Brilliant Halo

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Brilliant Halo

Enchantment — Aura

Enchant creature

Enchanted creature gets +1/+2.

When Brilliant Halo is put into a graveyard from the battlefield, return Brilliant Halo to its owner's hand.

ThinMargin on Liesa, Liesa, they so flying...

2 years ago

multimedia great feedback! All of those cards were on the maybe list for me for sure. The deck was feeling a little creature heavy.

There are a few mechanics I would like to keep though. I am using Gideon's Avenger and the Vampire Scrivener to counter up and give them life link with one of the 3 enchants I have for that. Makes them good blockers or attackers and a tempting removal burn to keep Liesa out longer. They fit in line with the punishment theme of Liesa. If I had something that did both, that would be better. If Liesa is out, each combo costs me 4 life. It is a side road I need to consider if I can get my Loyal Unicorn out and haven't found my Victory's Herald .

Also, it pains me to let go of my infi-chump blocker. Blinking Spirit is one of my favorite cards for watching peoples heads explode, it probably should have been blue, really. But I can see the sense in getting rid of a recasting creature in a Liesa deck. Good call.

What do you think of this:

I appreciate the help! Cheers!

SirQuixano on [PEDH] Quintorius - Never Forgets

3 years ago

I like the deck, but I'd like to make four suggestions:

Scaretiller can get you lands out of your graveyard, which is especially good since you'll probably discard a few and it triggers Quintorious, as well as being one of the only ways to land ramp in Boros and it does well with Evolving Wilds, Terramorphic Expanse, and, if you want to add them, the Panoramas.

Reanimation Spells like Angelic Renewal , Breath of Life , False Defeat , or Resurrection are also pretty good for the deck too I'd say. They trigger Quintorious, can regrab a utility creature like a monarch card or a graveyard to hand card to double trigger if you need it, cheat out Ulamog's Crusher, or just basically cheat on Quintorious's Commander tax if he dies, although that is a bit risky but its better than paying 7 or 9.

Maybe also a card like Marshaling Cry as an extra board pump in case you need to go aggro in case you don't get Rally the Peasants. Its also better early game since you can cycle it away.

I understand that you are going for more combo than aggro, but if you want to get even more spirits, play some auras that return themselves back to hand when enchanted creature dies, like Fiery Mantle , Undying Rage , and Brilliant Halo . I'm the most shaky on them because they don't do anything without Quintorious, but with them they can grab an extra spirit per turn. Perhaps if you could include a Prismite Effect and an Impact Tremors effect, with Ashnods Altar and Starnhiem Courser, you can combo off with them by playing mantle on a Spirit, saccing the spirit, prismite effect filters and starhiem discounts so you can pay the one red to get mantle back and get another spirit, and get infinite Tremors triggers

Other than that, I really like the deck, although I'm not that great at these kinds of things either.

LunchBox1211 on Angel's Exalted (Pauper Angel Tribal)

3 years ago

A card you may have missed for the maybe board is Brilliant Halo . Need I say why it is an angel-themed card?

Also, this deck gave me insight on how to make my own Angel pauper deck (Aces in Exile). It's more of a voltron strat than exalted, but same concept. Play an angel, make them big, hit face for a ton. Thanks!

bushido_man96 on The Mischief Makers

4 years ago

Flickering Ward is great value. Fallen Ideal can put those tokens to use.

If your interested in being annoying, there are several Urza block enchantments that return to hand when they go to the graveyard from the battlefield: Sleeper's Guile for some evasion, Brilliant Halo (not that great), Despondency to nerf a creature, Cessation and Slow Motion can be really annoying.

king-saproling on Plains & Mountains Destroyer

4 years ago

Hey Alvatariano. Wow it's been a while since I've seen a 60 card deck haha. I'm assuming the list is cards you already own, in which case it looks like a decent start. You have a lot going on here though and I think the deck would flow better if you focus on one particular strategy.

For example, you could do a dedicated aura strategy: Thran Golem, Brilliant Halo, Tragic Poet, Dawn Evangel, Tethmos High Priest, Squee's Embrace, Mesa Enchantress, Chained to the Rocks, Prophetic Flamespeaker, Hero of Iroas, Akroan Crusader, Phalanx Leader.

Or spellslinger style: Blaze Commando, Rile, Feather, the Redeemed, Reckless Rage, Zada, Hedron Grinder, Launch the Fleet, Guttersnipe, Twinflame, Ephemeral Shields, Fists of Flame, Charmbreaker Devils.

I buy single cards on since they're usually cheapest there. I've found you get more bang for your buck when buying singles rather than booster packs (even though packs are fun to open haha). For example you could get all of the cards mentioned above for about $7.

felipe3142 on Póques

5 years ago

Hey, Titus7007. Thanks for the suggestion, but I think can't rely on enchantments to beef up my creatures on this deck.

Firstly there are only the two Nether Spirit s, so the chances of me drawing one of them together with an enchantment are too low.

Then there is the high risk of them not sticking around on the board for too long. I often need them to block, and, if not, they end up falling for my own spells anyways ( Innocent Blood / Smallpox ). And that's fine, because they are designed for that. So should be any enchantment I'd (n)ever put on the deck, such as Brilliant Halo , which returns to your hand when the creature dies.

Frd123 on Temptsu Call the Spirits

5 years ago

I have a Daxos deck, and I do think that it works better as a group slug archtype.

I would recommend cards like Rule of Law to slow down your opponents. Or some discard packages like Oppression , Necrogen Mists . Depending of your build I would recommend Call to the Grave since Daxos is a zombie itself.

If you dont want to change your archtype, I would recommend using Divine Visitation as a "second copy" of Anointed Procession . I would use Etchings of the Chosen as anthem and Daxos protector. Other option to protect your table is Cloudstone Curio , it sometimes works as a second copy of Skybind and in other moments it protects your enchantments from removal.

Another way of increasing your experience counters and triggers, is to use Auratog , or others enchantment sacrificers together with graveyard returning enchantments such as Brilliant Halo . This is reinforced by the new Starfield Mystic .

I would recommend using mana rocks such as Gilded Lotus for an option in blinking it with Skybind and generating extra tokens every turn. A card that seems bad, but really compliment this strategy is Victory Chimes .

If you want to check my deck out, go here Daxos, Police of Fun

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