Radiant Flames

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Radiant Flames


Converge — Radiant Flames deals X damage to each creature, where X is the number of colours of mana spent to cast Radiant Flames.

russo_bolado on Grixis Cat Pact

2 years ago

22 mana with Ghost Quarter was too pushy to be kept, so I didn't count it towards land total (using 22 mana lands + 2 Quarters). Radiant Flames is back in 2.

russo_bolado on Grixis Cat Pact

2 years ago

I'm trying to ease mana requirements without fetches (they're expensive for a reason), and my take on the 1 mana cantrip rule was reducing the number of Swamps (the shocks are mostly Black-centered) and adding 2x Mana Confluence instead of Crumbling Necropolis. I know it's not optimal, but I had these at hand, so they will do for now. Regarding cards, I removed the Lightning Bolt's due to mana issues - I couldn't cast it reliably on turn 1 along with Serum Visions and Duress, then I had to make the cut and push removal to other turns. So, to add to the control package, and keep the curve before T4 Demonic Pact, Terminate got back to the board and I added 2 more Radiant Flames.

itsbuzzi on Red Board Wipes

2 years ago

I run in the format a bit and would like to add to the list as some of my favorites were not found. I would also like to add there are two types: large and small. Generally small red board wipes consist of 3 damage or less to the board whereas large board wipes deal more. I'll separate them into these piles. There are 2 things you are looking for when refering to red boardwipes: Mana cost and damage; you want the best bang for your buck in a sense. A semi-complete list of the best unique board wipes includes: (This list may be missing some, Gatherer missed Cinderclasm)

Small Boardwipes

Anger of the Gods: Deals 3 damage to each creature with exile clause for 3 mana at sorcery speed. A standard scale of a good board wipe.

Chandra, Awakened Inferno (Cast for 6 then -3): Deals 3 damage to each non-elemental for 6 mana at sorcery speed with potential upside after untapping next turn. Deck-dependent, if you only need a board wipe and don't need the other value this is not the card you need and isn't worth it.

Cinderclasm: Deals 1 damage to each creature for 2 (1) or 2 damage to each for 1 at instant speed. Depending on what you need the stop the instant speed is valuable as you can stop triggers ensuring what you are killing doesn't get bigger and play around any potential counterspell or protection.

Crush the Weak: 2 damage to each creature with exile clause at sorcery speed for 3 (2) or foretold to spread the mana across a couple of turns; not exactly what you want with a board wipe unless you can set it up this way. This card isn't really any better than Cinderclasm unless the is hard to cast or you need the exile clause.

End the Festivities: 1 damage to each creature and planeswalker for 1 at sorcery speed. A good standard for a tiny board wipe but is fringe in utility.

Fiery Cannonade: 2 damage to each non-pirate creature at instant speed for 2. Is deck-dependent, personally best used while piloting a pirate deck but otherwise is similar to Cinderclasm.

Flame Sweep: 2 damage to each non-flyer for 2 at instant speed. Very similar in utility to Fiery Cannonade but worse as flyers are more prevalent in the format and just in general.

Incendiary Sabotage: 3 damage to each creature at instant speed for 2 and sacing an artifact. Fringe where you need artifacts in the deck but the instant speed may be useful as described before but is somewhat on par with Anger of the Gods due to versatility but worse based on utility.

Radiant Flames: 1 2 or 3 damage to each creature depending on how many colors of mana used to cast at sorcery speed. This is a versatile board wipe and very much on par with Anger of the Gods perhaps better due to the ease of casting paired with the different modes on it but does not come with the exile clause.

Sweltering Suns: 3 damage to each creature for 1 with cycling 2 at sorcery speed. Very similar to Anger of the Gods which is a good place to be with more utility where you can get a new card from it at instant speed if it's not needed.

Vampires' Vengeance: 2 damage to each non-vampire creature. Essentially similar to Fiery Cannonade.

