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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
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Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
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Quest Magic | Legal |
Tiny Leaders | Legal |
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Vintage | Legal |
Rules Q&A
Phylactery Lich
Creature — Zombie
As Phylactery Lich enters the battlefield, put a phylactery counter on an artifact you control.
When you control no permanents with phylactery counters on them, sacrifice Phylactery Lich.

DreadKhan on Phylactery lich: a Rule 0 …
2 years ago
I had a lot of fun using Phylactery Lich in my Artifacts deck, there are some pretty good black Artifact synergies like Syndicate Trafficker and Cranial Plating (especially worn by Vault Skirge or another Lifelinker) that worked fine in casual play. I also used Throne of Empires, Crown of Empires, and Scepter of Empires, which felt like a fun thing to be doing on the side that involved artifacts. They are small for a Commander effect requiring 3 cards, but you can use untap effects to an extent. You can also throw in tutors, there are even Transmute cards for those MVs in Black. I felt like the deck had a nice Vorthos thing going on, the Lich was hiring the Trafficker to find the Empires pieces so it could take over the world kinda thing. I liked to use artifact lands to make my Phylactery, but it was a huge non-bo that Darksteel Citadel didn't make Black, and in mono-Black you lose access to the Indestructible duals, a bit unfortunate your Lich isn't in Grixis or something.
SilencedDax on Phylactery lich: a Rule 0 …
2 years ago
I bring you the title's idea 'cause I talked with my playgroup to see if they would be fine with Phylactery Lich as a commander.
The advice I ask for is: What would you think it would be a great topic for this deck?
I have some ideas that I would like to shere with you:
A lot of Black pips theme , try to find a cohesive deck between cards with a lot of them, at least and more, like Phyrexian Obliterator, Necropotence and so on... and then Gray Merchant of Asphodel
Creature cards that have a special bond with an artifact, enchantment, creature or whatever to keep the Phylactery theme. This seems the most difficult to find!!!
Cards that destroy everything except the Phylactery Lich and it's totem, to remark the flavour that it is no easy to kill.
Some zombie synergies with our commander would be great, with out be a zombie deck, like Lord of the Undead or Call to the Grave.
permanents that start as artifacts and then flip, thanks to ruusuv, like Treasure Map Flip, Mirror of the Forebears, or Mirage Mirror
I dont want a Lich theme deck aroud the 3 Lich enchantments, even though it'd be really flavorfull, it's not the kind of game I enjoy the most. But some lich cards 'd be great like Lich's Mirror, Lich's Tomb and some lich creatures. And some card that do what liches does, like Drain Life, or Consume Spirit.
I try to avoid Exsanguinate and Torment of Hailfire 'cause I seen them many times, as well as any open enden black tutor.
What do you think? any other idea or card?
I'll do a public deck with this ideas and the ideas you give me so it could be a deck made by everyone!
Thank you!
All the ideas that we have share until now:
TheVectornaut on
Black Green (?)
4 years ago
It looks like your main goal is to stick a creature and then buff it as much as possible with +1/+1 counters. To improve the strength and consistency of the deck, I recommend cutting anything that isn't working towards that end (unless it's very efficient.) I'd identify those cards as Druid's Deliverance, Sundering Growth, Bountiful Harvest, Bump in the Night, Lair Delve, Blood Reckoning, Tablet of the Guilds, Primal Clay, Trestle Troll, and maybe Phylactery Lich (depending on how many artifacts you end up running in the end.) I'd also suggest swapping out Intimidation to stay modern legal, possibly with something like Bellowing Tanglewurm if you really really want the evasion. Your strongest cards that I'd want additional copies of are Abrupt Decay (budget permitting), Ring of Xathrid, Undying Evil, Slitherhead, and Death's Presence (assuming your meta is slow enough to run it.) It also looks like Tormented Soul is a critical piece that benefits the most from growing big, so having redundancy for it seems like a good idea. Changeling Outcast, Gingerbrute, and Silhana Ledgewalker could all be fine targets. For +1/+1 synergy, you have scavenge staples like Varolz, the Scar-Striped, Corpsejack Menace, and Lotleth Troll along with more general options like Polukranos, Unchained, Winding Constrictor, Hardened Scales, Hydra's Growth, Rishkar, Peema Renegade, Scavenging Ooze (which is particularly good in a sideboard), Drana, Liberator of Malakir, Hunger of the Howlpack, Forced Adaptation, and Llanowar Reborn. Finally, some cards I've had success with in graveyard-focused decks include Tragic Slip, Satyr Wayfinder, Grisly Salvage, Splinterfright, and Fauna Shaman. Let me know if you have any questions and good luck with your build!
