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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Rules Q&A



Search your library for up to two basic land cards, reveal those cards, put one onto the battlefield tapped and the other into your hand, then shuffle.

Mortlocke on Commander Sliver Deck

3 weeks ago

Okay Twinships, lets start with the most important thing you must know about Slivers - and repeat after me: "Slivers are a sometimes food.". While they are amazing, and the more show up the more ridiculous the boardstate - you don't need all of them. There are times when you absolutely need room for other things like interaction, engines, you actual deck. First things first - Who is your commander? To designate a Commander for the list on TappedOut you need to tag the card with CMDR when editing your deck list. Depending on the Commander, choices and recommendations will vary.

As of now, your deck has no engines, interaction, or resiliency - all of which are needed as you seem to be suffering from the classic Sliver problem of poor table politics. So, lets start looking at some card recommendations:

  • Lurking Predators: You need an engine, and this is as good as any. It also plays into table politics as it disincentivizes other decks from popping off at best, at worst it gets your opponents focusing on it instead of your creatures.
  • Intruder Alarm: You need an engine, this one in particular is one of the usual suspects for slivers that help close out games. When Heart Sliver (or any other haste enabler) and Manaweft Sliver (or any other dork) are on the field you can at worst play your whole hand, and at best play your whole deck and close the game on the same turn. Just make sure you only play this when you can effectively end the game as it is an effect that benefits your opponents as well.

  • Worldly Tutor: You need tutors.

  • Sylvan Tutor: You need tutors.
  • Demonic Tutor: You need tutors.
  • Grim Tutor: You need tutors.
  • Guardian Project: You need card draw.
  • Dormant Sliver: This is an optional card draw suggestion as you need a reliable sac outlet to remove the Defender ability from your Sliver
  • Counterspell: You need interaction.
  • Mana Drain: You need interaction.
  • Strix Serenade: You need interaction.
  • Swan Song: You need interaction.
  • Kindred Dominance: You need mass removal to slow down faster players.
  • Blasphemous Act: You need mass removal to slow down faster players. This also combos very well with Spiteful Sliver as well.
  • Cyclonic Rift: You need mass removal to slow down faster players and have answers.
  • Consider the Talisman cycle: Talisman of Curiosity, Talisman of Dominance etc. You need more rocks and means of fixing your manabase.
  • Kodama's Reach: The Sister to Cultivate - you need as many options as possible to fix your manabase in this deck as you are running all 5 colors. 5 Color decks tend to run slow and inefficient if you don't invest heavily in the manabase and/or in many different options for color fixing. On that same note, consider Skyshroud Claim as it is also very similar in nature as long as you have lands with multiple subtypes e.g. Stomping Groundfoil or Breeding Poolfoil which are both Forests but also are other land types. Also on that note - get shocklands. All of them. If you can also afford it get the Kahns of Tarkir/Onslaught/Zendikar Fetchlands as well. An okay cheaper substitute for the previously mentioned would be the Mirage Fetchlands - but they're an incomplete cycle. Sorry for the tangent here.

Now, these are just a start to some suggestions and ideas for your deck. But we can't get started until you designate your commander. Then we can start cutting to make room. Are there any pet cards or ideas you have? Please share.

willmarkov on Aesi, Tyrant of Gyre Strait EDH

1 month ago

Andramalech appreciate the feedback. I like koma as well, had to start making some tough choices to slim down to 100. I should leave a few of the good choices on the maybeboard. Uro, Titan of Nature's Wrath seems interesting. Most of my additional land drops are tied to creature affects or things like Cultivate and Kodama's Reach. With a somewhat limited number of basic lands I'd be concerned with having too many options to Tutor out all my basics, then end up with dead cards. I could be wrong there though. Fastbond also seems like it could be a good addition. I had Growth Spiral and Farseek on an earlier list as well, just didn't end up making the cut.

Mortlocke on Gishath Spared No Expense!!!

1 month ago

Ah! You're right about that Roaming Throne! I missed that. Sorry for the wasted suggestion. Interesting philosophy regarding your commander getting combat damage - instead of trying to sneak by, you just hit them harder. Well i'm glad you're considering Finale of Devastation as it fits this ethos quite nicely. I do wonder about your deck's consistency though - have you ever found yourself needing to tutor for creatures? I see you're considering Worldly Tutor, what about Sylvan Tutor? Both place creatures on top of your library, so it synchronizes perfectly with your Commander's triggers. What maybe more ramp? There's Kodama's Reach, the sibling to Cultivate that you could also include.

