Rising of the Day

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vintage Legal

Rising of the Day


Creatures you control have haste.

Legendary creatures you control get +1/+0.

Hypersayia9001 on The infinite Narset

7 months ago

Might I suggest Rising of the Day as a strictly better Fervor? You get the haste, and Narset gets and extra +1/+0.

Xenephrim on Kykar kicks ass (Suggestions needed!) (Budget)

10 months ago

I would recommend dropping Vicious Shadows for Sorcerer Class. With Jeskai Ascendancy, it allows your tokens to repeatedly be tapped for mana to fuel spell chains.

Give 'em haste with something else, like your Rising of the Day and the new tokens you create will be able to assist as well.

Quickspell on Build a Deck with Me …

10 months ago

If I may add a few other notes to your thought process.

At this point, you are already on the track of using known combos and putting them into a Naya shell. There are many other combos that can go with this, you just need to tutor for them.

Note that haste is an important aspect to this. Zealous Conscripts is much better than Hyrax Tower Scout or Sparring Mummy for this reason, even though both have cheaper mana value. Without haste, your million tokens will just be board-wiped. You could argue for redundancy, but the truth is that tutors and recursion such as Eternal Witness and Skullwinder are much better, because they add to your strategy with more flexibility.

Most creature tutors are green non-creature spells that search for green creatures. However, you want to keep the amount of non-creature spells low, because Ghired's ability doesn't apply to them. But there are some great tutors that can help you find your pieces:

Most of these cards use ETBs. If you can give them haste - ideally with creatures - you can cast them, make use of their ETB, and directly tap them with Ghired for value. Anger comes to mind, Hellraiser Goblin is great (you won't be attacking, because you are going to tap your creatures with Ghired), Yarus, Roar of the Old Gods can be okay. As for non-creature spells, you have Mass Hysteria, Concordant Crossroads, Fervor, Rising of the Day. Though I would probably only consider Hammer of Purphoros as it can create tokens.

As for the token doublers, I'm not sure if they really fit the deck. Sure, they are staples for token strategies. But what's the point of making infinite tokens go double? Mondrak, Glory Dominus and Ojer Taq, Deepest Foundation  Flip will put a bounty on your head which is not a good thing in a combo-deck. You want to stay under the radar until you can go off.
Mondrak only doubles creature tokens, so you are not making more treasures. And the other doublers like Anointed Procession, Parallel Lives etc. will not tap with Ghired. Since you also want to put in all the other Naya-staple enchantments like Smothering Tithe and Guardian Project etc., you will just fill your deck with non-creatures that don't synergize with your commander.

Some cards worth mentioning are:
- Illusionist's Bracers - Cloudstone Curio (create a creature token, return a creature with an ETB to your hand). - Helm of the Host

Hypersayia9001 on Kykar kicks ass (Suggestions needed!) (Budget)

10 months ago

As a general addition, it always helps to keep your win condition in consideration when deciding on what cards you want to use in a deck.

Looking at it as is, I'd say you primary goal is to storm out your board with tokens form the likes of Young Pyromancer, Third Path Iconoclast and Kykar, Wind's Fury themselves, using the spirits Kykar gives you to help fuel a storm off.

This in mind, I think you'd actually want at least another full-board haste granter like Rising of the Day so you have an easier time swinging out when you go through a turn building a board state, and a few more 1 mana red cantrips like Expedite

Icbrgr on Lords or Buffs?

1 year ago

Rising of the Day is kinda a lord... and haste?


1 year ago

Hi there, happy to see another Isshin player. I've been playing Isshin since he debuted, but more so as a tokens go-wide deck. Regardless, I do have a few suggestions, based off your primer description and to try to fit your theme:

  • Conjurer's Mantle could be a decent fit to both your equipment and Samurai subthemes, and also works with Isshin's attack trigger.

  • Goblin War Drums or Rising of the Day could be potential replacements for Crash Through. War Drums will help give you some evasion for your attacker(s), and Rising can add a bit more speed to which you can attack.

  • Since you already have them in your Maybe Board, you could maybe replace Sword of the Animist with another mana rock like Talisman of Hierarchy, Talisman of Conviction, Talisman of Indulgence, or Fellwar Stone. I played Sword of the Animist quite a bit, but it felt slow for what it can do with Isshin, since you have to pay 4 total mana to cast and equip it, then attack. It requires more set up than a straight up mana rock, if you're looking for more early game velocity.

  • Similarly, I think you could probably replace Commander's Sphere and/or Boros Locket with some of the mana rocks I mentioned in my bullet above. The activation cost on Boros Locket is kinda color-intensive for a 3 color deck, and at that point is essentially 7 total mana to draw 3 cards.

