Cruel Tutor

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Cruel Tutor


Search your library for a card, then shuffle your library and put that card on top of it. You lose 2 life.

Flodder on Vilis gives and Vilis takes

1 year ago

These cards are great for constantly losing life. I used to play some of those. Unfortunately when I play this deck with friends, they would mainly target me. Therefore my life total goes down very fast. No need to accelerate it even more. Usually I set everything up for one big turn, draw 20-30 cards at once and then win with whatever combo pieces I just drew. For example I used to play even City of Brass just for the life loss, but eventually had to remove it from the deck. I often ended up killing myself.

However, I totally missed that Cruel Tutor exists, I will absolutely add that one, thanks! Also I will consider Devour in Shadow and Ulcerate

thank you!!

Azoth2099 on The Price of Power | Rowan EDH

1 year ago


Hey man, just a heads up - Bond of Agony doesn't quite work here. For example let's say you pay 20 life with Blood Celebrant, activate Rowan, Scion of War's ability and cast Bond of Agony where X = 20. You'll still have to pay another 20 life as an additional cost. Not very good at all.

Also, have you considered Plunge into Darkness or Spoils of the Vault here? With cards like Torment of Hailfire & Crackle with Power in the mix, they're 1-card wincons here. Vampiric Tutor, Grim Tutor & Cruel Tutor also have some serious added benefit with this one.

Orange+ on Horobi and the Wailers ~100$

2 years ago

Hi, KongMing and Profet93.

Lately, Ive started killing Horobi, Death's Wail in addition to the opponents boards on the turn that I play it. Forge of Heroes would in those cases not be very useful for killing other commanders. It does however give me another option for killing Horobi myself (alongside High Market).

Im not sure suiciding Horobi is good in every case. But often, if I can cast something like a Touch of Darkness, my creatures are the only ones left on the battlefield. If Horobi stays in play during the following turns, my board does usually empty pretty quick from all kinds of targeting effects from my opponents. This is a motivator for playing suicide Horobi.

Profet93, lol, you cant just tell me that a card 15 times the monetary value is better than something I play, and expect it to be a good suggestion. If I didnt play budget I wouldnt play 90% of the cards in this deck. But I would also not be playing an original deck. Im obviously not gonna use Cruel Tutor. And if I did want to spend the money, I would much rather just play Demonic Tutor.

So the budet noted for this deck is currently "~100$ total, max 5$ per card (with exceptions)". I would not make exceptions for generally good cards, or good staples. When I do make exceptions, it might be because I really enjoy playing a card, but more often because its a piece that is just essential to play with the theme. If you sort this deck by Card Kingdom prices, you'll see that the only two cards over 5$ are Touch of Darkness and Cauldron of Souls. These cards are exceptional fits with Horobi, and the deck would really suffer by taking them out.

Thanks for your suggestions

Profet93 on Horobi and the Wailers ~100$

2 years ago

Cruel Tutor > Rhystic tutor

DawnsRayofLight on Chainer, Dementia Master

2 years ago

As someone who has played Chainer for close to a decade, I have some suggestions I would like to offer. (though everyone's decks run differently!)

34-35 lands is usually enough. I would recommend 34 with Agadeem's Awakening  Flip that gives you 5 spots:

In those spots:

Mana Crypt

Thought Vessel

Charcoal Diamond

Coldsteel Heart

Jet Medallion

(Or all the expensive artifacts like Grim Monolith or what have you)

In place of:

1x Cast Down--> Lethal Scheme: This card is amazing in any reanimator list

1x Culling the Weak--> Phyrexian Altar: you need more sac outlets with some staying power

1x Dismember--> Soul Transfer: seems janky, but versatile

1x Doom Blade--> Baleful Mastery: you can hit more with it.

1x Go for the Throat--> Infernal Grasp

1x Power Word Kill--> Deadly Rollick/Altar of Dementia: for a better killspell or for a sac outlet

1x Sacrifice--> Ashnod's Altar: need more sac outlets with staying power

1x Terror--> Meteor Golem: This guy helps so much with things Black cannot remove

1x Victim of Night--> Karn Liberated: This guy helps so much with things Black cannot remove

Cruel Tutor--> Mikaeus, the Unhallowed: bonkers for some staying power, also has combo potential

Unmarked Grave--> Putrid Goblin: this or Walking Ballista are good for combos with Mikaeus. Putrid GOblin + Ashnod's Altar/Phyrexian Altar + Mikaeus = infinite mana (or sub ashnod's altar for mill).

Suggested Drops, see next list for suggested replacements

Blood Pet--> sort of an eh card, I might think of something with more oomph

Liliana, Heretical Healer  Flip--> I do like her, she just never did anything when I ran her.

Ruthless Technomancer: I have debated a lot adding him, in something like Korvold, he is an all-star, in chainer, he can be good, but I would almost always rather have Disciple of Bolas

Skirge Familiar: I get the reason it is in here, but there are better cards.

Black Market: It's nice, but can be too slow.

Liliana of the Dark Realms: I just have never been a big fan, she feels too lackluster.

Final Parting: good card, but I feel you can part with some tutor because you have MORE than enough

Sidisi, Undead Vizier: good card, but I feel you can part with some tutor because you have MORE than enough

Rune-Scarred Demon: good card, but I feel you can part with some tutor because you have MORE than enough, there also some stronger creatures to fit in the spot.


Archon of Cruelty: expensive mana wise but an all star.

Kokusho, the Evening Star: has been in my deck from the beginning and has flat out won me games.

Brainstealer Dragon: seems janky, but I added to just try it and it has been amazing.

Black Market Connections: You need more draw (also helps with ramp)

Phyrexian Arena: You need more draw

Bolas's Citadel: an amazing card. Wins games all the time.

Disciple of Bolas: card draw and life gain

Fell Stinger: card draw

Xiahou Dun, the One-Eyed: Great for recursion

Reanimate, Liliana, Death's Majesty, Living Death. and Animate Dead: it is good to have other means of reanimation if Chainer keeps getting removed (I also suggest sac outlets to help keep your creatures from getting exiled when they spot remove Chainer)

Hope this helps! Here is my list to maybe show you how I run the list: The True Meaning of Death and Taxes

Gidgetimer on How Good is Ring of …

2 years ago

Atraxa contains black and you don't currently run any of the traditional black tutors. If you want objectively good cards that tutor then you are looking at Demonic Tutor, Vampiric Tutor, Diabolic Intent, Imperial Seal, and Grim Tutor. Cruel Tutor, Mastermind's Acquisition, Wishclaw Talisman, Scheming Symmetry, Infernal Tutor, Profane Tutor, and Diabolic Tutor can be useful as in the right deck or if you need more black tutors. Passable options in low powered metas include Diabolic Revelation and Increasing Ambition.

Stardragon on

2 years ago

RambIe What "Fat" do you recommend trimming and what tutor do recommend as both Vampiric Tutor and Cruel Tutor put at the top the top of library which is slow.

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