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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal



Destroy target creature or planeswalker.

capwner on "Master of Cruelties" - Budget but Strong?

6 months ago

As an x/4 in a no fury meta I think this card could potentially be good. The deck really wants Ragavan but yeah that's not very budget. Bowmasters too.

About 'understanding what to replace,' the way I think of it is, you know there are always more potential good cards than you can actually run in any deck, usually there are multiple good ways to build a deck. Every card should play into your synergy, except for sideboard cards which can attack something very specifically. And every card should be the best possible option for its slot (most versatility, most synergies with your other cards, most favorable in specific interactions vs. specific cards). Example, this is why I love Apostle's Blessing in here, it's versatile because it protects and evades, and these are both things your deck REALLY needs. And it's a cheap instant. Great card.

But now look at Goblin Tunneler, I see a card that is part of the gameplan, but it's also an x/1 non hasty creature and a 2 drop. This is going to fall short a lot of the time. Maybe a card like Wedding Invitation or Key to the City could be better in this slot. Generator Servant is great for the haste but it has the same weakness. Splitting that with artifact ramp like you did is good, maybe consider options like Pentad Prism but go with what you think plays the best. Molten Collapse is a strictly better Dreadbore and not expensive. Sunken Citadel might be a good land to combo with Rogue's Passage, maybe then Field of Ruin instead of Ghost Quarter? And Graven Cairns? On the lands topic I really like the idea posted above of adding Leechridden Swamp but you do need the fetches to really make it work.

Alesha, Who Smiles at Death has a nice effect but doesn't really synergize with anything besides bringing your Master back, which it can't even do vs. LB and Solitude. Maybe adding cards that combo with her like Fulminator Mage or Augur of Skulls could make her better. Lightning Greaves also makes her and a lot of your other creatures better too, this is a card I'd consider for a 1 or 2 of. But without adding more support, you might consider cutting Alesha and adding something along another angle.

I like Brainspoil, the tutor is nice because finding the Master is definitely a bottlneck in the deck. Grim Tutor is an option but a bit more expensive, Profane Tutor is affordable but has some problems. Having at least one other tutorable 5 drop would make your BS a lot better. 1 of Glarewielder would be kind of cute.

Hand disruption is another angle you might consider, it's really good for a slightly slower combo deck like this to nullify your opponent's big early plays and buy you a couple extra turns to combo them out. Collective Brutality is a pretty decent flexible card that also finishes your opponent.

In the end I think tuning your list and making cuts is about trying to make as many of these meaningful synergy connections between different cards as possible, getting the right amount of each type of effect you want (3 vs 4 of a specific effect like Dreadbore matters a lot vs some decks!), and then you cut either your lowest synergy cards, or effects you think you could safely go down a count on. Usually you want 6-8 ways of getting your key card in action, or 6+ of each combo piece/synergy if it involves multiple cards, and in a perfect world you want 4+ post board copies of HATE for particular meta decks, like 4 Leyline of the Void vs. Living End, or 8 killspells that can kill a Primeval Titan or Sheoldred. Your board cards should address aspects of other decks that really threaten you, no need to run those Leylines if you already beat that deck most of the time. It often comes down to having the right reactive cards, so you want good numbers of the ones you'll need the most.

Sorry for the whole ass book! It seemed like you wanted the help and I liked the concept/got into it a bit once I started looking. I think there's a lot of work and playtesting you could do to really optimize this, and maybe it could end up being pretty good+still affordable!

DarkKiridon on Eternal Vampires II

7 months ago

Stromkirk Captain, Dusk Legion Zealot, or Cemetery Gatekeeper over Sanguinary Mage. Also Vampire of the Dire Moon is good too. Henrika Domnathi  Flip might fit in here. Your mana base is weird, but that's just my opinion. :)

Fatal Push, Infernal Grasp, Cast Down, Terminate, Dreadbore for other removal suggestions.

DarkKiridon on Minotaurs 2

10 months ago

Cards I recommend:

Felhide Petrifier for obvious reasons.

Bomat Courier to test. You need a one drop creature. Felhide Brawler possibly. I do not like Felhide Minotaur, the Petrifier is better and you need all your 3 drops to be worth it. I know Ragemonger helps in that regard.

Metallic Mimic :)

Fatal Push over Cast Down/Murder. Even Terminate is better. Dreadbore if you want to start a sideboard.

Just some thoughts. Happy building!