Large Boardwipes

Burn Down the House: 5 damage to each creature and planeswalker or 3 1/1 devil tokens with haste for the turn for 3 at sorcery speed. Depending on how much damage you need to include this one covers all your bases with additional playability with the devils.

Chandra, Flamecaller (Cast for 6 then -X): Deals X damage up to a max of 4 (unless other loyalty raising cards are used) to each creature for 6 mana at sorcery speed with potential upside after untapping next turn if it survives. Deck-dependent, if you only need a board wipe and don't need the other value this is not the card you need.

Draconic Intervention: X damage to each non-Dragon creature where X is an instant or sorcery card's mana value in your yard with the additional cost of exiling the instant or sorcery for 2 at sorcery speed. Deck dependent obviously but can go large or small just has a large additional cost. You'd want to get at least 3 damage off of this every time and more to make it really worth it.

Gates Ablaze: X damage to each creature where X is how many gates you have for 2 at sorcery speed. Very much deck dependent of course but if it fits the deck this is the card to run.

Hour of Devastation: 5 damage to each creature and each non-bolas planeswalker while losing indestructible for 3 at sorcery speed. This is similar to Burn Down the House where unless you need the additional text on the card just run Burn Down the House.

Kozilek's Return: 2 damage to each creature for 2 at instant speed with the additional bonus of exiling it from your yard as you cast an Eldrazi for 7 or more to deal 5 damage to each creature. Once again deck dependent of course but if it fits the deck this is the card to run.

Mizzium Mortars: For the board wipe mode (the only mode we are looking at) its 4 damage to each creature you don't control for 3 at sorcery speed. Not exactly the rate of a board wipe you want unless the bonus of the 1 sided boardwipe is that appealing.

Sarkhan's Unsealing: The board wipe mode is after casting a creature for 7 or more it deals 4 damage to each creature and planeswalker you don't control. Similar to Kozilek's Return but worse where you don't have the early game mode but better where it is repeatable. It doesn't look like you need this one unless it fits the deck.

Star of Extinction: The mother of all board wipes. Deal 20 damage to each creature and planeswalker while also blowing up their land for 5 at sorcery speed. Very over the top and you most likely can get what you need to do for less mana.

Storm's Wrath: Deals 4 damage to each creature and planeswalker for 2 at sorcery speed. Pretty much the best board wipe to deal 4 damage.

The Best Wipes at Each Damage

Generally speaking these are the best at simply dealing damage while staying mana conservative:

1 damage: Token hate or very aggro hate End the Festivities

2 damage: Inbetween of Token hate & standard damage Radiant Flames just due to the fact that for the same mana it can hit for 3 damage.

3 damage: Standard amount of damage It's very close but just for ease of casting Radiant Flames beats out the competition unless the cycling fits well or the exile clause is needed.

4 damage: Inbetween of Smaller and Larger amount of damage Storm's Wrath Not even a question is the best by far.

5 damage: Larger amount of damage Burn Down the House. It's close but the additional option of the card helps it beat out.

Anything Larger: Star of Extinction Basically, if you need to board wipe in red and need to deal more than 5 damage you're generally out of luck and should look elsewhere. Star of Extinction is not really a card you want to be running if you can avoid it the mana cost is just so high.

dgalarza on Free Kitties

2 years ago

I appreciate your commitment to Sprite Dragon. You should totally consider my pet card; Thing in the Ice  Flip.

Is the double red to restrictive to have Anger of the Gods in the main over Radiant Flames?

Polaris on channel and chromatic orrery

3 years ago

One thing I'll add here is that you can use it to pay costs of all five colors, but if anything specifically asks about the colors spent or how much of a color was spent on that spell (like Radiant Flames) that effect will see that what you spent was in fact colorless mana.

zapyourtumor on Jeskai Murktide Control

3 years ago

It seems a little misleading to say "based on a list by aspiringspike" when the list is identical to the one played by aspiringspike.

