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Citadel Castellan
Creature — Human Knight
Vigilance (Attacking doesn't cause this creature to tap.)
Renown 2 (When this creature deals combat damage to a player, if it isn't renowned, put two +1/+1 counters on it and it becomes renowned.)

Hexaflexagon on
Green + White = Lifelink and Angels
6 years ago
Hey xyr0s,
Thanks for your response. No offense taken.
On Citadel Castellan, I have replaced her with another Thalia. For more mana, I’ve ordered 4 Temple Gardens and 4 Sunpetal Groves.
I wholeheartedly agree with your suggestion on 24 lands, so I’ll take out the Paladin to make it 60. I’m not a big fan of The Knight, as it is only a ETB effect.
On Prepare, how many do you think I should run? What should I put in for it?
What do you think I should replace Responder with?
I can’t find a full replacement for Serra Angel, but I have got a Shadows Sigarda for one.
I’ll try playing Seraph Sanctuary, but I’m not sure that Colourless mana will work. I’ll try it with the dual lands when I get them.
Thanks for your response,
xyr0s on
Green + White = Lifelink and Angels
6 years ago
Very casual. Much random one-off. Such underpowered. wow.
Sry. Seems sarcastic, but you have a pile of cards that could be, well... better. Probably even without having to participate in anything criminal in order to pay for their replacements.
Accorder Paladin and Glorious Anthem are both great for decks with a lot of low-powered attackers. I assume that they are supposed to go with the tokens from Oketra's Monument. Problem is that you have so few of them. And oketras monument... hmmm... wouldn't that be better in a deck with a lot of very cheap creatures? So instead of 4 Serra Angel, you'd have something a lot cheaper, and maybe with some built-in card draw (to make a bunch of tokens fast, by enabling you to keep casting creatures, and to dig for the monuments). Anyway, if you wanted to buff the whole team, Honor of the Pure is easier on your mana, and doesn't compete with oketra monument for the 3-cmc slot. Path of Bravery is supposed to go with this stategy too, I guess, but is a really bad card. It's expensive, and only helps you if you are already ahead. Drawing it after a burn deck has hit you for 8 or 10 life in turn 2, it does nothing for you.
Serra Angel... the most brutally efficient beatstick in magic in the summer of 1997, and winner of the Miss Angel 1994, 1995, 1996. Since then, younger models have surpassed her, and today 5-cmc creatures in modern has to be strong enough to more or less just win a game on their own. If you went with the Oketra's Monument-plan, a replacement angel could be Angel of Jubilation. She's pretty good with tokens, and randomly hates fetchlands, but is unfortunately only toughness 3, so Lightning Bolts are a problem. Not so much of a problem, if you played 4 anthem-like effects (more like 4 Honor of the Pure, but that's the same). Anyway, Archangel Avacyn
Flip has the same ccm as Serra Angel, but you get a lot more angel for your mana. And a low-end table-sweeper on top of that. Or maybe Baneslayer Angel? Same cost, bigger body, nice abilities, although protection against demons and dragons are a bit random.
Why is there a single Citadel Castellan in this list? It doesn't really fit with anything else... Probably a decent creature in a GW Little Kid-type deck on a budget, but here it just takes up space.
Prepare is funny, and all that. Aftermath is an interesting mechanic, that doesn't look like flashback at all, no sir, not in any way. But 4 Prepare seems like overkill - it's not the kind of card you want to draw more than one of on your opening hand. And stuffing 4 Prepare in your deck before having added any Path to Exile is most likely a mistake - as removal, Fight costs 4 mana and relies on you having the biggest creature in play already, whereas path is path; 1 mana: "go away, troublesome critter, oh, and here's a basic land as compensation". Not really great on turns 1 and 2, but then, you can't even play Fight that early.
You have too little land. There should be at least 24 (even counting your mana dudes), since you try to curve directly to 5 or 6 mana. Since you have plenty of colored sources, you could add either Ghost Quarters or Field of Ruins until it fits. They're both useful for mana and to give you some game against tron (otherwise, tron will just run you over, even in its budget incarnations with cheap threats). Knight of the White Orchid is pretty funny with Ghost Quarter, or against ramp decks. You could also exchange some lands for GW-duals in some form or another - Canopy Vista, Sunpetal Grove, Fortified Village, Brushland... many options, for any budget. The important bit is that it should be possible to play them untapped, even if a bit conditional - except for Stirring Wildwood, since manlands are good anyway (even if it doesn't really hit the theme of this particular deck). Multicolored lands will smoothen your play a lot. You could also play Seraph Sanctuary, since lifegain and angels are pretty fitting for the concept.