YamishiTheWickedOne on

1 year ago

A fellow fan, nice. Btw, the changes I'm recommending are based on established vampire decks that have seen some success in competitive play online, though not to the same degree as the most popular deck in the format, Rakdos midrange. Vampires used to be an alternative black midrange deck that was worse but didn't auto-lose to Burn game 1. Vampires have fallen out of popularity a bit but they still exist as a fringe tier 2 deck. They can still win locals and online competitions.

There's a Rakdos version of the deck I recommend that aims to utilize Sorin to drop Olivia, Crimson Bride and Lord Xander, the Collector who are both very strong with Sorin. I consider Orzhov to be less fun and explosive in comparison, but much more consistent overall. Although Rakdos does have access for the best vampire in recent memory, Bloodtithe Harvester. That and it can use Dreadbore.

My 2 Pioneer decks are Rakdos midrange and Orzhov vampires. Rakdos is better overall but vampires are more fun for me personally.

One last thing, there's going to be 2 new legendary vampires in the new set, and I could see Drana and Linvalda or whatever her name is making sideboard for BW. The big thing for me though is Ghalta and Mavren, which is Green/White but is still a vampire and can therefore be dropped turn 3 for no mana via Sorin. 12/12 trample Vamprie Dinosaur, whenever you attack you spawn an attacking dinosaur with p/t equal to your strongest creature's power, or alternatively creates that many 1/1 lifelink vampires. The issue is it's 100% dead in hand without Sorin but is probably the strongest Sorin drop from sheer power alone.

TheReal_MtGHaystak on Rakdos Pirates Modern

1 year ago

Love the idea! Pirates are one of my favorite MtG tribes and doesn’t get nearly enough support. I’ve also tried making a Pirate list for modern. As fun as it is, tribal decks just aren’t that viable. Some things that could help out though are lowering you mana curve, you’re wanting to build aggro but have lots of creatures with CMC 3 or higher, in aggro that’s just too slow. Firstly, if you can afford them, Ragavan, Nimble Pilferer. Arguably one of the strongest red cards in play right now. Dire Fleet Poisoner and Fathom Fleet Captain are both great options to keep around, and I after playing a similar list, I think Rigging Runner out performs Daring Buccaneer. Second, your spells are flavorful but ultimately watered down versions of better cards. You’ve got access to Fatal Push, Lightning Bolt and Unholy Heat as 1 mana removal and Terminate or Dreadbore in 2 mana, to name a few. I’d also look into Kolaghan's Command or Unearth as ways to recycle your pirates in the late game. Some hand disruption will also play well with pirates and you have access to Thoughtseize and Inquisition of Kozilek. Lastly, while I like Angrath a lot as a planeswalker, I’m not sure a 5 mana walker is the best fit in what wants to be an aggro deck. I think ultimately, by turn 5 you will rather have a definite win-con, and Angrath in here just seems a little “win-more”, without reliably being able to finish the game the turn he is played

FormOverFunction on The Great Planeswalker Debate

1 year ago

(1) Everything Caerwyn said. Very accurate and well-explained. (2) I would like to carry the Luddite torch further by saying “I remember back when the players were the only planeswalkers.” I like to joke that Dreadbore should just insta-kill your opponent. (3) My biggest complaint is more focused on the soft (non-mechanics) end of the spectrum. Rightfully or wrongfully, I see planeswalkers as the beginning of the end of the players-in-the-spotlight era. When I started playing, the players were mighty wizards grabbing unexpecting thrulls out of Breeding Pits and flinging them at each other. One might have gotten their hands on an ancient Pentagram of the Ages somehow. How does it work? No idea! Who made it? No way of knowing! But that wizard has it and will be that much harder to defeat. Maybe the other wizard dug up Urza's Chalice. Who’s was Urza? An ancient dude of great power, from ages ago. Important? Sure, but not as important as how that wizard is about to use it! All that other stuff was forever ago, and your defeat is staring you in the face here and now! You get the picture. Today, with WOTC so heavily invested in these planeswalkers and their stories, we are (as nearly as is possible in a build-your-own-deck game) locked on the railroad tracks of their stories. It’s approaching the point, with the way the cards appear to be created, that you’ll need to read the book to find out how to make the deck. You may be chuckling at that, but I don’t see it being that far off. When WOTC just dumped a bunch of Earth Elementals and Giant Growths in your lap, the game seemed WIDE OPEN. Sure there were stories and books and names like Llanowar and Serra that hinted at enormous story arcs, but you were still just two wizards slugging it out somewhere else. Using the tools you had available. To wrap this up: planeswalkers, in my mind, cemented the railroad tracks in place that dragged -us- planeswalkers off stage. Forced us into the front row seating of a sub-off-Broadway performance that simply cannot live up to what our imaginations had been building for years... about characters that either never meant anything to us before, or are weak shadows of what we had imagined. It’s just super disappointing to pull the D&D/role playing/imagination out of this game, especially when you consider that it was likely an accidental byproduct; a necessity borne of their inability to do more at the time (I think they probably would have started the game this way if they had the resources). It might be difficult for everyone to relate to this, but it’s a little like the Atari game Pitfall for me. The game is repetitive and hollow by today’s standards; the maps are random/inconsistent, and the only skill used is jump. As a younger lad, though, my mind was ROARING while I played it. Imagining swinging from vines over giant scorpions and scooping up piles of treasure was at the front of my mind, leveraged exponentially by the box art (treat yourself to a viewing of all the different pieces of original Atari box art sometime- it’s gorgeous stuff). Now, everything about a video game is there. In front of you. Once you’ve seen it, heard it, and defeated it, you’re done and it is (usually) discarded as flavorless gum. At risk of being overly dramatic; that’s sort of what planeswalkers have done to magic for me. I am not a fan. (TLDR: planeswalkers represent the growing pre-chewed and pre-arranged feeling I get from magic these days and I don’t like them and I’m old and get off my lawn)

