Juvenile Gloomwidow

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Juvenile Gloomwidow

Creature — Spider

Reach (This can block creatures with flying.)

Wither (This deals damage to creatures in the form of -1/-1 counters.)

Rorolith on itsy bitsy spider

4 years ago

As a lower curve, I would take out Blightwidow as you are not intending to win with poison counters and creatures with infect can only do damage in the form of poison counters. You could add in Sporeweb Weaver. I might also consider cutting Juvenile Gloomwidow and add Snarespinner as it is much more likely to outright kill flyer than to just die and give it a -1/-1 counter. I would also cut Kessig Recluse as you are trying to win mostly by using Assault Formation (I assume) and you already have Deadly Recluse and Basilisk Collar for the deathtouch protection. In its place Chainweb Aracnir and you will have a much more aggressive curve to swarm your opponent with and cast Arachnogenesis. You will probably need to add some card draw as well so that you don't run out of fuel. Harmonize or Lead the Stampede in place of Accorder's Shield will make it better. The reason I chose Accorder's Shield is because to bring it out and equip it the same turn will cost and so will bringing out and equipping Slagwurm Armor, but Slagwurm Armor gives more of a buff. The minor upside to Accorder's Shield is that you can drop all of your mana on a spider and then cast Accorder's Shield same turn.

CommandOmega on Scars

4 years ago

I'm sorry to say that your combo might not work. Illness in the Ranks seems to provide an anthem effect that doesn't actually put counters on creatures. It only reduces their power and toughness, which just hurts your own efforts. I think that you might want to take out some other cards as well so you can put some better ones in. Here are my suggestions:

Dusk Urchins and Castle Locthwain draws you more cards, and you can cast Unearth on it to bring it back as well as a bunch of other things. Devoted Druid is good for getting you more mana, and Utopia Sprawl is more efficient than Weirding Wood. Ammit Eternal is pretty good as well, as it gets you tons of value from your Hapatra, Vizier of Poisons and Nest of Scarabs. I recommend putting Scarscale Ritual into your sideboard since you don't have one right now. I get the feeling that you're trying to go for a budget build, but you might want to try to put in 4 copies of Overgrown Tomb in place of 2 Swamps and 2 Forests. If you don't want to spend the money on those, I suggest that you put in 4 Zagoth Triomes instead. You might also want to take a look at on Scryfall to check out other possibilities.

Burhan on The World Wide Web

6 years ago


Thanks for the suggestions! I origanally intended to put Ishkanah, Grafwidow in this deck. However, I felt that her delirium ability wouldn't trigger often. Spider decks with Ishkanah are usually graveyard decks with spiders such as Nyx Weaver. I am not that fond of self mill strategies, hence I left her out. I definitely want to add Juvenile Gloomwidow as it synergizes with Obelisk Spider and is a great 2 drop, but I don't know what to switch out for. Crumbling Ashes is a great card but again, I don't know what to switch out for.

hydrothermia on The World Wide Web

6 years ago

Welcome to Tapped Out!

You can have a lot more fun with this if add a few other cards, specifically something like Conspiracy to make everything a spider subtype. Ishkanah, Grafwidow, Frostweb Spider, Graverobber Spider, Juvenile Gloomwidow, Renowned Weaver, Penumbra Spider and Spider Spawning would be good additions to this. I'd also use Elves of Deep Shadow with your Llanowar Elves so you have another mana producer. You could also use Blowfly Infestation or Crumbling Ashes go with the -1/-1 counters.

lonely1 on

6 years ago

might i suggest Graverobber Spider. Obelisk Spider and Juvenile Gloomwidow might be okayish. Gloomwidow's Feast, Renowned Weaver, and Swarmyard might also be good for this deck.

Pelusosa on Spider Tribal

6 years ago

Thinking of potentially reducing the number of Obelisk Spiders and Juvenile Gloomwidows in lieu of more Nyx Weavers, Grisly Salvages, Gather the Packs, and Victimize to capitalize on graveyard shenanigans. Considering swapping Prey Upon and Naturalize for some number of Nature's Ways and Putrefys, although I really like having access to naturalize in casual. Don't know if I should add another one or two Arachnus Webs, if two is enough, or if I should remove them and the Arachnus Spinners entirely. Definitely looking to swap Vivid Grove and a Rootbound Crag for some Savage Lands.

I'm pretty torn about adding Assault Formation, Obelisk of Urd, and Spider Spawning.

Dango on Advertise your MODERN deck!

6 years ago

Hey Icbrgr

I really like your take on a Tibalt, the Fiend-Blooded deck. Making him viable was a task I have attempted once and failed miserably at. I understand your distaste in Delirium and Madness effects too because they are just terribly inconsistent since you're going to be discarding at random with Tibalt. However, I can't help but feel that something like Flamewake Phoenix could earn a spot in here. I know you want to keep the deck mono-red too, but Claim is a really fun card to recur your creatures. It's really funny when your opponent decides to take 4 from Vexing Devil and you follow it up with a Claim to bring it back.

Also Flyboarg,

Try to offer some advice on the previous deck before you post yours. First off, Tangle is not modern legal, so you should cut that and perhaps Fog would be an appropriate replacement. You can also cut down on some lands especially since you're running Birds of Paradise. Typically, sitting between 20-24 lands is a healthy number and I would recommend cutting Mosswort Bridge altogether as well as a single Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx since you don't want multiple copies of it in your hand considering it can't cast any of your creatures without already developing a board state, maybe add another Birds of Paradise in its place and then add forests for the rest of the lands. I don't think you'll need Evolution Charm and you can instead add more copies of Commune with Nature. You could probably get away with cutting Juvenile Gloomwidow altogether unless you feel like flying is a big issue in your playgroup/meta since it only really serves as a blocker, and if so just bump up your two-cost copies to playsets. Hope this helps!

Shadowdarkraity on The Touch Of Death From the Serpents

7 years ago






Ok, so at this point I have 9 things to remove from the deck, due to there not being enough space for the more important cards

1 Stinging Shot

2 Shamanic Revelation

3 Maybe Druids' Repository

4 Fume Spitter

5 Rendclaw Trow

6 Spinebiter

7 Chord of Calling

8 Juvenile Gloomwidow

9 Rot Wolf

Now if there are any different/more cards I should replace then let me know but I have a question about the ramp cards. So I know I am supposed to have around 8 but what counts as ramp? The list that I have is:

1 Commander's Sphere

2 Golgari Cluestone

3 Golgari Signet

4 Golgari Keyrune

5 Sol Ring

6 Devoted Druid (Also used for my combo with Quillspike

Now the two I have more questions about

7 Growing Rites of Itlimoc  Flip

8 Druids' Repository

So for the last two, do they count? I would assume so but I am not 100% sure. Seriously any help that anyone might have would be awesome. I would like to buy this deck to play at my card shop. On tuesdays they have a casual EDH night. So anything that might improve this deck would be awesome. (While staying on an under $200 budget)

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