Ignite Memories

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Ignite Memories


Target player reveals a card at random from his or her hand. Ignite Memories deals damage to that player equal to that card's converted mana cost.

Storm (When you play this spell, copy it for each spell played before it this turn. You may choose new targets for the copies.)

Islingr317 on Raining Lava

1 year ago


  1. I Missed the word permanent

  2. probably correct unless i move to a build more focused around Goldspan Dragon

  3. Ignite Memories seeps like a good way to get a storm kill with a lot less spells

  4. oooooh time to see about shifting to a Goldspan focus

  5. doubles cast triggers and it disrupts opponents interaction

  6. most of the time when im winning it will be in my turn and its there to protect my "combo" turn

  7. correct

  8. correct again

  9. use it on enemy permanents that red can't normally deal with (enchantments)

thefiresoflurve on Raining Lava

1 year ago


So, for prioritizing cuts: I'm starting with anything > 1 CMC, since your 1 CMC instants/sorceries are free. Next, I'm thinking of anything that doesn't synergize with instants and sorceries.

Defiler of Instinct - pretty self-explanatory: only interacts with red permanents.

Professional Face-Breaker: Combat damage isn't what this commander/deck/Storm does. For this reason, I'd also drop all 3 of your Battles. Your other opponents certainly aren't going to help you get Invasion of Karsus  Flip to flip.

Ignite Memories: can go. There are better ways to deal damage to players, most of which are already in here.

Goldspan Dragon: this could almost work, but I don't think you have enough instants that target creatures. It's also a bit too tempting of a build around in the 99, IMO. (With it and Urabrask  Flip, you can target it with 2 CMC spells and break even...)

Possibility Storm: am I missing something here?

Price of Glory - depends on how much blue you face, I guess. I wouldn't run it in a deck built around Storm or Instants, but YMMV.

Sunbird's Invocation - just horribly overcosted for what it does, IMO. For comparison, Approach of the Second Sun is 1 more mana to literally win.

Caged Sun - seems like overkill with your commander doing what it does, and probably vastly too slow at 6 CMC.

Helm of Awakening - you barely use generic mana here. I get the feeling this would benefit you least in most matchups.

Liquimetal Torque - ? Yes, you Have Galvanic Blast. Is there anything else I'm missing here?

Hope that helps, GL and happy building!

Daveslab2022 on Doubling Cube instead of Mulligans

2 years ago

Let me put it this way:

If you asked a bunch of tournament level players what their favorite/most memorable professional mtg match is/was, 90% of them will instantly mention this timeless classic:


This is game 4 of a BO5 match in the semifinals of a major tournament. The person who wins the game was on a mulligan to four, and both players were playing the Dragonstorm combo decks. The losing player cast Ignite Memories with 5 copies. The winning player BARELY scrapes by with the exact perfect reveals from the ignite memories to survive the turn, and win the game on their following turn.

Magic is a game of luck and variance just as much as it is skill. The fact that this insanely lucky win is almost unanimously regarded as the best/most memorable moment in professional MTG is a testament to this.

Necrosis24 on Background pairings

2 years ago

I like the idea of a Lulu, Loyal Hollyphant and Clan Crafter as a modular deck. This lets you go wide or kill with commander damage as Lulu has built in evasion. Originally I wanted to build Barrin, Master Wizard but it is hard to justify that price tag.

Volo, Itinerant Scholar and Haunted One mill deck utilizing Changelings and Cloudstone Curio to build up the creature count. Then you will draw a bunch of cards and with Psychic Corrosion in play you can mill for tons. You can also take advantage of Kindred Discovery and Altar of Dementia. When you activate Volo's ability Haunted One will be active so you can sacrifice your changelings to the Altar of Dementia to mill. Then they will return due to undying which will trigger Kindred Discovery and draw you cards to trigger Psychic Corrosion. And then you can sacrifice your changelings to Altar of Dementia once again.

Faceless One + Shameless Charlatan I just think is a funny theme for a clone deck.