FounderX on
Living Dead Girl
4 years ago
Hi there! +1, Zombies ftw!! As a Ghoulcaller Gisa player myself, I found that I was always short to make a lot of zombies because the creatures I sacrificed had too little power. I play The lord package, but to sacrifice the lords is of course a shame. You need beefy creatures to go wide. I implemented a few extra tools to beef up my zombies in total. A few suggestions;
Stoneforge Masterwork and/or Junkyo Bell, both cards have the effect of Coat of Arms, put it on a token, attack into one of your opponents then sacrifice it to Gisa.
Rotting Regisaur,Waning Wurm,Phylactery Lich,Soulless One,Vindictive Lich all zombies, high power, cheap cast, great fodder.
Phyrexian Reclamation is a must in this deck, there is nothing more fun then Gempalm Polluter three times in a row, you got plenty mana makers in your deck already to do that.
Non-zombie cards:
Ayara, First of Locthwain: Drain/Gain and card draw and more devotion for Gray Merchant of Asphodel. The 2/2 Zombie Tokens made by Gisa are black. Sacrificing a 10/10 token, will make 10 new zombies and 10 Ayara triggers.
Check out my deck 1-800-CALL-Ghoulcaller Gisa
shadow63 on How would you build Rakdos …
4 years ago
Artifact sac and recursion. I'd build it similarly to a daretti deck. And I'd finally have a home for Phylactery Lich
Tzefick on Velos, Traitor to Artifice
4 years ago
My last reply was made in a bit of a hurry, so I completely forgot to mention it's an interesting design and it would be cool with an artifact themed Commander. Like TypicalTimmy also points to, I like the functional part of himself creating a target for him to plant a phylactery into (the object the lich binds their soul to, to achieve immortality). It's a neat little packaged deal. In many fictional works, destroying the phylactery destroys the lich as it acts as the lich's actual mortal body (like seen on Phylactery Lich), so this is actually an even better lich - I like it.
If I were to suggest something for the lich style you want; I would still ditch the deathtouch + indestructible combo by removing the natural deathtouch, again just because it's a nasty combination that doesn't really take anything to achieve. I assume you still want the creature to be immortal so indestructible from having the phylactery cannot be the keyword to go.
From an interaction perspective I would not have the phylactery grant him hexproof too. That's just way too many defensive measures and a lack of interaction makes for an annoying/unpleasant experience. That's especially true for a Commander which can come back again and again.
I'm not sure what role you want the Construct to fulfill. Are you supposed to lean into it, make it big and use it as a giant beater? Are you supposed to just use it as an artifact for other purposes like sacrifice it or use it with Velos' ability? Is it somewhere in between? Right now I feel like you'll never want to make the Construct more than a 1/1 artifact you use to sacrifice or tap for the ability because of how costly it is for just a token. I wouldn't really do much to improve the quality of the token by granting it keywords but you could make the cost of making it bigger, less exhausting to pay.
A little flavorwise bewilderment; why is he a traitor to artifice? It looks like he creates artifacts and use them to keep himself alive while zapping others for life. He could be a traitor to whomever trained him or whatever organization he served.
Here's my take on your lich Show
abby315 on
Abzan Artifacts
4 years ago
This is an interesting idea and I love how aggressive it can be! I do have a few suggestions:
I think Feasting Troll King is just not good enough. It's not aggressive, so it doesn't match with your Phylactery Lich or Herald of Anguish starts, and it also doesn't give you long-term value like Tireless Tracker or Karn. It's just kind of a big dude.
I feel strongly that, instead, Herald of Anguish is a great end-game beater since it comes with card "advantage" and other good effects, and can come down much earlier than the King or can be part of a double-spell turn 4 or 5.
I'd suggest cutting the Troll Kings and just running four Herald. That would make you an aggressive midrange deck with the ability to be flexible and remove early threats, more like modern Rock.
If you do so, I think you'll want more early artifact plays. You're especially lacking two-drops. I'd suggest cutting Weirding Wood - now, you'll be ramping with artifacts instead - and adding Scrapheap Scrounger or Stonecoil Serpent.
Finally, I'm not sure about Gods Willing and Anguished Unmaking. Pioneer is really aggressive; around 30% of the meta is RDW and White Weenies, and another big chunk is the Inverter combo. Neither of those cards are good in those matchups. I'd strongly recommend running mainboard Thoughtseize or, if you can't afford those, Duress. For the other two slots, I'd recommend a painless removal spell, like Fatal Push.
For the sideboard, I think you'll want some anti-ETB cards for Inverter and Gyruda decks, like Tocatli Honor Guard, and also some early sweepers for the aggro decks, like Cry of the Carnarium.
I hope this helps and good luck!!
5dollarMTG on 5dollarMTG
5 years ago
This week's new deck is $5 Darksteel Lich - a mono-black deck built around Phylactery Lich and indestructible artifacts.
Have (1) | metalmagic |
Want (1) | superlucer |