Umara Wizard


Umara Skyfalls  Flip

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Umara Wizard

Creature — Merfolk Wizard

Whenever you cast an instant, sorcery or Wizard spell, this gains flying until end of turn.

capwner on Timebelcher

6 months ago

wheels47 Heyo! I did actually see one of those lists already, the mono W one, when I realized that the "Timebelcher" name had been used previously I went and checked it out. I actually really like the idea of running the miracle cards, I may have to consider Temporal Mastery, Terminus, and Devastation Tide for this list, also using cheap cyclers to draw into those on your opponent's turn is very clever. As for cutting the cheaper cards from this list, I'm not sure if it would be worth switching to a tap-MDFC (it would probably be Umara Wizard  Flip) over the Sinks and Hydroelectric. The interaction from Sink and ability to play them untapped feels pretty important to me. Same with the Pentad Prism as this is our primary option for ramp (vs Lotus Bloom which is even lower cmc), this enables turn 3 Sifter/Belcher which feels awesome. The other alternative would be the adventure land-drop cards I have in the maybeboard, but this only ramps us by 1 not 2 and it consumes a land drop. The average CMC is still super high because we run all the most expensive MDFCs, and in my playtesting a resolved Timesifter almost always results in a win. Even if we lose 1 turn somewhere in there, the odds of our opponents being in a position to win on that single turn seem to be pretty low, generally. And some cards like Ulamog will always beat us no matter what we flip. Thanks for checking out the list, it's very nice to see a fellow Timesifter appreciator :)

fluffyeel on Yuriko, The Tiger’s Shadow

2 years ago

Ninjas are awesome: one of my EDH decks is a Yuriko deck that makes people "very happy". And it's a good start that you have! Some thoughts about things to add that vary in budget-friendliness:

amicdeep on Budget U/W Blink (Soulherder)

3 years ago

looking at this from a super budget pov there are a couple of cards i would seriouly consider

Flickerwisp has been printed into the ground and with soulherder on the field he gets rid of your opponents needed land, plainswalker or creature for the entirety of there turn. hes also a good card to flicker your own stuff and is a solid flying attacker. most importanly hes been printed into the ground the last few years and sits between 5-25 cents (if you run a couple flip lands like Umara Wizard  Flip or Skyclave Cleric  Flip and target them with the flicker effect it turns them back into creatures for some solid board advantage or as a combat trick with Ephemerate

Professor of Symbology with a wishboard of

1x Environmental Sciences, 1x Mascot Exhibition, 2x Reduce to Memory

can get you out of most situations reduce kills anything for good science means you can keep a 2 land hand with prof and not regret it and mascot is a solid wincon if the games gets grindy. also prof is a solid looter if you get all your wishboard cards and the whole paxkage is under $2 (i still use this in my $100 mono white flicker list, and the deck has top 3 a few time and this card is the decks stoneforge mystic and is defiantly the next best thing)

1-2 copys of Lavinia of the Tenth this is a hard lock with soulherder for many deck. and pro red and the deck having instant speed flicker spells card be very difficult for some decks to deal with.

Hallowed Respite may be worth running as a 2 off, its a flicker spell that pumps or taps down problematic blocker and can be done a secound time late in the game when you need the value the most.

if you can find it in the budget id try very hard to run 4 Reflector Mage its basically the reson to run blue (alongside soulherder) for none budget versions of this list, and ist much much cheaper that Skyclave Apparition

on the oust issue this may seem strange but it may be worth considering Baffling End for 2 resons, 1 it can be flickered by flicker wisp or similar to exile extra things. 2 they stay permanently exiled, i wont be ideal for every situation but may well work for some.

if your planning on upgrading to moder staple id recomed 2 copys of Winds of Abandon before path. 1 its a solid path effect. 2 in the mid-lat game its a one sided boardwipe and there for can take the slots for cleansing nova while being more useful (also its a boardwipe that exiles meaning if you have a soulherder on the field it can easily be a 5-5/6-6 after casting this)

the secound cards id upgrade is Skyclave Apparition its hands down the most powerful card im my $100 version of the deck and is often my best draw. this and a Ephemerate or soulherder and you basically have a board wipe

if you do end up running 4 path 2 winds, then it can be worth running Knight of the White Orchid which makes Glacial Floodplain or Irrigated Farmland worth running (they also work great with and trigger Port Town)

id also consdider adding a manland to your landbase. on a budget you have either Frostwalk Bastion, Faerie Conclave. if you have a little more then Cave of the Frost Dragon is probably worth the upgrade. and if you willing to spend a little more on a modern staple Celestial Colonnade is the cheapest its ever been in the history of the game $3.5/$4 ish and definatly worth 2-3 of.

hope one or two of these suggestions help a little

Tarnoduds on ...and then I target myself with Bojuka Bog

3 years ago

Hey! Here's a suggestion I've been giving to a lot of Sidisi players: There's 5 Zendikar Rising's creature-land MDFCs on Sultai colors and, if you feel like spending a little bit more, Dryad Arbor . In total, you could have 6 lands that mills as creatures to trigger Sidisi's abillity more consistently. It really doesnt matter if they fit the deck strategy or not, you can keep your land count and get your creature count up to 46! It could really instantly get your deck's consistency higher!

The MDFCs I'm talking about: Blackbloom Rogue  Flip, Glasspool Mimic  Flip (also, great for copying lords or other key-creatures late-game), Kazandu Mammoth  Flip, Umara Wizard  Flip and Tangled Florahedron  Flip (also ramps in early game for T3 Sidisi).

If you want, check my deck list! I'm always looking for suggestions to improve it!

My deck:

Sidisi Zombie Legion

Commander / EDH Tarnoduds


Tarnoduds on

3 years ago

Hey! Here's a suggestion I've been giving to a lot of Sidisi players: There's 5 Zendikar Rising's creature-land MDFCs on Sultai colors and, if you feel like spending a little bit more, Dryad Arbor . In total, you could have 6 lands that mills as creatures to trigger Sidisi's abillity more consistently. It really doesnt matter if they fit the deck strategy or not, you can keep your land count and get your creature count up to 51! It could really instantly get your deck's consistency higher!

The MDFCs I'm talking about: Blackbloom Rogue  Flip, Glasspool Mimic  Flip (also, great for copying lords or other key-creatures late-game), Kazandu Mammoth  Flip, Umara Wizard  Flip and Tangled Florahedron  Flip (also ramps in early game for T3 Sidisi).

If you want, check my deck list! I'm always looking for suggestions to improve it!

My deck:

Sidisi Zombie Legion

Commander / EDH Tarnoduds


Tarnoduds on Sidisi Self-Mill v3.0

3 years ago

Hey! Here's a suggestion I've been giving to a lot of Sidisi players: I've noticed you have a lot o taplands that dont really add anything to you beyound double-color generation. I'd replace 6 of those for all Zendikar Rising's creature-land MDFCs on Sultai colors and, if you feel like spending a little bit more, a Dryad Arbor . In total, you could have 6 lands that mills as creatures to trigger Sidisi's abillity more consistently. It really doesnt matter if they fit the deck strategy or not, you can keep your land count on 35 and get your creature count up to 44! It could really instantly get your deck consistency higher!

The MDFCs I'm talking about: Blackbloom Rogue  Flip, Glasspool Mimic  Flip (also, great for copying lords or other key-creatures late-game), Kazandu Mammoth  Flip, Umara Wizard  Flip and Tangled Florahedron  Flip (also ramps in early game for T3 Sidisi).

If you want, check my deck list! I'm always looking for suggestions to improve it!

My deck:

Sidisi Zombie Legion

Commander / EDH Tarnoduds


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