the objective of the deck is to capitalize off of instants and sorceries which are now the majority of the deck. their is a lot of synergy here. the one off spells might not look like much but they go a long way when combo'ed with any of the creatures. if i were to make any other changes i would probably remove some of the fatties and put a couple more spells in
--------------------------------------------- LANDS ---------------------------------------------
+1 Cascade Bluffs
-2 Island
-7 Mountain
+1 Riverglide Pathway
+1 Shivan Reef
+1 Spirebluff Canal
+1 Steam Vents
(better mana fixing)
--------------------------------------------- CREATURES ---------------------------------------------
(so I straight up went a dif direction with the creatures to stick with a theme)
+1 Birgi, God of Storytelling (the extra mana helps keep up the storm count)
-1 Chandra's Magmutt (too slow)
-1 Cinder Pyromancer (too slow/too much mana for effect)
-1 Cunning Sparkmage (too slow/too much mana for effect)
+1 Electrostatic Field (blanket aoe damage that combos off with low cmc spells)
+1 Firebrand Archer (blanket aoe damage that combos off with low cmc spells)
-1 Galvanoth (not really getting the best payoff since the spells are such low cmc now)
-1 Goblin Electromancer (spell cmc's too low now)
-1 Goblin Fireslinger (too slow)
+1 Kessig Flamebreather (blanket aoe damage that combos off with low cmc spells)
-1 Prodigal Pyromancer (too slow/too much mana for effect)
-1 Spear Spewer (too slow)
+1 Storm-Kiln Artist (mana)
+1 Third Path Iconoclast (we have a lowish creature count. the weenies help to protect us)
-1 Thornwind Faeries (too slow/too much mana for effect)
+1 Urabrask (this guy will wreak so much havoc. the extra mana helps with continuing the storm count)
-1 Vulshok Sorcerer (too slow/too much mana for effect)
+1 Young Pyromancer (we have a lowish creature count. the weenies help to protect us)
(this set up speeds us up and helps us ping better and farther reaching with the help of our spells. I kept some of the big guys in. I would maybe change some of them but they are cool and fun to play so who cares)
--------------------------------------------- ENCHANTS ---------------------------------------------
-1 Pyrohemia (would destroy our peeps too much)
-1 Quicksilver Dagger (kind of clunky, mostly making room for spells)
-1 Roiling Vortex (our spell copies would make us take 5 each time since it's each player and not opponent)
-1 Sigil of Sleep (would rather just kill them)
+1 Sorcerer Class (lvl 1 card draw, lvl 2 our tokens and untappable creatures give us mana to storm off, lvl 3 storming off. personally in most cases i would stay at 2 unless i had some good card draw on field)
-1 Thousand-Year Storm (a little slow can keep if you want but if you do i would then remove one of the big creatures)
--------------------------------------------- ARTIFACTS ---------------------------------------------
+1 Aetherflux Reservoir (cool storm combo, works with lifelinkers)
+1 Fellwar Stone (mana)
+1 Mind Stone (mana)
-1 Neko-Te (would rather just kill them)
-1 Staff of Nin (too slow)
+1 Thought Vessel (mana)
(the colorless rocks might not work super well but they are 2drops that help cast commander by turn 2 or 3)
--------------------------------------------- PW ---------------------------------------------
+1 Saheeli, Sublime Artificer (creatures from spells, clutch mana or equips if needed)
--------------------------------------------- SPELLS ---------------------------------------------
+1 Brainstorm (draw)
+1 Electrickery (strong effect for low mana. would only cast if commander is alive or weenies are on the field, or to activate a storm count, or untap a creature)
+1 Bonus Round (can set up huge turns)
+1 End the Festivities (same as electrickery)
+1 Mizzix's Mastery (game ender if you can double up on back to back storm turns)
+1 Preordain (draw)
-1 Red Sun's Zenith (our creatures do this way better)
+1 Serum Visions (draw)
+1 Smash to Dust (2 good options for cheap)