About the maybeboard, I think Consider could definitely replace Thought Scour here. Since we don't really want to rush into casting a 7/7 or 8/8 Murktide as fast as possible, Consider gives us better filtering for what we want while putting one less card in the graveyard.

For Unholy Heat vs Fire / Ice, I'm not sure how easy it would be for the deck to achieve delirium consistently without bauble. With all the X/1 Rags, DRC, Hammer Time creatures, and Risen Reefs in the meta I think Fire is slightly better right now (I even see jeskai control lists playing Electrolyze again).

Prismari Command feels decent if you're seeing a lot of artifacts in the meta else I don't know how good it would be.

Also, I feel like the deck doesn't have many sweepers to deal with go wide decks (with only 1 EE in the sb). I think a second EE and maybe some damage sweepers like Radiant Flames/Kozilek's Return (I think Anger might be too red pip intensive) that miss Murktide could be decent here (unfortunately they miss rhinos too).

itsbuzzi on Cookie's Jund (PNR)

3 years ago

Hello! I feel bad for drawing you into this deck but I figured I needed a second opinion and good testing cannot happen without events. Do not feel bad if your responses seem to all be negative. This is a combination of two lists so it will look like yours but vary. For the future, I can test this deck on occasion with an aggro list I have but, to test against anything else would not work as I am not the original pilot of any other deck. Anyway, I love the criticism and I'll start my responses in order, but do remember, I haven't tested anything. So I will be taking consideration but not making any changes yet until I have been able to play enough to decide. Sorry for the long response. Without further ado:

I really like Kroxa, Titan of Death's Hunger. The ability to remove a card from their hand, more notably a nonland card unless they take life as well, is great. Having a 6/6 beater seems a little less important as there are many other creatures in the deck. There is great value in the choice to escape the card while maintaining Grim Flayer and fueling the escape cost. At this point I can see a direct swap of Tasigur, the Golden Fang and Kroxa, Titan of Death's Hunger. While Kroxa reduces the opponents recourses Tasigur gains resources in the opposite manner. It is more by choice of the opponent but by exiling the graveyard with it's delve ability the choices are better. Tasigur's ability can be activated multiple times in a late game setting at end of turn after holding up responses but not needing to activate them, it's another thing to do. I could see this getting in the way of say clue tokens but we have yet to test that out as I see this issue coming in against late game which aggro does not go to. I do like that Kroxa is a recurring threat. All said and done I see the choices being keep how the deck is or swap 1x Tasigur for 1x Kroxa. I say only 1 because the recursion on Kroxa is just so strong if she gets milled she can come back, dies can come back sometimes the next turn if a Grim Flayer is on the field. In the end it comes down to testing but it is a wonderful consideration.

Vraska, Golgari Queen rounds out the 4 drop slot with more removal on a stick and I would have to argue the token generation of Tireless Tracker is exceedingly wonderful for her. In testing against my aggro deck she honestly comes down to -3 then dies the next turn fueling delirium for Grim Flayer so it's hard to say what would go in this slot but it appears as though she is definitely not great in the aggro match up but I could see her excelling in other match ups with her continuous ability. Perhaps another planeswalker would fit the bill better but we have tried Liliana, the Last Hope and she does not make the cut. It's ideal if her +1 could kill something every turn but it typically would not happen and if it does the game is heavily in our favor already. For now I would keep her in but I feel there may be other options out there other than the discussed walkers. I'm not entirely sure any walker is good in the aggro match up so the answer to this question will have to wait until different testing can commence but if I do find an answer I will let you know.