Aerial Responder may be ok in a casual meta. Elsewhere (somewhere with a meta of what we could call "the more solid class of budget decks" or somewhere with tier-decks), it's a 3 mana creature with its @ss in Lightning Bolt-range... and that's not really good in any way. You tap out turn 3 to play it, and your opponent bolts it and plays a 2 mana creature on his turn. That's loss of initiative, right there.
Sideboard: If you know what you are playing against, bring something for that. If not, just go with the "usual suspects": Creeping Corrosion, Nature's Claim, Rest in Piece, Dryad Militant, Leyline of Sanctity, Aegis of the Gods, Ghostly Prison, Stony Silence, Day of Judgment, Blessed Alliance... it really depends on what you expect to meet and what your budget is.
Overall, I think you could go heavier into angels, or into oketras monument (and other tokens), but currently you have a mix of strategies that aren't particularly good.
Ryjo on Keyword Idea: Preparation
7 years ago
Renown isn't just 1 +1/+1 counter, it's formatted as Renown N. Just look at Rhox Maulers/Citadel Castellan/Outland Colossus/Valeron Wardens.
slayingmatt1234 on
Knight Elves
7 years ago
Hey man, I don't know your meta (I assume its casual) but let me give some general cheap goodstuff cards that might help your deck and some general advice.
The biggest problems I see with your deck is that 1. It has very few low drops, 2. it has few removal spells, and 3. You need a more solid finisher (I'll explain what I mean). Fortunately Selesnya has plenty of cheap ways to fix all of those problems.
For low drops, Avacyn's Pilgrim is a great ramp card to get your 3 and 4 drops out early, and Qasali Pridemage while not a knight is a great, inexpensive support card for any selesnya deck. If you want specifically knights, then Knotvine Paladin and Student of Warfare are good too. You just want some early board against an aggro deck with haste creatures and stuff.
For removal, on top of Dromoka's Command, which is a great card, you can also put in both Banishing Light and Selesnya Charm as cheap removal spells. Selesnya Charm even doubles as a combat trick, so you can easily replace Seeds of Strength with it.
Now for the finisher, usually in Selesnya the best finishers you can get are either creatures that are big, hard to remove, and have evasion, or creatures that can go wide with token generation. The best example of the first is Sigarda, Host of Herons, who is obviously expensive but worth every penny even if you only want one copy of her (not to mention she's also the badass savior of Innistrad, flavor win!), and of the second, which does fit in your knight theme, is Hero of Bladehold, but who is also more pricy. Currently your finishers here seem to be Collective Blessing and Shield of the Oversoul which are not bad cards but can seriously fall flat if you are playing against say a control deck that counters and removes all your creatures. I guess there is also some Glittering Wish shenanigans but I don't think you need that card, and its 5$ a copy which seems not worth it for what you get. Some budget cards I can suggest off the top of my head that can help you are Terra Stomper or Drogskol Cavalry. You don't even need too many copies of them in your deck as long as you can close out the game consistently. I'd still leave in 2-3 Shield of the Oversoul for its great value.
Some other miscellaneous good stuff suggestions I can make here are Tireless Tracker, Abzan Beastmaster, and Unflinching Courage. Tracker and beastmaster because they can give you natural card draw in selesnya while getting big and courage as an alternate to Shield of the Oversoul that can target mono-colored creatures. In fact you could replace them if you want.
Now for potential cuts, on top of the cards I already mentioned, I think that your weakest cards are Knight of New Alara and Citadel Castellan, because their stats are just plain weak for their cost and only usable if buffed. If you replaced all 8 of those with the lower curved creatures I mentioned earlier, I'm sure that will do wonders for your deck. You still have a strong knight theme while greatly improving your early game. The other card I'm gonna mention is Glittering Wish, which seems well, I don't want to say cheesy, but really out of place. I'd put anything, maybe some more removal in those spots. If your deck feels not consistent, I'd save the money of buying random multicolored cards and just get a few Tireless Trackers or Abzan Beastmasters that draw cards for you.
