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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
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Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
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Oathbreaker | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Canal Dredger
Artifact Creature — Construct
Draft Canal Dredger face up.
Each player passes the last card from each booster pack to a player who drafted a card named Canal Dredger.
T: Put target card from your graveyard on the bottom of your library.

NecroticTurtle on
Grenzo, Dungeon Warden | Budget EDH
5 years ago
Control_Train on
Feather Redeems Boros in EDH [Primer]
5 years ago
Styms - I’m glad you like the deck and I hope you have as much fun with it as I do! Thanks for the typo tip also, I’ll fix that.
proterran98 - Thanks for the compliment! I think you’d have to rebuild the deck in one of two ways for Sunbird’s, but I love the idea. You could either make the deck entirely (or a huge majority) one cmc, so that every spell is bound to hit something unless it’s a land revealed, or build your deck with a Birthing Pod type of curve with more lean into the lower cmc spells. You could definitely make it work I think, and it’d be fun as hell if nothing else.
Matticusrex - Sunforger has a place, but it is highly mana intensive and you need to build around it heavily. One card you would require for a Sunforger package is Magnetic Theft . Some other possible additions are Auriok Windwalker , Brass Squire , and maybe even Puresteel Paladin to cheat the equip cost. You also need tutors for Sunforger, of which there are four or five reasonable ones. Other cards that I think make Sunforger better are Mistveil Plains , Canal Dredger , Epitaph Golem , Junktroller , and Reito Lantern so you can reuse spells you get that would go to the graveyard. Another notable inclusion is Settle the Wreckage as a tutorable one sided board wipe.
I originally had it in the deck, and considered adding it back in recently, but the slot efficiency is poor for the value you gain. Why it’s in such a high percentage of those decks is likely because the top decks on here have or had Sunforger for a long time, and it feels like a natural conclusion, even though it isn’t upon inspection.
If the package itself weren’t so expensive (tutors alone likely costing $30-$70 for maximum efficiency) I would say try it and see for yourself. A problem I often ran into with Sunforger was that it took way more resources to get and hold up Sunforger that could have been spent progressing my board or doing something worthwhile. It is a powerful card, but not one that I think truly fits here, even in a storm build.
For example: if you can manage to get all 3 instant speed equip cards, 3 graveyard to bottom of library cards, and hold up the mana to do all this, you could theoretically Settle the Wreckage on each players turn in a pod, rendering you unattackable. However, Intimidation Bolt has a roughly similar effect for about a dozen less card slots and costing around the same mana to hold up for three turns in a row.
TLDR; wouldn’t advise Sunforger, but if you want to include it certainly can be played well If built around properly
As an aside, if you’re just using it as a tutor, and not trying to build around abusing it, it might be reasonable there just to find Teferi’s Protection, Boros Charm, or Angel’s Grace in a pinch. Even then, you’re investing 8 mana to cast one spell from your deck, and a further 5 for each other spell you get with it. Hope this answer is in-depth enough to help with your decision making.
avedium on
Jace, Self Milling Master (Oathbreaker)
5 years ago
Take a look at Traumatize , Fact or Fiction , Jace, Memory Adept , Fraying Sanity , Increasing Confusion , Bond of Insight , Duplicity and maybe Fleet Swallower .
Some nice combos with Tunnel Vision are Conjurer's Bauble and Canal Dredger . I believe you can ignore the drafting rules text (especially if you're playing casually).
Looking at some random cards on the database I saw Disciple of the Ring . Could be fun.
Those are all possibilities. I'm not particularly knowledgeable about self-mill.
Also, and I know many would disagree with this, but I have a soft spot for Fog Bank .
ubermaan on
Rakdos Walls
5 years ago
@SamsWrath - Thanks for the suggestions! Although those all would help the deck, I think the original list included things like Canal Dredger instead of noncreature artifacts since those creatures can be grabbed by Grenzo. I am considering Darksteel Pendant now though, as it would be stickier and maybe help recovery from board wipes.
CyborgAeon on
6 years ago
Hi, I played Shirei off the cuff a few times as I saw he was cute. But I like your niche view of using wiping artifacts repeatedly.
Have you thought about: Canal Dredger (lets you recur destroyed/hated out pieces) Coretapper + Magistrate's Scepter for an easy 3 card combo? Run Snow-Covered Swamp so you don't share mana with extraplanar lens (but only if you insist on using it) Blood Pet - extra mana every turn. Makes for faster shirei Skittering Surveyor and Skyscanner are both card advantage engines with shirei + sac outlet
Furthermore you should run The Tabernacle at Pendrell Vale , Mox Diamond , Mox Opal , Dark Ritual , Culling the Weak , Mox Amber (since your entire gameplan is focused around shirei being in play anyway), Chains of Mephistopheles vs decks with draw power, Contamination , Imperial Seal . Now next is for sheer faster wins. Ad Nauseam , Pitiless Plunderer can function as a semi- Phyrexian Altar , Demonic Consultation so that you can find your win conditions faster, Tainted Pact is another competitive level backup but requires the rest of the deck to be tuned around it.
When alliegance set drops I'd also recommend Priest of Forgotten Gods
This is clearly a pet-deck. Play it however you want. But honestly? You need to make room for Toxic Deluge , Lake of the Dead , Strip Mine , Wasteland , Dust Bowl . In stax black needs every advantage it can get. But building up until you have a critical mass of mana like with Exsanguinate / whatever is just unrealistic in a competitive meta. It's far too easily disrupted.
A Crucible of Worlds & some fetch-lands would go well. That way at least you'd be able to gain mana advantage turn by turn with almost no loss. Lastly, try running Meteor Golem - I've seen him be busted with Scarecrone and other recursion effects, but ymmv. Especially if you don't like using sorceress queen.
BMHKain on
6 years ago
(Revalation Epilogue)
landofMordor: I actually have several questions now I'm self cured of Void Winnower's Denial. Which of the following do you think is good?
Canal Dredger, Junktroller, or Epitaph Golem? (You stated Reito Lantern is of absolutely no use, so what about these 3?)
Pull from Eternity? Getting a card from exile is awesome; the only other time I've seen this is actually Riftsweeper...
Emancipation Angel? Cheaper than Ancestral Statue, has flying, & can be searched by my CMC 3 stuff. What's not to love?
I'd like your opinions about these heard tomorrow (Or Sunday.). Also, what do you think the best Lifegain card in is that's an Instant & <=4? You know, Repeatable Healing?
I'll be waiting.
Reduced card amount from 160 to 130. I hope this helps. Sad I couldn't reach 120. But can we still manage, landofMordor?
razorjack on
Splinterfright's Something-or-Other
6 years ago
litlamzetiv Thanks so much for your detailed suggestions. I can't believe I had forgotten about Lhurgoyf this whole time. Also, as far as Canal Dredger is concerned, I opted against them only because I couldn't find the card for play online. I knew about the other two you mentioned, but only after reading your comment (I think I'm starting to forget things in my old age.) Once again, thanks for the help, and I'll definitely be taking a look at your deck.
Warhammer39999 on
Splinterfright's Something-or-Other
6 years ago
Sorry, meant to put bullets to make examples easier to read:
- Bow of Nylea (grants deathtouch) -> Archetype of Finality
- Reito Lantern (fills library) -> Epitaph Golem, Junktroller, or Canal Dredger
- Ring of Kalonia (gives trample) -> Brawn
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