Now lastly, this suggestion is very expensive - but why settle for Three Tree City when you could go for Gaea's Cradle? Gishath Spared No Expense, so why should you? Just hear me out - this card is indeed a game changer, and a very splashy one. You don't have purchase it, as you can proxy. But if that's not your style, I won't slight you. On the other hand if you have a full trade binder with some pricey goodies you could go to an LGS you trust and work out a deal. I've done something like this before and it's worked out for me. But again, this is a very subjective thing. If that doesn't seem appealing, you could also try Growing Rites of Itlimoc  Flip. It can help you get another creature in hand/filter the top of your library. What're your thoughts?

Mortlocke on A Pulverizer? Perrie the Pulverizer?!

2 months ago

Hi Baron777,

Just responding to your post here. I hope you don't mind. Just for my own understanding, I think you need to clarify what kind of decks you want to play against. When you say "This is designed as a fun 6-7 level deck that..." This tells me nothing. When discussing your deck I suggest following this prompt:

  1. My deck has a budget of...
  2. My manabase has the most efficient lands available/most cheap and slow utility tapped lands and tapped fetches/a mix between the two
  3. My deck threatens to kill an opponent between turns x and y/The most important turns for my deck are between x and y when my deck can pop off when doing z.

Based off of the previously mentioned cards in your post - namely Solemnity and Torpor Orb it sounds like your meta has a lot of particularly nasty control magic that can absolutely one card you out of a game. Therefore I suggest adding both more ramp and more interaction - you're in the colors for it:

In summary, I think your deck doesn't match what it's playing against. You need to have more consistency if you are going up against opponents who are going to completely lock you out of a game. To get that, you need to make sure you can target problem permanents as often as possible.

RiotRunner789 on Too slow for aggro, too …

2 months ago

I'd cut 2-3 lands for ramp such as Rampant Growth and Cultivate.

Find room for Simic Ascendancy. Growth counters and a Mana sink will help even if you don't hit the win-con often.

Kazierts on How Good is Atalan Jackal?

2 months ago

wallisface, once again I have to disagree with you. DemonDragonJ gave a good example of context where Wood Elves is actually pretty good. Gidgetimer actually was more on point when it comes to Commander ramp.

Chulane, Teller of Tales is a perfect example of a deck where Wood Elves is better than Cultivate. It's a deck that you basically want not just many creatures, but a critical mass of creatures. So, having ramp creatures actually provides more synergy than instant/sorcery ramp. You have to remember Wood Elves doesn't search only basic forest, it can also searh triomes, surveil lands and shock lands while having the sneaky benefit of not putting them tapped. Which means, if you cast with Chulane, Teller of Tales out, you can put a land from hand on the cast trigger, get a shock land paying the 2 life and have two mana available to make another play. However, as a sidenote, I think self-bounce is better than blink/flicker in Chulane, Teller of Tales as you can retrigger his ability.

I'm not exatlcy sure about it being good in Ghired, Conclave Exilefoil since it seems to want creature tokens specifically, but maybe it works.

wallisface on How Good is Atalan Jackal?

2 months ago

DemonDragonJ I feel like Cultivate has already been mentioned a ton of times here and is a better choice.

But in any case this is a question the internet already has a multitude of answers for - doing a 2 second google yields links like this and this and this.

Gidgetimer on How Good is Atalan Jackal?

2 months ago

Explosive Vegetation isn't a staple ramp card in commander. It is possible ramp in the lowest power of battlecruiser metas or a trap to inexperienced deck builders in any other meta. Even in commander you want your ramp predominately to be 2 or less mana with limited 3 mana ramp. Even then ramp at 3 should either: ramp multiple mana; be ramping you into something specific at 5 mana; or provide exceptional fixing.

This isn't to say that I have never run Explosive Veggies. I have and have also ran Skyshroud Claim. But most of the time there is no reason to run Veggies and the use case for Claim is decks with a mana dump in the command zone.

On the topic of Wood Elves; it may not be a worse Cultivate, but unless you are abusing the ETB or have a creature cast or ETB trigger you are also getting it IS just a worse Nature's Lore/Three Visits

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