Incremental Growth

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Incremental Growth


Put a +1/+1 counter on target creature, two +1/+1 counters on another target creature, and three +1/+1 counters on a third target creature.

Optimator on Jurassic

4 years ago

Your list looks pretty good so far! Solid ramp, but your land-count seems a bit low. The conventional wisdom is that 37-38 lands is the sweet spot. If you have a extremely low curve or lots of low CMC or one-mana rampers (Llanowar Elves, Wild Growth etc) you can go lower. I almost always run 36 lands; it's just what I do. Anyway, dinosaurs and your commander are expensive so you might want to bump up your lands a bit. Gishath has a huge target on her head so you should expect and plan to recast her over and over. I know from experience; my brother has a Gishath deck and it's terrifying: Dig Up Her Bones check it out and up-vote it if you have the chance!

You're a bit light on removal, but that's actually quite normal for such ramp- and creature-heavy decks. Just the way it goes. That said, you might want to squeeze in Swords to Plowshares and/or Path to Exile. Not only are they just good, but--as you pointed out--Polyraptor and Marauding Raptor draw the game unless you have a way to instantly stop it. I suppose Collateral Damage and Momentous Fall help there, but the latter is pricey (mana-wise) and might not work.

You may want more creature tutors or Enlightened Tutor IF you want the Polyraptor stuff to be a major strategy. If it's just something fun in the deck to stumble upon then more power to ya. If you do consider it a core tactic then perhaps adding Purphoros, God of the Forge and/or Impact Tremors to go with your Warstorm Surge would make it more reliable and prevent the game drawing with Marauding Raptor. Might not be worth the slots though. Gishath stompy works fine as-is!

You have a lot of great utility cards, but you may be a bit heavy on them. If you're looking to free up slots perhaps look there. I wouldn't drop any creatures in a Gishath deck. You have a very solid amount of card draw and card advantage, which is actually kind of impressive for a beginner deckbuilder! Good job!

Personally, I would cut Coat of Arms and Door of Destinies. You're not going wide enough to make them as impactful as they can be. A bit win-more, as opposed to an actual win-condition. Incremental Growth is solid but one of your weaker cards. Priest of the Wakening Sun is a bit on the weaker side too. I don't hate it, but if you're looking for another cut you could do worse.

All in all you've got a great thing going. Gishath is fun on a bun. Play some games and note which cards get stuck in your hand.

TheCDC on

5 years ago

Gladehart Cavalry and Sandsteppe Mastodon don't seem to be doing a lot for you. In low budget games grind is the name of the game and you're severely lacking in draw power. Even something simple like Lead the Stampede can push you ahead in the game. Camaraderie is likely 10x better than either Biogenic Upgrade or Incremental Growth.

Other options include Duskwatch Recruiter  Flip, Vivien's Grizzly. Mana outlets like this help you pull ahead when everyone else has either dumped their hands.

Evolutionary Escalation can also easily replace any or your more synergy based +1/+1 counter generators and your commander has a super secret mode of stealing the counters from the opponent's creature.

Evolving Wilds and Terramorphic Expanse are also suspiciously missing.

ZendikariWol on Atraxa +1/+1 counters for critters

6 years ago

Okay so the main problem here seems to be focus. Yeah your curve is bad, but usaDiabetic said enough about that. Imma talk about cards. Also I'm linking my deck at the bottom of this comment because it's very similar. Borrow what you will.

There are a lot of cards in this brew that I looked at and just thought 'what are you doing here'. Whether they didn't fit the theme or were just outright bad, these are some cuts I might suggest for taking USA's and my advice into account.

Crystalline Crawler. It feels kind of useless. Like, what is it there to do? It's either a subpar mana rock or a weak attacker/blocker.

Guardian of the Gateless doesn't interact with +1/+1 counters, is 5 mana, and really isn't great in general. Either you block a bunch of stuff and it dies or you just use it as 2 blockers, and there are much better things to do with 5 mana.

Majestic Myriarch, while powerful, is not a card for this deck. Once again there is the lack of interaction with counters and also it's just a big dumb creature with a lot of keywords. At 5 mana? Not worth it.