Well that ended up longer than I thought, hope this helps! Ask me anything if you want more help.
trav1405 on
GW Counters
7 years ago
Alright, to start with Mother of Runes is not modern legal and a good deck will always have a mana curve. This means not having and equal amount of each mana cost, generally, you want to deck to be centered around one cost. Also, because you have several high costing cards, such as Loxodon Smiter and the monstrosity of the Fleecemane Lion it would be a great idea to run some mana dorks.
Here is a list of changes I would consider making:
Drop Mother of Runes and Authority of the Consuls for a playset of Birds of Paradise. Or at the very least 2 Elvish Mystics and 2 Avacyn's Pilgrim. Maybe even consider finding a way for 8 total mana dorks.
Personally, I would drop Collective Effort, Oath of Ajani, Tuskguard Captain, Citadel Castellan and Abzan Falconer. In their place you want to add things like Mikaeus, the Lunarch or Nissa, Voice of Zendikar, essentially, just get as many fast and effective cards as you can that fit with the game plan.
Overall, to make a competitive deck it needs a solid game plan and an efficient way to execute it, decks want to fall into the category of either aggro, combo or control. A fast mana curve and a consistent mana base are the keys to making a deck like this work in modern.
And then of course there is Path to Exile... This is a must, no doubt about that. And also good duel lands, Temple Garden and Windswept Heath are possibly the best, but on a budget there are always alternatives. Sunpetal Grove for instance.
Tiadon777 on
8 years ago
VraskaTheCursed I originally had Heron's Grace Champion in the deck along with Citadel Castellan but with Collected Company being such a big roll in getting creatures out I didn't want to end passing Heron and Citadel has to attack to get its counters. But both are very viable.
dreamistt on
Angels and heroes
8 years ago
I thought maybe you could try a route with Renown creatures such as Citadel Castellan and more human knights with protection from colors and stuff as Mirran Crusader, then I thought "maybe a human tokens deck", but then I saw that would require you to rework most of the deck and decided to just go with what you already have, so here we go:
My Suggestions:
- Silverblade Paladin (double strike on a stick)
- Urbis Protector (an interesting duo. 6 mana for a 4/4 flier and a 1/1 isn't bad)
- Intrepid Hero (I find his ability quite good)
- Saffi Eriksdotter (You had one, didn't you? She could be quite good here)
- Hixus, Prison Warden (I like him. Punishes someone for attacking you and bypasses protection from white)
- Duelist's Heritage (again, double strike. This is also a political card since you can offer double strike to attacking enemy creatures as well)
- Shielded by Faith (it's an aura, but it hardly becomes 2 for 1 since your opponent won't be able to destroy the creature itself)
- Sundering Growth (not so much on flavor, but populate could work maybe?)
- Ulvenwald Mysteries in conjunction with Tamiyo's Journal means you'd get at least a human per turn.
- Wild Beastmaster, if you feel you have enough anthem effects could work pretty well
What I don't like in the deck:
- Geist-Honored Monk seems out of place since she makes spirit tokens and I don't think you can manage to go wide enough for her to matter.
- Gather the Townsfolk won't ever be relevant in my honest opinion.
- Hope Against Hope is flavorful, but it's still an aura... I'd go with Faith Unbroken instead
Vaeladar on
United We Stand: Selesnyan Humans
8 years ago
Wow, so many comments! Thanks a lot for the help, frogkill45 and Naksu.
Well, I like the drops you have suggested, but I don't think they are for this deck. Let me explain a bit.
Right now, the new strategy tries to rush creatures with counters, slam the Avatar of the Resolute and kill the opponent if they are not dead by turn 4-5.
By putting 3 or 4-drops, I'm delaying the game to mid-late game, and humans have no power in there, not that I can see at least. That's why cards like Daghatar the Adamant, Citadel Castellan and Eternal Witness do not have place in here (specially the witness, since she needs GG in a deck that splashes green, and we have Den Protector who also gets counters and has an evasion). They are good, but maybe too slow for what I seek.
Tuskguard Captain is another story. She changes the game the moment she enters, and I may even consider her a finisher, since she enables trample without having to attack. Truly valuable.
That being said, it all depends on how it does in the kitchen table :P. So I'll try to playtest and see how it does.
Thanks a lot, guys!