Mirror Universe

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Oldschool 93/94 Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Mirror Universe


Tap, Sacrifice Mirror Universe: Exchange life totals with target opponent. Play this ability only during your upkeep.

jarncards on WALL STALL

1 year ago

If you're dead set on Celestial Convergence, Axis of Mortality, Mirror Universe, or the much worse Soul Conduit are probably entirely essential to your gameplan. They are also searchable with your signature spell

Moat, Magus of the Moat, and Blazing Archon, Mystic Barrier and Ensnaring Bridge are also good ideas for your pillow fort. Ghostly Prison is nice, but these effects are always better when multiplied. Windborn Muse and Norn's Annex are also good ones.

Cosmic Intervention and similar spells are probably good ideas too.

Relic Barrier and Icy Manipulator are best friends with Winter Orb and Static Orb

Solemnity instakills


Nyx-Fleece Ram is better than some of your walls, Daxos, Blessed by the Sun probably is too.

Dusk / Dawn is your best board wipe in my opinion. Also reanimates almost every card in your deck.

Renounce and Zuran Orb are good ideas to dodge mass removal or suddenly gain the life you need to win.

Add Reprieve. it is temporary, but it will allow you to dodge a counter, or you could use it to bounce your own about-to-be-countered spell back to your hand before the counter resolves.

Elixir of Immortality? might help against mill. not great though.

The One Ring costs life if you need it to draw, but pro everything is probably more than worth it, and the extra cards are likely to be as well.

Arthursb on MonoBlack - Devotion Control

1 year ago

Hello SufferFromEDHD and Profet93, thank you for the comments!

I have tried some of suggested cards, maybe it's worth to share the insights:

Having said all that, in the next update I'll add more creatures and Whip of Erebos in this deck to have more blockers and lifegain. I'm having issues to deal with voltron decks where the commanders reaches high power before I'm able to turn Erebos into a creature.

griffstick on UW Sting

2 years ago

Soul Conduit

Mirror Universe

Axis of Mortality

Reverse the Sands

These all seem like they are solid ways to drain life in UW in my opinion.

Profet93 on Traitor-in-Chief: Maga, Traitor to Mortals (MB)

3 years ago

Deserted Temple - Untap coffers, nkythos or thawing glaciers (for extra use/ramp)

Profane Transfusion > Soul Conduit. Splits the difference of 12 mana soul conduit (6 to cast and activate) and doesn't telgraph your plays. Also, Mirror Universe is worth mentioning given you have no budget, but I digress...

Rings of Brighthearth - Draw with top, extra activation of PW abilities. If you add fetches (that go well with top btw), you can use rings to ramp further. Lastly, Rings + Deserted Temple + Coffers = Infinite black mana. It's a bit of a stretch given your current list, but worth mentioning.

Necropotence > Underworld connections - Same CMC, can give you a major boost to give you best chance of finding the card/combo or tutor you need. It works very well with profane transfusion (or soul conduit for that matter).

Cavern of Souls - Naming commander. If you drop all your mana into it just for the blue player to say NO, then you're gonna have a bad time.

Imp's Mischief - As you only have 1 instant, opponents will know not to fear instant speed interaction. Be sure to keep them on their toes and bluff with mischief. It counters counterspells, and redirects targetted removal, draw, extra turns and more! So much utility.

Lili and Ob Nix walkers are both weak for their CMC and impact. I would swap with more draw or interaction.

Feed the Swarm - Enchantment interaction

Oubliette - Commander removal and watch black and red players cry. Or just regular removal

Hero's Downfall - Removal that hits walkers

Dismember - Cheap interaction

The remaining suggestions are less impactful but worth noting...

Mind Twist - Its random discard that also acts as counterspell bait.

Night's Whisper - Draw

Sign in Blood - Slightly harder to cast than above but can be used as such..... Necro to 1 life, profane transfusion, then cast sign in blood on opponent (night's whisper doesn't target but easier to cast)

Read the Bones - The ease of cast, scry 2 is nice. Although I'm biased since it was my first foil since coming back to MTG, again, I digress...

Syphon Mind - Lastly, potentially the best option. 4 mana, draw 3, each opponent discard a card. Dependent on # of opponents, fuels opposing reanimator, but usually a solid card.

I would love to hear your thoughts on each suggestion.

Lhurgyof on Syr Konrad EDH

4 years ago

Have you ever considered swapping life totals as a win-con?

Mirror Universe, Magus of the Mirror, Repay in Kind, and Soul Conduit come to mind. I use it as a minor theme along with Lich in my Greven deck, Endless Spite

t3hp00ky on AdNauseam EDH

4 years ago

Could you use Mirror Universe along with Lich as a way to insta-kill an opponent?

Profet93 on Back in Black... Suicide Black

5 years ago

Soul Conduit or Mirror Universe just for fun? Also +1 for using Imp's mischief and Withering Boon, those (aside from Chains) are my 2 FAVORITE black cards. Who doesn't love casting withering boon by yelling kamehaha in response to an opponent's commander?

Was gonna suggest Necropotence but I saw the above thread. Adding soul conduit is a way to make your deck weaker yet still synergistic if that's what you're looking for? Conduits been a pet card of mine and I LOVE suicide black!

Maybe find room for Thespian's Stage and Expedition Map ? Stage to copy coffers. Map to find urborg, coffers, boseju, etc....

I see now way for you to deal with artifacts and enchantments. Have you considered adding Ratchet Bomb , Blast Zone , Karn Liberated , Ugin, the Spirit Dragon , Nev disk, Oblivion Stone or even All Is Dust ? Adding at least one of these will give you an answer when you need it.

th3giv3r on The Toxic Deluge: Erebos, God of the Dead

5 years ago

Imp's Mischief is some real tech I am going to consider.

I actually did have Soul Conduit for a minute, but felt that, flavorfully, black and artifacts were a limited relationship. May reintroduce, though I kinda switched it out for Tree of Perdition . I mean, Mirror Universe is the ultimate, but, restrictions and all...

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