Storm Entity

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Storm Entity

Creature — Elemental


Storm Entity enters the battlefield with a +1/+1 counter on it for each other spell cast this turn.

lagotripha on Elemental combo

3 years ago

This feels like a cool idea.

I wouldn't be able to resist being a Heartless Summoning list (probably with a Myr Retriever loop) myself, but in mono red some stuff like Storm Entity & Brighthearth Banneret deserve consideration.

My biggest rec is Fossil Find - its ability to loop with itself is substantial before the utility of retrieving combo pieces is considered, and it fights through etb effects well.

nathanielhebert on Elemental Storm Pezzent! (10/12 Euro/$)

3 years ago

Ooh, I think I see what's going on here, Fossil Find , Runaway Steam-Kin , Storm Entity , etc! I imagine it can combo-off pretty devastatingly once set in motion — a clever idea!

I know you're working within budgetary constraints, but I just added Flamekin Village to my elemental build, for a bit more haste. Not sure if it's Modern legal however.

Frostfrenzy on The hottest dance

3 years ago

I sadly think this deck suffers from wanting too much high mana creatures. I'd try striving for some 1 to 3 mana value creatures that you wouldn't mind playing out more of. It would improve gameplay alot. Question is ofcourse, what of 4+ mana value to cut.. Let's see... Heck, if you have money a Dockside Extortionist would do great in this deck. Stuff like Dire Fleet Daredevil gives some added utility. Mogg War Marshal isn't too bad since you always keep blockers, especially if you have something like Goblin Bombardment to sac tokens. Storm Entity could be fun etc.

Tylord2894 on Elsha of the Infinite EDH v1

5 years ago

Hi, I was reading through your decklist and description and had a couple of suggestions that might make your deck run better. I too have made an Elsha deck and learned quite a bit about how to hone her; however, I will preface this with I made mine geared more towards cEDH, but these are just general optimization tips.

My core suggestion is that you don't need to win more. That is, once you've achieved your top combo and gotten your deck in hand, you should be able to win. Here's a short run down, on the board is a way to reduce your artifacts by (at least) . You can play Sol Ring then play another cost reducer. Let's say you now have Helm of Awakening and Foundry Inspector out. You can now play enough cheap mana rocks to play Jace, Wielder of Mysteries , draw a card, and end the game. In my experience, most playgroups don't like to sit there waiting while they know you can win. You don't need to worry about getting infinite mana with Saheeli and Urza, Lord High Artificer .

As for the focus on storm, you don't need it. Most storm-based strategies cast a bunch of free spells or get infinite mana to cast something big to end the game. Since you already have a way to close the game without having to worry about the storm count, it's not needed. I would suggest taking out the following:

There are also some more general optimization that I would make too. You are running some pretty inefficient cards like Oona's Grace . There are far more efficient card-draw spells. There are also several nonbo cards like Zetapla and Angel of Invention . Each card should be advancing you towards your main goal. They are not. Lastly, I would remove most of your instant /sorcery synergies, like Ral, Storm Conduit . Instants and sorceries make up less than 20% of your deck. Almost all of your pieces that combo with them will be duds for most of the game. These include:

If you're interested, take a look at my Elsha deck here.

Good luck, and I hope that you enjoy your deck!

lagotripha on Cards for Blue/Green Elemental

5 years ago

Temur elementals feels the way to go. It also gives access to Young Pyromancer which gets a little silly with reef.

Its worth looking at turns 1-2-3 and planning around that- elementals has amazing options;

Old spellslinger cards like Nivmagus Elemental , value like Voice of Resurgence , Flickerwisp and Mulldrifter , a blink subtheme with Shorecrasher Elemental , tribal cards like Brighthearth Banneret and Rage Forger , staples like Fulminator Mage , weird synergy/combo like Vesperlark / Reveillark or Necroskitter , a land animation subtheme( Wind Zendikon , Sylvan Awakening , etc), combo ramp in Soulbright Flamekin / Runaway Steam-Kin / Storm Entity , take over the game cards like Spawnwrithe , graveyard strats like Vengevine / Splinterfright / Thunderkin Awakener .

There is enough support for pretty much anything from control to aggro- it just needs a dig into what synergies you need and what supporting cards make that good.

SoggyWaffles777 on blistercoil weird

5 years ago

So in my opinion, Cerulean Wisps is a must have. Also, i have tried Turn Aside to get rid of pesky removal ( Path to Exile , Assassin's Trophy etc.), which works very well. The Cerulean Wisps just serves as a somewhat better Mutagenic Growth , and allows you to cast things like your Manamorphose . I run a sideboard of two Kiln Fiend , just in case they remove my Blistercoil Weird . Also Storm Entity just in case they can stop your Blistercoil Weird from attacking. also, Peek gives you insight into their hand to see whether you should combo or not. The dream would be if Gitaxian Probe got unbanned and then it would let this deck go off, but sadly, it is banned. The Crimson Wisps / Expedite are for if you get another Blistercoil Weird / Kiln Fiend later in your turn. I haven't tried it yet, but i think a couple of Faithless Looting are in order for those lands that you don't want in your hand. Last thing, have you considered Young Pyromancer , because i have them in sideboard and they can go pretty crazy.

Boza on Paper penny dreadful: dollar dreadful

6 years ago

I have a concern - how much cheaper is it compared to Pauper? The most popular Pauper deck on MTGO is UR Delver which is 130 bucks on MTGoldfish. Now the bulk of that comes from playing skred and a dozen snow-covered lands. You can halve the cost of the deck by playing Flame Slash.

The second most popular option is Rainbow Tron, which costs 65 bucks on MTGoldfish. So, if the most expensive decks in Pauper cost 65 bucks on average, a set of 8 decks will cost you at most 520 bucks on MTGoldfish. One of the most popular decks in Standard is Jeskai Control, which is 650 bucks on MTGoldfish.

So, for the cost of a competitive standard deck, you can buy 8 Pauper decks and a box of Guilds of Ravnica, plus meals from a fast-food chain for every participant, and organzie a pauper tournament yourself and have 8 decks that will never rotate instead of one that will be worthless in an year.

Finally, some challenges - suppose you create hte format, put all the legal cards in a Google spreadsheet, put everybody's decks in there as well and vlookup the cards versus the list. Nobody has any illegal cards, so you start the tourney. Turns out, a savvy player perused the list and found that Mind's Desire and Grapeshot are far less than a dollar, so he/she storms out everybody. Thus, these storm cards are now banned. next tourney, someone discovers that Temporal Fissure and Storm Entity are still super good and wins that tourney with a modified storm list. So, you ban all storm cards. Next tourney, someone notices Invigorate is 26 cents and builds infect, which kills everyone on turn 3. There are a lot of broken cards that are under a dollar, these are just the ones banned in pauper.

TLDR: The proposed format is cheap, but Pauper already is cheap. It turns out that 10 000+ cards are very hard to balance.

LikeSpider943 on Death Trigger Storm (BUDGET)

6 years ago

Hey asustec, thanks for the suggestions! I really like Storm Entity and will definitely put it in. I might main board one Impact Tremors just in case.

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