I like Bonecrusher Giant, but I feel only hitting for 2 damage hurts a lot more than it helps. Having another big body is great too, but I feel like that role is already played even in your list with all the other creatures we share and Kroxa. It's basically a direct swap of Bonecrusher Giant and Oath of Chandra. The most we have Oath acomplish in the deck is to bolt something then hit the graveyard (Vraska typically sacrifices Oath, the 2 damage at end step is a trigger that if it would occur is a forgotten trigger). So in this way it's with an instant speed shock or a sorcery bolt. I feel as though we have enough instant speed threats and could use these sorcery speed slots. It's just a unique card to fuel delirium at worst and a bolt with upside at best. I see the reasoning to remove it for something better as most other cards have many modes behind them but I have to admit the amount of multicolored cards in the deck hinder it and having more mono colored removal really helps the deck out in the event of multi colored protection. I find that due to the redundancy of Giant in the list and lackluster damage vs a unique card type that can enter the graveyard fairly easily is a little better. Against aggro it is a good card but I would say otherwise the card would get taken out for something else which isn't necessarily a bad thing it makes cutting cards easier for sideboarding.

Speaking of which, a disclaimer: the sideboard is not complete I just threw in cards and was somewhat in the process of removing some. We want the sideboard to work on match ups where we have difficulty but the hard part at this present moment is trying to figure out what match ups are the tough match ups. You can see we have some cards for aggro: (Abrade, Radiant Flames, even Scavenging Ooze). We have cards for midrange / control: (Agonizing Remorse, Shifting Ceratops). We have graveyard hate: (Scavenging Ooze and Soul-Guide Lantern). And lastly we have cards against combo: (Necromentia and Slaughter Games). Some of these cards can overlap for different needs we just don't know what needs need to be met.

I have had the discussion over Anger of the Gods and we are playing Radiant Flames because of the modular capabilities (playing it for 2 damage or 3, hardly ever 1 as explained here) and getting double red on turn 3 is much harder than getting all colors by turn 3. That, and the off chance we hit our own creatures they remain exiled and not destroyed. That is why we have Radiant Flames over Anger of the Gods. This slot in the sideboard is basically filled. Otherwise I agree Anger is the card to have.

Lastly about Necromentia and Slaughter Games. It is very much redundant to have both of these in the list we just haven't figured out which is better and would only run one, and not sure the amount of that one meta dependent. For Necromentia it can hit a turn earlier, and the off-chance it makes a token we can very much kill it with anything and possibly get value from it with Chevill, Bane of Monsters. For Slaughter Games it can't be countered but hits a turn later. I'm not sure if the ability to get non-basic lands with Necromentia is very relevant but Slaughter Games can only get nonland cards but as mentioned Slaughter Games can't be countered. So for now both of them sit in the sideboard until we can figure out which is better.

Perhaps you may have some insight on the topics mentioned above? If not I do appreciate the constructive criticism and all mentions will be placed in the sideboard for further testing with. Thanks!

Weird_Frisbee on

4 years ago

Stonecutter85, thanks for the suggestions!

1) As for Mystic Sanctuary, I reliably get the trigger, with fetches snagging Island/X lands and then drawing into basics I have yet to whiff honestly unless its in my opening hand. But I do like the idea of Castle Vantress as a mana-sink mid/late game, i'll have to test that one out.

2) I actually took out Vraska's Contempt in favor of Eat to Extinction for the psuedo-surveil and less color restriction. I also have counter-magic, Reality Shift, Hour of Devastation, Languish, Black Sun's Zenith and Cyclonic Rift to handle Gods but I have been considering dropping Hero's Downfall, but its just been such a handy removal spell before especially at 3cmc, it does alot of work.

3) I do like the inclusion of surveil over the damage, but in all honestly, I run Ionize not for the 2 damage but just because it only requires 1 blue, which helps free up my mana for potential counter-magic wars or multiple counters during a turn cycle. I might cut Archmage's Charm instead for Sinister Sabotage.

4) I honestly wasn't aware of Flame Sweep's existence, and you're right I do like the instant-speed guaranteed 2 damage over the sorcery Radiant Flames. I'll have to get one.

5) It's a cool PW, is a actual win-con if the game goes on that long lol, but i'm not sure what I would cut for it because there isn't much room, i'll try that one out as well.

Thank you very much bud, I do appreciate a second set of eyes checking out my list.

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