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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal


Creature — Elemental


When Wispmare enters the battlefield, destroy target enchantment.

Evoke (White) (You may play this spell for its evoke cost. If you do, it's sacrificed when it enters the battlefield.)

zapyourtumor on Dry Eyes

3 years ago

I'm not sure about vexing devil. If your opponent knows you got something up your sleeve with blink spells, they might just let it stay in which case the spell would do nothing. Also, if they do let the devil do damage to them twice, the rebound from ephemerate is wasted which is also not great.

Inner-Flame Acolyte might be okay, but is better if you have another creature on the board (since targeting itself the first etb does nothing). Abbot of Keral Keep is one of my favorite monored cards and I think it could work pretty well here, taking the place of Light Up the Stage for a burn deck's card draw slot.

Ingot Chewer should be in the board. Maybe Wispmare as well.

lagotripha ( Akroma, Angel of Fury has protection from white so you can't blink her.) Nevermind I see what you're doing here, that's nice. I would second this suggestion, although the second blink from Ephemerate does nothing here.

Avalanche Riders + Blood moon mainboard seems like a different type of deck (land destruction flicker), also 5 mana is pretty slow. If only Faultgrinder wasn't utter trash ;o_o

Suppression Field fucks up Thermo-Alchemist big time - it could work if Balaam__ decides to run Electrostatic Field instead (which also happens to not die to bolt).

RebelGenius on The Pain of Loss [[Flicker Combo/Control]]

3 years ago

zapyourtumor Firstly, thank you for all the suggestions!

I'm currently hitting myself on the head for missing Shriekmaw , it's perfect in here. I also didn't even consider Elite Spellbinder , it's also perfect in this deck. Sin Collector would definitely be a nice sideboard card.

Ah, my mistake on the Surgicals, I'll get that fixed.

As for Wispmare , it's interesting, I'll definitely play around with it. The whole deck is kinda in alpha phase, so there's gonna be a lot of playing around.

I had thought of putting Solitude in the deck, but I thought that with the other removal spells I thought that having Mirran Crusader as a more offensive body would be better. Do you think that I should swap them?

zapyourtumor on The Pain of Loss [[Flicker Combo/Control]]

3 years ago

Also maybe a singleton of Wispmare in the sideboard for testing, just to see how it performs compared to Fracture ?

TheWooba on The Suicide Squad

3 years ago

Shalai seems alright, I might test it out. I've found the deck to have little interaction; have you considered adding Shriekmaw or Wispmare , Ingot Chewer , or even just Reclamation Sage ? It would be nice to get targeted removal from the grave with the Horde of Notions ability

makronic on Elementalary

3 years ago

General Comments

I think you need to cut a lot of stuff... You'll need 40+ lands for a landfall deck I think. You've got so many cards that allow you to play additional lands. You might not have that many lands to get the value out of those cards, even if you could play lands from GY.

I think in the deck, there's 3 kinds of cards to fit the theme of what you're doing:

  1. Small/medium stuff which both ramps and boosts landfall at the same time like Oracle of Mul Daya
  2. Then it's big powerful board state changing stuff that your general will cheat from GY, like Roil Elemental
  3. Utility for answers to opponent like Ingot Chewer and Demonic Tutor to control the board

Once you have the cards for (1), I think you'll be pretty unstoppable. You'll have the mana base to just throw things out. You shouldn't need to worry about card draw because your general can play off the GY. But, I don't think you have enough cards that puts things into GY. If you have a full GY, your general becomes basically tutor any card and cast it for 5 mana, which is ridiculously cheap. Mayael the Anima 's ability, in comparison, costs 6, and you only get to choose from top 5 random cards. I think exploiting the general's ability is the most powerful thing in this deck, but you can't do it without a graveyard.

I think cards that don't fit that theme you've got going should be cut, even if they're powerful cards, because they clunk up your engine. Except Vigor . Bloody Vigor is the best.

Cards I think you want:

Eternal Witness - this card combos with so much, espectially if you got a way to recur it back. It returns any card from graveyard to hand, not just creatures. Great for searching for answers in your GY which aren't elementals.

Hermit Druid - Populates your GY, and nets you a land in hand. Once it's on the board, for 1 mana, you're guaranteed a basic land, and lots of stuff in your GY. It's crazy good utility. But be careful, because 5 colour means you won't have that much room for basics.

Mana Drain - The much better counterspell

Shriekmaw - Does what your Ingot Chewer and Wispmare can do, but to non-black creatures. Is elemental, so can be reused for general. Completes your board control for artifacts, enchantments, and creatures.

Cards I think you might not want:

Avenger of Zendikar - good card, but not amazing value for money IMO. For 7 mana, I think it needs to be a game changer. I know you wanna build +1+1 counters into it, but I think there's just not enough cards for that engine, and you already have too many cards.

Animar, Soul of Elements - If you have your general out, animar doesn't really do much... If you get Animar out early, it doesn't help you cast your general, and those counters will take time to build up, by which time you might as well use your general.

Kozilek, the Great Distortion - a 10 mana card that you can't cheat out with your general?

Yarok, the Desecrated - you don't really have that many ETB effects for this to be worthwhile imo.

Sylvan Awakening - why for?

