These two monsters of the sea have near infinite power, how can you withstand them?

This deck is a combo deck that uses Dargo, the commander, to infinitely recur himself. The deck also has a banishing knack backup strategy, as well as just having 2 big creatures in the command zone.

The strategy with Dargo, the Shipwrecker is to have either Thermopod or both Ashnod's Altar and either Prismite or Stonework Packbeast out on the field. You sac three other artifacts or permanents, most likely rocks, and pay R to get Dargo out, who you sacrifice, which pays for Dargo's commander tax this turn, and the mana from Pod or Altar can pay for the R. Have a card like Impact Tremors, Selhoff Occultist, or Hissing Iguanar on the field to win the game on the spot. Your other commander can either function here as a one side boardwipe or a decent big blocker in the command zone.

The deck also contains the Banishing Knack combo, which relies on Battered Golem being targeted by Banishing Knack or Retraction Helix, then returning 0 cost cards like Ornithopter to hand or Wall of Steel if you have an Etherium Sculptor. The win the game with etb outlets.

The rest of the deck is built to protect you or draw cards until you get there. You have plenty of removal, card draw, and other creatures to get you to your combos. You also have 4 tutors, who can help you grab what you still need.


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98% Casual


Date added 3 years
Last updated 3 years

This deck is not Pauper EDH legal.

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.96
Tokens City's Blessing, Clue, Treasure
Folders PDH Lists, What I wanted from pdh, Pauper Commander
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