Glaring Aegis

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Glaring Aegis

Enchantment — Aura

Enchant creature.

When Glaring Aegis enters the battlefield, tap target creature an opponent controls.

Enchanted creature gets +1/+3.

wallisface on

1 year ago

Some thoughts:

  • 20 lands is extremely low considering how steep your mana curve is. I’d suggest going to at least 24.

  • you’ve got 11 cards that let you assign combat damage with toughness, and while you obviously want that effect, you’ve currently got such-high density of these cards that you’re bound to draw into multiple redundant copies. I’d drop the number of these effects down to 8-9 (ditching 2-3 of the enchants).

  • Glaring Aegis seems like a really bad card. You’ll almost never need the extra 3 toughness, and this just lets the opponent 2-for-1 you with a killspell.

  • Skeleton Key is cute, but imo not particularly strong. You never want to draw a second copy of it. I’d suggest running an absolute maximum of 2, if at all.

  • Fading Hope is almost always just giving you card disadvantage (the opponent still has all their cards, you just lost one).

  • I know i’ve just dismissed all your 1-mana cards as being bad, but I do think you need some actually playable 1-mana cards so that you can do something turn 1. Spell Pierce, Preordain, and Utopia Sprawl are all good options.

  • you really need more ways to interact with the opponent, your only viable option at the moment is Mana Leak… you need more options!

DBCooper on Fury of the Small

3 years ago

Great deck! I rarely see kithkin decks, and this is an awesome one!

Here are some of my thoughts on how you may improve this deck:

I feel like you could do better than Holy Strength, as far as enchantments go. Consider Spirit Mantle, which makes for a tough threat once your creature is protected from opponents' creatures, making it unblockable essentially. Furthermore, consider All That Glitters, which pairs very nicely with your Ethereal Armor to make come truly powerful creatures early. Hyena Umbra would be a great value add, giving three great effects for only one mana. Finally, Grasp of the Hieromancer would almost replicate the effect you're achieving with Glaring Aegis, and would be a great addition.

Overall you have a really cohesive deck with a clear vision in mind, and I think it looks really great. Good work!

meME12 on Teeg stax please help

4 years ago

I would recommend taking out Beacon of Immortality and Staunch Shieldmate to put in something like Glaring Aegis if you are looking for something budget or maybe Thalia, Guardian of Thraben or Reidane, God of the Worthy  Flip/ Valkmira, Protector's Shield, for some interesting combos.

JP-Romero on Celestial Wings

5 years ago

Hello Sir!

I take it you started with the Mu Yanling, Celestial Wind planeswalker deck.

Two main suggestions in general:

I would suggest to keep the deck to mono-blue if you can, as this will allow you to not get color screwed (getting too many lands of one color, but not enough of another). If you insist on going White-blue, you need to run some dual color lands (maybe a set of Glacial Fortress ).

I would also suggest you get rid of your non-flying things and stay away from 1x counts. By having more one-ofs, you are thinning the probability to get the best cards.

If you dont mind cards rotating out of standard in october, the most obvious addition to this is Favorable Winds . A mono blue version of this would make the also soon rotating Tempest Djinn really good.

Having said this, let me give you a break down on how I would upgrade your deck in its colors:

-2x Air Elemental +2x Sphinx of New Prahv Sure, the Sphinx has 1 less toughness, but it also costs 1 mana less and is harder to deal with because of its special ability.

-1x Callous Dismissal -1x Bond of Discipline +2 Winged Words Since all of your creatures are flyers, you really want to be able to draw 2 cards for only 2 mana. This is also your only draw spell and Amass doesn't really make sense here.

-2x Spectral Sailor -2x Concordia Pegasus +4x Healer's Hawk Spectral Sailor and Concordia Pegasus can be easily replaced by the hawk, which will gain you life (and time) for you to get your finisher cards

-1x Saheeli's Silverwing +1 Warden of Evos Isle Get a fourth warden. Saheeli is slower than Warden, and the Warden will speed the rest of your deck. No brainer.

-3x Island -3x Plains +4x Glacial Fortress +2 Azorius Guildgate More reliable lands!

-2x Celestial Messenger + 2x Empyrean Eagle Eagle doesn't depend on having the planeswalker for not sucking.

-2x Show of Valor -1x Glaring Aegis +3 Aerial Assault Aerial Assault has better synergy with your deck, also, trying to have as many 4x as possible.

-2x Take Vengeance +2x Dovin, Grand Arbiter You already have 6x removal in the form of Aerial Assault and Pacifism

-1x Disdainful Stroke -1x Disenchant -1x Negate -1x Quench +4 Depose / Deploy Removing many one-ofs in favor of a flexible spell.

-1x Tale's End -1x Unsummon +2 Azorius Charm More flexible, in your colors, more consistency.

bushido_man96 on Balan... No Longer on a Budget?

6 years ago

Get rid of Expedition Map and go with Sword of the Animist. Staff of Nin will provide more solid card draw. I'd also dump cards like Greatsword for something that adds more than just a power boost. For example, O-Naginata is a straight upgrade and easier on your mana curve. Blackblade Reforged is perfect for a mono-colored deck. I think Divine Favor and Glaring Aegis are both kind of lackluster, and should be replaced. If your looking for some removal, go with Swords to Plowshares and Disenchant.

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