Vampiric Tutor - always good to have a tutor... but it might get in the way since this tutors to the top of your library rather than your hand. So it just interferes with your "play lands off topdeck" cards, which you have a few, and then everyone also gets to see what you've tutored.

Nissa, Vital Force - eh...

Path of Discovery - pretty underwhelming... requires a creature to come down, then you might either get a land in hand, or a +1/1 counter to the creature that just came down. So only 40% of the time or so you'll actually get a land in hand. For 4 mana, you have Oracle of Mul Daya, which is just much better.

Exploration - my experience with exploration is that it peters out quickly. If you play it early, you don't have an engine yet, and you run out of land in a turn or 2. If you play it late, it's a little underwhelming. Rather pay more mana for Mina and Denn, Wildborn , Courser of Kruphix or Oracle of Mul Daya which both sources you lands and let you play them. You also have Muldrotha, the Gravetide , The Gitrog Monster , and Zimone, Quandrix Prodigy which also serves similar functions but have other uses.

Growth Spiral - arguably worse than Exploration because it's single use. Effectively does the same thing as farseek because it replaces itself with a card draw, and you get a land on the battlefield in addition to your normal turn land. But worse than farseek because you can't tutor for the card you're drawing, and you need to have 2 lands in hand for it to be worthwhile. Also needs 2 specific coloured mana to play, which you might not have early game in a 5 colour deck.

Icon of Ancestry - costs 3 to use, and needs to tap. You're much better off having something that puts things in graveyard instead because you general only costs 5, and puts it on the battlefield. And you're restricted to elemental cards, which is likely 1/3 or less of your deck. You only get to top deck 3, so it's unreliable and mana inefficient.

Dragonmaster Outcast - it's a strong card, but if you're going to cut something, cut the cards that don't synergize. It's not an elemental, it doesn't put stuff in graveyard, it isn't an answer to something an opponent plays, it doesn't put land on the board or have landfall.

Acidic Slime - I love acidic slime, but it's not elemental and becomes single use. Might as well get a Reclamation Sage instead. Costs 2 less.

maxpelletierfortin on

4 years ago

Hey beets,

Love it, thanks for the feedback! I appreciate you leaning in and finding some great additions for the deck!

This build was my first crack at a 5-color deck and Horde just happened to be the card I went with.

My objective was to build something that was budget and that could easily satisfy the 5-color Horde activation requirement while filling up the graveyard with some big creatures for value! Woo! (All hopefully on curve haha)

There are lots of secondary synergies which would potentially be removed to make the deck run smoother as well as a more refined mana base/ramp package. ex: Might of the Nephilim is in there to sneak in with some commander damage.

One objective was to fill the deck with cards which tap for WUBRG to easily get the ball going, this combined with Tidal Force was an attempt at an engine. Greenwarden of Murasa is a powerhouse in the deck with the past games for getting tutors and good non-elementals back to hand. Rings of Brighthearth was one card which I found awesome however was out-of-budget.

If you look at my page I've built a more pricey Omnath, Locus of the Roil deck with some of the powerhouse elementals that come out to $8 and up.

You were bang on about the murderers axe as a discard outlet and I love the alternative. I also like the idea of Wispmare, and Ingot Chewer as synergistic alternatives to the other removal in the deck.

Again, thanks for the feedback, much appreciated! I hope this helps provide some more detail into where my mind was going with this build. If you've got any more suggestions keep em coming!

beets on

4 years ago

hey! i love elementals and love seeing your list :) if i may suggest a few changes, you seem to be pretty light on creatures for a tribal deck? 26 isn't even a third of your deck! so 1/3 of the time the only creature you'll have available is your commander..... may i suggest a few?

Nevermaker is a fantastic catch-all removal creature. not only does it hit most permanent types, it also wastes opponents' next draw.

Omnath, Locus of the Roil is a huge boon to this deck, not only because he specifically cares about elementals, but also because he can draw you cards! he's everything you could want from a card.

Ashaya, Soul of the Wild is super ramp, turning all of your creatures into mana! so you can can even bigger spells. she acts like a second Cryptolith Rite if you so choose to run it.

tutors aren't always a necessity, but i think cards like Buried Alive, Jarad's Orders, and Final Parting are good, budget fits for reanimator decks such as this!

it may not seem impressive, but Wispmare is incredible value on a card, as you can cast it for a single . then you can recurr it for more value later! i would recommend Ingot Chewer for the samw reason.

do notice that i like the lorwyn block a lot.....

i would definitely pick up the new Maskwood Nexus from kaldheim for any tribal deck!! especially since i see you don't run 25 elementals.

try to remove some of your spells with super specific mana costs. it sucks to try to cast Kaya's Wrath in a 5-color deck. even regular Wrath of God would be better.... or Fumigate if what you care about is the life gain, but that would increase your overall deck cmc, which is already 3.7.... yikes!

well i hope that whatever you decide to do, you enjoy playing this deck! let me know how it fares at ypur kitchen table! :)

DreamTool on Horde of Notions and Evoke …

4 years ago

Let's say I have Horde of Notions on the battlefield and a card with the Evoke mechanism in the graveyard (let's say Wispmare ). Can I use Horde of Notions' ability to play Wispmare from the graveyard, but use only one white mana to cast it for its evoke cost? If yes, will I end up with 4 mana left? Thank you very much.

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