a few comments for you:

In any case, neat deck! Enjoy!

Liquidbeaver on Ib Halfheart, Goblin Sac-tician [PRIMER]

7 years ago

RazortoothMtg: Thank you! I had never seen Panglacial Wurm before, so I went looking and found these too:

I wouldn't have expected anything less than fantastic quotes from Ib.

Enral Thanks for the compliment and the upvote!

Mike94: Thanks Mike, I'm glad you like it!

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