Wall Tribal

The obvious:

  • This is a Wall tribal deck using Arcades, the Strategist to let them all attack and deal damage based on their toughness. I don't have to explain that a 0/7 for three mana that attacks like a 7/7 is an amazing advantage.

The support:

  • Here is where every wall deck diverges. I went with 8 counterspells, a seemingly large number for a deck not really blue-control. The reason? I wanted to try something different to protect Arcades than the usual "slap on lightning greaves" and survive the game. Yea, sure, I still have a Swiftfoot Boots in there, but protection is not my real plan here. Just saving counterspells for anything that wipes out the commander is good. Since my Walls are so cheap to cast, I can recover faster than most decks from a traditional boardwipe (or if they're also fast it's like little 1/1 or 2/2 weenies not (effectively) 7/7 living walls.
  • My board-wipe strategy revolves around only killing things that won't affect me - like destroying all creatures over a certain power. I particularly like Wave of Reckoning as none of my creatures will off themselves, but a pretty solid percentage of others on the board will. So many creatures are even by design (like 3/3) or tilted to offense (like 3/2) that Wave of Reckoning is very effective.
  • High Alert and Assault Formation allow the plan to continue if Arcades needs to step out to the restroom or I am unexpectedly not able to counter an attack on him.
  • Kindred Boon is a great effect as most creatures in the deck are Walls.
  • Marble Titan and Meekstone are great for upsetting traditional-creature opponents.
  • Sunscape Familiar offers a handy discount.
  • Captured by Lagacs can deal with the most pesky commanders like those that are easy to re-cast or come back stronger each time.
  • Tower Defense is the ace in the hole, when an opponents feels OK, now i have enought firepower to come at the walls and do something about it and boom they each gain +0/+5 (which means +5/+5 in damage dealt). And then in addition to their creatures banging into your walls it will be their heads. And no one can get all mad b/c it isn't a pure mill or counter deck and is meant to flow with attacks and blocking and all the usual game play rather than make folks mad you're playing (oh no!) blue.


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93% Casual


Revision 6 See all

(1 year ago)

-1 Dissipate main
+1 Frozen Aether main
+1 Harmonize main
+1 Knighthood main
-1 Negate main
-1 Render Silent main
+1 Tatyova, Steward of Tides main
-1 Turn Aside main
Date added 2 years
Last updated 1 year

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

2 - 0 Mythic Rares

12 - 0 Rares

28 - 0 Uncommons

36 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.75
Tokens Emblem Tamiyo, Field Researcher, Treasure
Ignored suggestions
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