Mephitic Vapors

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Mephitic Vapors


All creatures get -1/-1 until end of turn.

Surveil 2. (Look at the top two cards of your library, then put any number of them into your graveyard and the rest on top of your library in any order.)

Rorolith on Swollen Snake

4 years ago

You've got lot of fluff cards in here even for BO1 which will make it much harder to draw a snake in your opening hand. Cut Return to Nature, Pharika's Libation Mephitic Vapors Bala Ged Recovery  Flip Mythos of Brokkos Vraska, Golgari Queen (as you are looking to stomp with your snake) or at least reduce the copies, cut Staggering Insight because it is just making your manabase more awkward, cut Negate, add Saw It Coming as it is way more versatile, cut 2xFind / Finality. You might need to cut more things or add more things, but I would also highly recommend cutting down on the amount of lands you use, especially since you are playing ramp. Also cut Pestilent Haze.

MahBoi100 on The Ladybug: An Apex Predator

4 years ago


Firstly, I apologize for the late response. I got caught up a bit with schoolwork at the end of last week. I typed out my response a couple of days ago, but I must've managed to only click Preview and not Post. That makes me feel a little silly, hahaha.

I love Geier Reach Sanitarium as a way to discard impactful creatures that have ended up in your hand. On the topic of cards like Library and Arena, there's also other persistent sources of card draw, like Erebos, God of the Dead, Greed and Arguel's Blood Fast  Flip.

Doom Whisperer is really great in this deck. Dumping cards in the yard as you please and its control over those cards really greases the gears of our machine. Regarding Elder Gargaroth, I must admit that I'm primarily running it for the keywords, so I'd definitely recommend getting a Doom Whisperer before the Gargaroth.

I find Acidic Slime to be an all star in my grindy midrange decks running green. There's always a problematic permanent it can get rid of, and in this deck in particular, the Deathtouch is also pretty nice. Angel of Finality is a card I am a little iffy on, to be honest. That being said, I like that it provides some graveyard hate outside of the common Bojuka Bog.

It is true that this deck is lacking in board wipes. The only card that comes close to that is Living Death, which can be unreliable. So far, this hasn't posed too big of a problem. I can usually get some of the most important cards in my graveyard by turn 4-5 and from there threaten with a big lifelink swing. That being said, I should probably try to fit in at least a Toxic Deluge or something.

Regarding utility spells that incidentally get things in your yard, I'll list the first cards that come to mind from the top of my head.

One of the cards that I've wanted to try but haven't found room for is Death's Oasis. The thing keeping it from being super good imo is that you're forced to return a creature to your hand, which can screw you up if you're stacking your graveyard for Kathril. Other cards that are close to being run is Splinterfright and Stitcher's Supplier

Removal: Price of Fame, Mephitic Vapors, Drown in Filth.

Card draw and filtering: Theres a bunch of these, but among my favourites are Gather the Pack, Ransack the Lab and Winding Way.

There's also quite a few Dredge cards that get good mileage in our deck archetype. The heavy hitters imo being Golgari Grave-Troll, Life from the Loam and Golgari Thug.

Deadpoo111 on Thantis, who spreads Venom

4 years ago

Hmm, honestly I'd suggest more tutors and board wipes. Demonic Tutor is always solid and it's recent printing has made it really cheap. For budget versions, Increasing Ambition and Diabolic Tutor work fine. These will help you get important cards like hapatra or scarab god.

In terms of boardwipes, you can't do better than Damnation. Although you could use soft boardwipes to kill your opponents creatures like Mephitic Vapors or Night of Souls' Betrayal. Crux of Fate is a favorite of mine bc a lot of players play dragons and you can make them suffer every now and then.

I'd also suggest running Quillspike because of it's combo with Devoted Druid.

DrowningInFire on Golgari Surveil

6 years ago

The only card that I see that I'd remove to put something else in if you have anything is the Mephitic Vapors.

Jessiquinha on Golgari Dredge

6 years ago

PauperPower, thank you! Your feedback is great for helping me brew the deck.

I love Gurmag Angler, he was in this list when i started this. But I felt that Threshold and Delve doesn't work well together. But the Monarch is an interesting sugestion! I need draw with this kind of deck!

Pulse of Murasa is another great card. The thing is, after testing, the deck takes some turns before starting to do something. In our LGS, there are RDW, Stompy and Burn. 6 Life is almost irrelevant. Gnaw to the bone gives twice that life easily!

Mephitic Vapors is interesting. I didnt consider It, but now that you mention, I need to find a slot for It!!

About Faerie, I need It to break Ghostly Flicker combos. I hate that card! Lol Edicts are there because of Bogles and Heroic (also in my LGS).

Finally, I wanted to try Caterpillars Instead of Natural State because Im afraid of milling it accidentaly. And, Grapple with the Past helps me find Caterpillars If I need again.

Thank you once again for your interest in helping me on my brew! I'll report my matches soon!

PauperPower on Golgari Dredge

6 years ago

You can always throw in a few delve threats like Sultai Scavenger and Gurmag Angler.

A copy of Thorn of the Black Rose could be great card draw for the deck. Maybe Pulse of Murasa instead of Gnaw? Gnaw could still be great in the sideboard though.

Also maybe move the Edicts to the board and cut the Faeries, and just main board Bojuka Bog.

Mephitic Vapors could be another great card for the board. I also just like Natural State over the caterpillars.

Either way I think you're on to something here, +1!

Ryjo on

6 years ago

Overall a very solid deck, though you might want to consider replacing Feral Abomination with Tetzimoc, Primal Death, and Skittering Heartstopper with Isareth the Awakener. Tetzimoc, Primal Death, while legendary, is stronger, and it's ability in your hand can be useful against any non-control deck. Isareth the Awakener can help in the grindier games by allowing you to return other creatures that have already died. Also for grindier games, Find / Finality and Golgari Findbroker are worth consideration in the sideboard. Also Golden Demise/Mephitic Vapors/Ritual of Soot in the sideboard for tokens would be pretty good.

As far as budget options, the Statue portion of Status / Statue takes care of most permanents. Cast Down/Walk the Plank will work pretty well against most decks, though Murder is a better creature catchall. And maybe sideboard Plaguecrafter or The Eldest Reborn for planeswalkers. Golgari Guildgate and Foul Orchard can replace Woodland Cemetery and Overgrown Tomb, but then your deck won't be very competitive.

xhuggels on Turbo-Etrata

6 years ago

I started out with 26 lands, but i lowered it cause i wanna get them out of the way faster so when i exile Enhanced Surveillance the deck is that much stronger.the lowered landbase is also why Syncopate doesnt work in this build. Waiting for a land past the 4 mana mark is fine, since discard spells tend to he cheaper on mana than counter spells are. Im willing to go to 24 though. Will think on that one.

I was thinking the same thing about creatures sticking. My answers for creatures only start at turn 4 or 5. Etrata, the Silencer, Phyrexian Scriptures, Discovery / Dispersal, Dream Eater. Been thinking Cast Down, but i really like the Dead Weight idea too. Also been looking at Mephitic Vapors, as it also surveils while dealing with tiny creatures.

Pilfering Imp is the only card that does what i want it to do other than Thought Erasure. And i really need to ensure that play on turn 2. I play it as a chump blocker during the rest of the game for the most part. As an opening play i dont think it takes effort at all. There is nothing else i can play turn 1, so its not like it takes more mana than it should.

The sideboard is a bit wonky right now, so its all up for change.ill add another copy.

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