Noosegraf Mob will die far too quickly for any counters to be placed on him. In commander I'm casting 5 spells every turn by the time you're casting this guy.

Reflector Mage, while a good card in general, has no place in this deck. Once again, why is it here?

The same is true for Reveillark.

And for Vizier of the Menagerie.

And for Nissa, Steward of Elements.

And for Haunted Cloak, Inspiring Statuary, Panharmonicon, Paradox Engine, Approach of the Second Sun, Migratory Route, Nissa's Pilgrimage, Spitting Image, As Foretold, and Ancient Excavation. All of these are good cards, some really good, but their are other decks that could utilize them better. They're just goodstuff in this deck, where elsewhere they could really be something!

Incremental Growth nay not be worth it for 5 mana. There are much better plays for that cost.

If you want board wipes for creatures I would suggest Wrath of God and/or Divine Reckoning rather than Sublime Exhalation?

And once again, after you put in some ramp, I have a ton of suggestions for replacing suboptimal cards here. If you'd like me to go into more detail on specific all-stars I will. If I came off as really harsh I'm sorry, this actually looks like one of the first commander decks I ever built myself so I felt like I had to comment, for nostalia's sake. Thanks for bearing with me through this behemoth of a comment, and happy brewing.

Guys... We're Gonna Need More Dice

Commander / EDH ZendikariWol


JoeNathan37 on Too Many +1/+1s

6 years ago

I was about to comment that you look short on lands then I realized you’re actually just short on cards in general. In case you’re new to Commander/EDH (if that’s the case welcome, I hope you enjoy your stay in the best format in MTG) usually for lands in an EDH deck you want somewhere between 35-39, depending on the deck. I usually start with 37 or 38 and take some out or add some in as I feel like I need them.

Quick disclaimer: I haven’t ever played with an Experiment Kraj deck so I’m not likely to be super helpful but I’ll do what I can. I would recommend going around this website some more and/or EDHrec to find some ideas. EDHrec in particular has been invaluable for me in the past, I would really recommend checking it out.

Incremental Growth could be great here as a way to spread counters around and get Kraj access to some more abilities.

Morphling and AEtherling could also be amazing, as they both could get Kraj some protection once he gets their abilities and they have a wide range of other abilities which could prove useful.

Asceticism, while it may be a bit expensive, is very nice as a way to protect Kraj and all of the creatures that have counters on them.

Oran-Rief, the Vastwood is another way you could get counters on things.

Hadana's Climb  Flip is yet another way you can spread counters around, and while it’s flip side may not always be super useful here its front side definitely would be.

Pretty much all green decks in EDH should have Cultivate and Kodama's Reach, as well as Rampant Growth or whatever other ramp spell tickles your fancy.

You may want Commander's Sphere as a replacement for Simic Cluestone (or you could just put it in too if you want) since it is effectively a direct upgrade.

A land all non-mono color EDH decks should have is Command Tower. It’s an always untapped dual land that doesn’t cost thousands of dollars and should be in pretty much all decks that have more than one color.

Murkfiend Liege (and Seedborn Muse if you’re willing to spend a little more, although it’s definitely worth it for untapping lands) could be pretty nice as well, as untapping Kraj on everyone else’s turn could be devastating.

I hope some of these ideas helped you. Even if they didn’t I would still recommend checking out EDHrec, it is incredibly helpful and a great resource. Good luck with your deck!

Em9500 on WE ARE HEROES TONIGHT!!!! Dimir Heroic

7 years ago

I would recommend cards like Centaur Battlemaster and Staunch-Hearted Warrior plus some buff cards like Dragonscale Boon or Incremental Growth. Basically, you should add green

Hexaflexagon on Got Enough Life Bruh? Ajani's Wardens

7 years ago

Just in case, if you don't have counters on everybody, as a last resort, try Oath of Ajani and Incremental Growth. To make up for less land, you can add Rishkar, Peema Renegade as it works quite well for your deck(I think).

Hyperalgialysis on ROX Mervolk

7 years ago

Incremental Growth Hunt the Weak. Ich spreche kleine deutsch es tut mir leid

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