Durnan of the Yawning Portal + Popular Entertainer or Passionate Archaeologist (which is his paired background). But instead of using him as a cost reducer for big creatures you would run either small artifact creatures or small creatures in general so you will be paying 0 to 1 mana for each creature. Ideally with multi combat you can get a ton of creatures exiled then cast them all for free or cheap on one turn. This will build the storm count in which you can cast something like Ignite Memories or Volcanic Awakening to close out the game.

Honorable mention for Abdel Adrian, Gorion's Ward because he makes Settle the Wreckage a fantastic ramp spell with no consequences.

legendofa on Card creation challenge

2 years ago

Sanctified Tomb Warden

Creature - Skeleton

Double strike

Whenever Sanctified Tomb Warden deals combat damage to a creature, it gains indestructible until end of turn.

Spells and abilities your opponents control can't cause cards to leave your graveyard.


It's a skeleton with a purpose in life.




Target opponent reveals a card at random from their hand. Mindseize deals damage to that player equal to the revealed card's mana cost. Repeat this process until all cards have been revealed or cards with a total mana cost of 8 or more have been revealed.

And I realize halfway through that I slightly modified Ignite Memories, and it's kind of clunky.

Same challenge. Make a card like Tasha's Hideous Laughter, where it does something until a mana value condition is met (THL mills until 20, so don't use those, if possible.)

And I get ninja'ed while de-ninja-ing.

jamochawoke on Dragon Stone

3 years ago

Ah the ol' thrum thrum! I can see how that can be big.

3x38 is only 114 though, so wondering how you'd kill off a 3x40=120 typical pod table (usually with a lifegain player in there somewhere) in the same turn?

Could probably drop 2 lands to add 2 more Dragon's Approach or even better one of the spell doubling artifacts or Pyromancer's Gauntletthat you can tutor out like Spellweaver Helix, Mirari, Twinning Staff, Pyromancer's Goggles or a storm finisher like a Grapeshot or Galvanic Relay or Fiery Encore or Ignite Memories or something?

Or maybe Feldon of the Third Path to copy out Hoarding Dragon from the yard?

Hardhitta7 on

3 years ago

I can’t add too much to what nathanielhebert suggested, they got to pretty much everything.

The rituals will really help with the storm count as well as some cantrips. Manamorphose is a must have in storm, free storm count and replaces itself.

I would replace the frogs with more Moment's Peace or Commencement of Festivities .

I would cut the Nature's Spiral completely. And Past in Flames would be better than Call to Mind .

Things that cheapen your instants/sorceries would help a lot too like Goblin Electromancer or Baral, Chief of Compliance . If you don’t want creatures you can run Primal Amulet  Flip or Jace's Sanctum .

Aria of Flame is probably better than Red Sun's Zenith . Maybe better than Ignite Memories depending on what kinda decks your facing.

Inforussle on Storm Commander

3 years ago

Consider Adding

Isochron Scepter : Infinite mana and infinite storm with Dramatic Reversal , however you don't have many 2CMC spells to support it otherwise

Mogg Maniac , Spitemare : More Stuffy Doll -like effects if you find you're needing redundancy

Silence or Grand Abolisher : Protection from the blue player during your storm turn

Desperate Ritual , Inner Fire , Pyretic Ritual , Seething Song : More mana-positive cards if you don't like the few you have already

Mystic Gate , Cascade Bluffs , Rugged Prairie , Skycloud Expanse : Its easy to fizzle the storm turn by having mana in the wrong colors; filters can help ease that

Remand : can act as either a last-ditch counterspell, or you can hold priority -> Grapeshot -> Remand -> pass priority -> Grapeshot to get more work out of your stormcount

Consider Removing

Brainstorm : You don't have much shuffle in this deck which can lead to not seeing new cards for 2 draws; you can leave this in if you're confident you can shuffle/scry the new top-cards away

Ignite Memories : 5CMC (imo) is a lot for the end of a storm-chain; your other payoffs may have smaller damage amounts, but are easier to weave into the storm turn

Brass's Bounty : Very expensive CMC card for storm; I can only see it paying off if you can cast it with copy which is a bit of an ask

Mind's Desire : Similar issue to Ignite Memories , having to keep free for the end of your storm-turn will really hinder you; it may be better to use that mana to add more to your count for a cheaper CMC payoff

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