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1v1 Commander | Legal |
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Nightmare Unmaking
Choose one —
- Exile each creature with power greater than the number of cards in your hand.
- Exile each creature with power less than the number of cards in your hand.
Profet93 on Tergrid removal pants
10 months ago
I wasn't sure what your budget per card is but this should hopefully not break the bank. I can recommend cuts should you wish
Feed the Swarm - Enchantment removal
Mind Twist - Note it states random, especially effective if ramped into in the early game. Also useful as counterspell bait.
Night's Whisper - Draw
Nightmare Unmaking - Versatile wipe
Sheoldred's Edict/Hero's Downfall - PW Removal
Bubbling Muck - Ramp! Highly recommended. Especially because you're not running urborg
Ill-Gotten Gains - Up to you, could be useful, could backfire.
Barter in Blood - Mass sacrifice
JANKYARD_DOG on Alela's Automotive Museum
2 years ago
Hmm, in a way it does make sense. However I think it would skew the main purpose of the deck because often you could find yourself going wide with a crapton of flying tokens rather than tall with big bots piloted by said tokens. Keeping Bitterblossom is still ok considering there are alot more ways now to shut off commanders instead of just sending them back to the CZ. Redundancy and all that. Also, I missed it before but I do see now some ways to offset the life loss in the list.
I'd say give it a shot though and test it out to see how often it happens, I mean if you're constantly wiping out your tokens along with everything else you may not get to go wide at all but still be able to achieve your main goal with the unlicensed operation of heavy machinery XD. There are no shortage of wipes in Esper colors, however wipes to consider I think are the Exile ones like Merciless Eviction, Descend upon the Sinful, Final Judgment, Farewell, Nightmare Unmaking, Winds of Abandon considering your tokens cease to exist anyhow and I see no creature recursion in the deck. Then you don't have to worry so much about GY decks. They are kinda high cost though, so maybe not all of them.
multimedia on Zombie Drain Deck
3 years ago
Hey, you're welcome.
Against opponent hexproof creatures you want more Fleshbag Marauder and Syphon Flesh sacrifice effects. Here's some budget options.
- Innocent Blood
- Plaguecrafter and Demon's Disciple
- Liliana's Triumph
- Vona's Hunger
- Tergrid's Shadow
- Call to the Grave
Living Death is powerful, but may be too expensive price. It's mass sacrifice for all players creatures and it's also mass reanimation for each player of any creatures that where in that players graveyard before you cast Living.
Black has some board wipes, unfortunately the better cards are not budget options, but here's a few that are.
- Life's Finale : also puts any three creatures of your choice from one opponent's library into their graveyard to embalm them with Scarab.
- Deadly Tempest : also does damage to each player.
- Crux of Fate : if there's no problematic Dragons then choose all nonDragon creatures.
Some more situational budget board wipes:
- Nightmare Unmaking and Extinction Event : exiles creatures not destroy. Can exile indestructible creatures.
- Mutilate : can kill indestructible creatures since it doesn't destroy instead it can reduce creatures toughness to 0.
- Crippling Fear : affects all nonZombie creatures.
Strangelove on Big lifegain, big creatures - Willowdusk
3 years ago
Hey Walrighti, +1!
Congrats on your first deck! You have a lot of fun cards in here and it looks great! I imagine you want to tune and make it even more efficient so here are some ideas...
Add 3 categories: #Combo, #Lifegain, and #Evasion; and then sort your maybeboard the same way you've done your mainboard to easily rank your choices within a category (By "combo" I mean all your "if-then" cards like Trudge Garden that are slower and don't work by themselves). Remove #Creatures (most of them are #Combo).
Avoid most cards above 4 cmc... Willowdusk is fast and fragile, so play into that... Also, prioritize cards that can do 2 or more things or that give value on ETB... If you have pet cards that don't really fit and that hurt to cut, put them in a "I'll build that theme later" list.
-1 Pelakka Wurm
-1 Ezzaroot Channeler ... cut the fatties.
-1 Decree of Pain ... too slow
-1 Bow of Nylea ... meh
-1 Jarad's Orders < Diabolic Tutor
-1 Sangromancer ... amazing card but doesn't trigger when you need it to.
-1 Venser's Journal ... also amazing, but too conditional for this build
-1 Ranger's Path ... all your ramp should be on turn 2
-1 Temple of the False God ... this card is almost never good
+1 Devoted Druid ... this card is a beast
+1 Talisman of Resilience ... #Ramp
+1 Llanowar Elves ... #Ramp... the elves enable Willowdusk combos on turn 3.
+1 Viridian Joiner ... #Ramp... #Combo
+1 Boompile ... its a gem (hint: don't tap it on your turn) +1 Nightmare Unmaking
+1 Killing Wave
+1 Massacre Girl ... #Wipe
+1 Beast Within ... #Removal
+1 Golgari Charm ... #Evasion
~1 Rancor ... Trample and haste are important... #Evasion
~1 Destined ... the choices are really good.
+1 Soul Channeling ... #Combo with Willowbark and stick to the board...
~1 Phyrexian Processor ... fun?
~1 Lurking Evil ... maybe?
~1 Solidarity of Heroes ... #Combo
~1 Ooze Flux ... tokens at instant speed?
~1 Retribution of the Ancients ... removal?
+1 Thought Gorger ... (leaves)
+1 Return of the Wildspeaker ... #Draw
+1 Triskelion ... #Combo
+1 Nighthawk Scavenger ... #Fatty
...Always play at least 10 ramp spells under 3 cmc.
...Playtest and make sure Willowbark consistently makes a fatty (with evasion) before turn 6-7.
Here's another Willowdusk thread.
Happy building :)
RambIe on Are there any old cards …
3 years ago
Nightmare Unmaking
is a fantastic wipe
But the wipes in question is for a white/green token weenie deck with alot of anthem and some populate effects
CaptainToll on Are there any old cards …
3 years ago
Y'all do the talkin', while my Nightmare Unmaking do the walkin', when it comes to creatures and boardwipes. One of the only recent 5 cmc wipes I considered for my decks.
4 years ago
Arcane Laboratory seems like it would work quite well, since it will keep your opponent's hands full, slow them down and force them to discard to hand size, which works with your cards like Raider's Wake and Nath.
Darigaaz, the Igniter could be a cool way to deal tons of damage.
Dreamborn Muse could easily mill opponents by 10 or more every turn.
Jace's Archivist lets you Windfall every turn.
Multani, Maro-Sorcerer seems like a perfect fit for your deck.
Meishin, the Mind Cage can make pretty much any creature useless at attacking.
Nightmare Unmaking seems like a decent boardwipe that you could control to some degree.
Price of Knowledge could be a cool way to deal tons of damage.
Realm Seekers will usually be huge and provide you with as much ramp as you'll ever need.
Sword of War and Peace is amazing, but is even better in your deck.
Vicious Shadows can combo with a board wipe to kill a whole table at once.
ilovemydoghisnameistuna on <PRIMER> Shirei, Guiding the Dead </PRIMER>
4 years ago
I'm surprised I don't already have Mutilate in the deck!
I also own several Tragic Slip and at least one Nightmare Unmaking, so I'll add those to the list. Drag to the Underworld is a good idea.
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