Sliver Construct

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Sliver Construct

Artifact Creature — Sliver

shadow63 on The First

2 years ago

Solid start! I would take outCleansing Nova as you can cascade into it and screw yourself pretty hard or take out your 6 drop slivers. I'd also take out Traveler's Amulet for Wayfarer's Bauble and Sliver Construct is just a bad card

Non-Linear on WUBRG Sliver V9.0.0

6 years ago

@Verbatiam This is more helpful than you could know, and I am very appreciative of your feedback and suggestions. I do plan on keeping the artifact element of my slivers, I plan on adding other tribal enchantments/artifacts such as Door of Destinies, Coat of Arms, Heartstone, Helm of the Host, and Herald's Horn. Saheeli Rai is going to stay and the other is probably going to be replaced with Xenagos, the Reveler.

I am also planning on adding Training Grounds, Kindred Discovery, and some signets.

You make an excellent point with the removal and counters, I have a Dash Hopes and Despise because of their convienience. I will replace those with more blue counters and a Crib Swap.

I have already removed the cat for a Manaweft Sliver and will probably trade my Sliver Construct for another sliver card in my folder.

Verbatiam on WUBRG Sliver V9.0.0

6 years ago

Slivers is my pet archtype so appologies if I go a little overboard with this comment

Overall pretty good, got most of the good ones. I'd cut Metallic Sliver and Sliver Construct as they dont actually add anything to your sliver stradedgy aside from mooching off of your other slivers. I'd replace them with Manaweft Sliver and Bonescythe Sliver I'm assuming their is budget concerns, otherwise Sliver Sliver Queen and Sliver Legion would be auto includes
To be honest, cut all of your instants, they either are innefficient or wont do what you want e.g. Lightning Bolt doesn't kill much in commander and Dash Hopes almost never counters a spell, and when it does it means you would have rathered a card that did damage. Some potential good cards in each caatagorie you have represented are:


-Swan Song


-Out of Bounds


-Swords to Plowshares

-Crib Swap

-Beast Within

also one card thats really win more with slivers is Kindred Summons

I like your socereies more, some that I'd cut are Hive Stirrings because similarly to Metallic sliver they do actually contribute to slivers plans, Severed Strands is sorcery speed removal that loses you a sliver (which is something you really don't want to do in slivers), and Divest because single target hand hate just makes you enemies in commander and rarely hits anything thats worth that. Some good includes in this area are Kindred Dominance and Cultivate/Kodama's Reach
I combined these catagories because they speak to an overall subtheme you seem to have, both artifacts and the cat combo (Saheeli Rai and Felidar Guardian). Honestly I dont think there are enough artifacts to justify two artifact planeswalkers, and neither is really syenergistic with your deck I'd cut both and Guardian, if you want a Planeswalker I'd reccomend Xenagos, the Reveler as he both ramps and protects himself. If you want a two card combo I'd reccomend Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker and Pestermite has they're more useful outside of the combo.

On the topic of Artifacts they can be really useful in a budget 5 colour deck as they work with whatever colours you happend to have out. Most of your artifacts are good, I'd just cut Hedron Archive and Tamiyo's Journal, the former because you really need coloured mana and the latter because its a really slow tutor and not very good source of cards. I'd recommend adding Commander's Sphere, Fellwar Stone, and Heartstone (Heartstone is especially good). If you find more space in the deck I'd also recommend signets for your major colours as they can convert 1 colour that you dont need to 2 that you do.

This section is really good, only card I dislike is Dictate of Karametra because it benefits your opponents as well in a deck where you don't really break parity on it (you opponents get as much benefit as you) and it costs double green. There are some really good enchantments you can run, highlights are Kindred Discovery, Unnatural Selection, and Training Grounds (again, decreasing the cost of your commanders abilities is insanly good)

All in all I really love the deck and it fills me with nostalga for my old Sliver deck (it was my first ever commander deck). Hope some of this helps and I'd be happy to talk about what I've said more (hope this isn't way to much)

Chiberia on

7 years ago

Definitely take out Failed Inspection Traumatic Visions Marang River Prowler Aether Meltdown Rod of Ruin Millstone Slayer's Cleaver Soul Separator Lens of Clarity Pacification Array Tome Scour Winged Sliver Windrider Patrol Sliver Construct Skyline Predator Shifting Sliver Hinterland Drake Monastery Flock Kheru Spellsnatcher Deep-Sea Terror Diffusion Sliver Mystical Teachings

I know thats a lot but most of those cards are just straight bad for commander, and the slivers only benefit each other and theres just not enough of them, replace those and I have a few more suggestions

Serum Visions Cephalid Constable Chasm Skulker (def get Skulker) Deadeye Navigator Delver of Secrets  Flip Disciple of the Ring Djinn of Wishes Contingency Plan and Niblis of Frost are just a few more that are pretty good

Gliscorph on Best Modern Slivers

8 years ago

If I were you I'd go ahead and swap Battle Sliver for either Might Sliver or Megantic Sliver. It's just getting more for your mana. Other than that, I'd drop Sliver Construct, Steelform Sliver, Shielded Passage, and Caves of Koilos. Really all pain lands are good for is getting to a specific life total in very odd lifegain decks or Trisk decks, or Battle for Zendikar Eldrazi. As for the slivers, Sinew Sliver is cheaper and better than Steelform, the construct is just taking up space you could be using for a more relevant sliver, and Shielded Passage has SO many better alternatives. And just because slivers, I'd replace the boots with Alpha Authority.

razelfark on Such Wow, Such Sliver

9 years ago

You uhh... missed some important slivers. Some are doubling up skills you have, some are abilities you were missing outright that I believe are very important:

Manaweft Sliver, Harmonic Sliver, Bonescythe Sliver, Blur Sliver, Galerider Sliver, Winged Sliver, Ward Sliver

Suggestions to remove from deck would be Dutiful Return, Overwhelm, War Flare, Ghostfire, Armor Sliver, Sliver Construct, Barbed Sliver

Since you know the changeling combo here is a card option if you want: Shields of Velis Vel

Hope this helps you out. There are other cards I would change out, but that is me just nitpicking at that point then. Hope you like the suggestions.