  • I'd recommend checking out Soul Partition as a potential replacement to Dispatch. Soul Partition can hit a variety of targets, and also double as protection for one of your creatures.

  • I think Carmen, Cruel Skymarcher or Sun Titan could be potential swaps for the Rakshasa, mostly because they open up your options for Recursion, and both work with Isshin.

  • It's a newer card and pricier card, but Roaming Throne could be an option to get even more triggers out of Isshin and your other Samurai.

  • Captain's Claws, Inquisitorial Rosette, Anduril, Flame of the West, and Anduril, Narsil Reforged are all excellent equipment options for Isshin.

  • Although they are a bit group-huggy in certain regards, Breena, the Demagogue and Karazikar, the Eye Tyrant are both pretty fun draw options for Isshin. Karazikar would also be helpful to turn some attention away from you, and Breena can help grow your board.

  • Lastly, Dolmen Gate and Reconnaissance are both awesome board protection effects, especially for a deck ore reliant on single attackers. Reconnaissance can protect your attacking board from unfavorable blocks, and act as a pseudo-vigilance anthem. This EDHREC article dives into a bit more detail into how the timing works for removing your creatures from combat. Reconnaissance is also discussed in a recent episode of EDHRECast.

I hope these suggestions are helpful. I'm down to discuss more suggestions if you're up to it. Best of luck with your deck and its future games.

CommanderNeyo on These Hands Rated S for Speed

1 year ago

Howdy! Note that you cannot use Archangel of Wrath, because although it is a white creature it has black in its color identity because of the {{b}} kicker cost.

Have you considered adding Sol Ring, Boros Signet, and Talisman of Conviction? They are excellent mana options.

I also would consider adding (2) more lands - your commander is (5) mana, so you want to make sure you can cast her.

Also, giving Karlach haste will speed up the gameplan - consider cards such as Lightning Greaves or Rising of the Day. I especially recommend Rising of the Day, because it also gives your commander +1 power - so you can one-shot a player every turn with commander damage.

You have a generally high average mana cost for the deck, so I would consider removing some of the higher cost cards or add more ramp, such as Worn Powerstone and Thran Dynamo.

I would consider removing Earth Tremor and replacing it with Swords to Plowshares. Generally you want your removal spells to be around 1 or 2 mana, so that you aren't spending all the mana in your turn just to remove one threat.

I would also consider updating the lands you have - there are lots of cheap lands to consider, such as: Command Tower, Needle Spires, Battlefield Forge, Temple of Triumph, Clifftop Retreat, Boros Garrison, Furycalm Snarl, Wind-Scarred Crag, Sacred Peaks, Boros Guildgate, Alpine Meadow, Stone Quarry, Rustvale Bridge, and Lorehold Campus.

Hope this was useful!

Lightningbolter on

1 year ago


Thanks for all this, one of the best parts of brewing is talking about the brew and you're helping me a lot with this.

Yes i like Rising of the Day better than Emblem of the Warmind I just found Emblem really, I didn't know a similar effect existed.

Myriad is quite nice with isshin I haven't looked at all the options with it tho, I do like Elturel Survivors quite a bit better.

Ankle Shanker was one of my first pics for this deck actually, deathtouch and first strike is one of the most lethal combinations of keywords I can think of lol, Pyreheart Wolf was just a put it in to fill the slot so to speak, I like Kaya, Geist Hunter will slot in perfectly for a few reasons, Vault of the Archangel is a rather useful utility land definitely in consideration.

Lightning Runner will definitely have a bullseye on his back as soon as he hits the board, so if the deck doesn't get to pricy with it Aurelia, the Warleader I'll definitely add her.

Dolmen Gate and Clever Concealment are definitely something needed and will be on the list of things to add.

I love Firemane Commando she's definitely going in the list, she draws and potentially keeps heat off of me while she lasts, Chivalric Alliance and Minas Tirith are good cards I may add them later, as of now I like my instant/sorcery draw cards as they don't require anything to draw and they're a good bit cheaper (money wise) than the ones you recommend, but they are nice.

I was thinking Signets would be better than more land as you can only play a land a turn but Artifacts can be played more than once adding to isshin getting the ball rolling faster, how many lands would you have?

Didn't even think of effects like Impact Tremors with the tokens, I wasn't quite sure how they'd work with Adeline, Resplendent Cathar and Myrel, Shield of Argive but absolutely adding those type of effects now lol.

Which instants/Sorceries would you cut? Because I was going to do the same but I can't decide on a proper ratio of target removal, draw etc.

And yes all this info is a great help to me, keep it coming if you want I'm loving this, amd thanks again.

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