Goblin Ruinblaster

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Goblin Ruinblaster

Creature — Goblin Shaman

Kicker (You may pay an additional as you cast this spell.)


When Goblin Ruinblaster enters the battlefield, if it was kicked, destroy target nonbasic land.

Grind on I get punched

4 years ago

Spellgorger Weird seems out of place.
what about Dwarven Miner or Goblin Ruinblaster or Orcish Settlers or Detritivore or Goblin Settler?

if you like the +1+1 counters there is always Taurean Mauler

RNR_Gaming on Numot, Destroyer of Lands

5 years ago

Dingus Egg and Goblin Ruinblaster . They fit the theme but their power level is lower than the cards I suggested.

DoIStillLoveIt on

6 years ago

I have really enjoyed seeing you play your deck on MTGMuddstah. Have you considered Comet Storm, Canopy Surge, and Molten Disaster? It seems that Hallar is really good at nuking all opponents, so effects like these three can hit all of your opponents while also triggering Hallar, plus they can usually survive the Disaster, too.

Goblin Ruinblaster, Joraga Warcaller, Overload, and Verduran Emissary are all strong kicker cards that seem worth testing as well. I love the strategy of focusing on +1/+1 counters and just using the good kicker spells, but maybe you could swap out some of the more situational cards, like Unstable Footing and Sporeback Troll?

Great deck, love the strat.

xyr0s on Best colors for a "2-for-1 …

6 years ago

Tin Street Hooligan is just a Shatter with legs... but getting 2/1 creature for free is pretty good. Goblin Ruinblaster could be good too.

Apart from creatures, red also has Bonfire of the Damned.

Zhaed on Goblin Horde

7 years ago

Krenko got foiled.

34 lands with no rocks just wasn't cutting it. Made room for more mana sources.

Removed: - Goblin Ruinblaster - Eldrazi Monument - Umbral Mantle- Sword of the Paruns- Ruination

Added: - Sol Ring - Fire Diamond - Path of Ancestry - Mountain x 2

Kjartan on UB Land screwing deck help

7 years ago

Glad I could help. Now that you mention the color Red:

If you want to make anti-land as competitive as possible, I'd suggest you start with Red, and then you can splash any color, but White :)

Stone Rain, Boom/Bust and Molten Rain are all quite cheap, and very effective. (Though Boom takes a bit of build around, it's the best.)

Blood Moon and Fulminator Mage are both very, very powerful, but also somewhat expensive.

Additionally Red has Roiling Terrain, Avalanche Riders, Goblin Ruinblaster, Icefall and Detritivore can all be decent in LD decks.

Green or perhaps Blue are probably the best splashes to go for as far as secondary color goes, but Black is fine. (Just stay away from white. It has no support, and it's best card gives out free lands.)

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