Sunlit Marsh

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Sunlit Marsh

Land — Plains Swamp

(: Add or .)

Sunlit Marsh enters the battlefield tapped.

multimedia on Liesa but Angels

3 months ago

Hey, good WIP for Angels, nice Avacyn and Tithe.

When you break it down to the very basics of what you need for Angels it's three things: Angels, ramp and draw. Angels because you want to cast/attack with Angels, ramp because you want to be able to consistently cast your higher mana cost (4+ CMC) Angels and repeatable draw because you want to keep having Angels in your hand to cast. The better Angels you want to attack with, including Liesa, have a high mana cost, without more ramp you'll have a more difficult time casting them. Consider more lower mana cost (1-3 CMC) ramp and more repeatable draw sources?

In my opinion, a good rule for casual Commander deck building is having at least 10 sources of draw and at least 10 sources of ramp, allocate deck room for these. These are the most important two effects to have for smoother gameplay. Better overall gameplay makes playing Commander more fun since you'll get less frustrated with how your deck is running. Consider cutting a few of the lesser power cards compared to other cards here for more ramp and draw?



Some land upgrades to consider that are within the budget for the manabase: Caves of Koilos, Fetid Heath, Shineshadow Snarl, Great Hall of Starnheim, Tyrite Sanctum, Vault of the Archangel, Soulstone Sanctuary, Path of Ancestry

I hope this advice is helpful and I offer more if you're interested, about the potential adds/cuts I've suggested.

DemonDragonJ on 100 Shades of Gray

1 year ago

I have replaced a Plains and a Swamp with Sunlit Marsh and Tainted Field, for greater flexibility in this deck's manabase.

DreadKhan on "Spem Omnem Reliquite Qui Huc Intratis"

1 year ago

Since you're on a budget and have Sun Titan, you might like Bad River and Flood Plain, these can find non-Basics with Basic typing, like Prairie Stream, which can even come in untapped sometimes, if you're desperate for an untapped land you can always dig out a Basic, it's not really worse than Evolving Wilds, and they first came out in the 90s, so they have old school appeal fwiw. There are a bunch of duals that have Basic types in Allies colours (so WU and UB in your deck), Enemy colours are less printed, so the only budget options are Snowfield Sinkhole and Sunlit Marsh, and they enter tapped. When I use these older Fetch lands I like to include some ETB tapped duals because there are situations when you don't mind them, ymmv obviously.

I wonder if you shouldn't use some discard outlets like Putrid Imp, especially ones that you can use on your opponent's turn, this can dig your way through a dungeon extremely quickly I bet since you can trigger on opponent's turns more readily. Another option might be repeatable self-mill, Syr Konrad, the Grim can mill you as needed, and the opponents will be getting shaved for life while you're digging for Venture triggers.

I wonder if you should run more creatures? Sefris only cares about creatures going to the graveyard, 32 creatures isn't really a ton IMHO if your deck suffers a lot if you don't draw enough of them. If you want some decent budget creatures I could suggest some.

Oh, and you probably want a Street Wraith, and should look hard at any creature with Cycling, those would be pretty useful in here. Any looting (draw a card and then discard a card) or rummaging (discard a card and then draw a card) effects are probably very good too as a rule, but any you can use repeatedly or at instant speed allow triggers on opponent's turns.

nuperokaso on Orzhov Sacrifice Clerics

1 year ago

Don't play Karoo, Sunlit Marsh, Goldmire Bridge and The Fair Basilica.

Instead play Shambling Vent, Isolated Chapel, Caves of Koilos, Silverquill Campus, Shineshadow Snarl, Orzhov Basilica, Brightclimb Pathway  Flip, Fetid Heath.

Shaile, Dean of Radiance  Flip has no real synergy with your deck. Replace it with Bygone Bishop, which is a good Cleric

This type of decks is usually called "Aristocrats". If you really want to be a sacrifice deck, you should add additional cards that trigger whenever a creature dies, such as Sanguinary Priest, Rotlung Reanimator, Blood Artist or Cruel Celebrant.

Femme_Fatale on Official missing/incorrect card/token thread

2 years ago

GoldenSandslash15: Those all exist and have existed since Friday/Saturday. To test if a card exists, link it first in a preview before making a bug report. There may be a completely different bug that must be tackled or reported on.

Academy Loremaster, Aggressive Sabotage, Argivian Phalanx, Artillery Blast, Barkweave Crusher, Splatter Goblin, Sunbathing Rootwalla, Sunlit Marsh, Talas Lookout, Tangled Islet, The Cruelty of Gix, Tidepool Turtle, Vanquisher's Axe, Wooded Ridgeline, Yavimaya Sojourner

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