TypicalTimmy on What is your favorite tribe, …

1 year ago

I think it's been asked before, but we have many new players and users so I thought it would be nice to go over it again.

Title says it all.

Many users on here may be aware my favorite and most beloved tribe are the Minotaur, but why is this?

When I first began playing, I just went big or went home. Huge creatures, 8+ mana spells, massive combat swings, etc. Then, one of my former co-workers who happens to play competitively wanted to sit down at the table with us.

He brought his Modern Elfball deck, which won 1st place in a local championship. And I lost, again and again and again. At first losing wasn't so bad, but this guy also is not just a sore loser, but he has a bit of a God complex.

What do I mean by this? Any possible chance he gets in life to either put someone down, or prop himself up, he'll take. For example, when I was a machine operator maybe I'll have setup, did the fine-tune and achieved minimum scrap in about 45 minutes before production approval. He would, completely unprovoked, tell you he could have done it in 30 with zero scrap. Just to make you feel bad. Then, when it took him six hours and over 3,000 pounds of material, it was the fault of everyone else. Material suppliers for garbage plastic, engineers for poor tooling design, maintenance for failing machine upkeep, etc.

So anyway, there I am losing over and over. Eventually, I stopped playing Magic. Weeks would pass and he would still loom all of the loses over my head.

  • "Oh yeah, that's cool. But how many games did you win? Oh right, none."

Eventually I had a bit of an epiphany... He's winning with big creatures and fast combat. What if I out paced him, with midrange?

So I went to work. My Rakdos Minotaur deck had 13 (mostly) instant speed kill spells and Minotaur lords by the playset, and ramp.

He dropped an Elf. BOOM Terminate. Another Elf, MURDERED. Elf? Dreadbore. Elf? Unlicensed Disintegration.

Eventually he had a boardstate of a few Elves, and I had just three Minotaur.

Rageblood Shaman, Neheb, the Worthy and Felhide Petrifier.

I move to combat. A 2/3, 2/2 and a 2/3? He shrugs and takes it.

Well, Unlicensed Disintegration. 3 more damage to face. Fugg.

Okay so what he takes 6, so 9 in total? Big whoop.

Nope >:)

Rageblood Shaman gives +1/+1 to the others. And Neheb, the Worthy gives +2/+0 because I just lowered my hand by enough with that last spell!

So really it's a 5/4, a 5/3 and a 5/4.

So 15+3 or 18. Lethal, at this point.

He freaks the F out and puts up blockers despite us having moved to combat damage resolution. Fine.

First strike, deathtouch and trample.

Still lethal.

He sank. His jaw dropped. He couldn't believe it. His 1st place prize winning deck lost.

I may have been beaten a half dozen times, but in this moment I was victorious and it infuriated him.

And that, my friends, is why I love my cows :)

TypicalTimmy on Doubling Cube instead of Mulligans

1 year ago

Wasn't there a fix already proposed? The "French" Mulligan, I believe it was called? Where you draw 7 and, when you decide you'd rather not keep a hand of 6 lands and 1 mana rock, you take those seven cards and throw them at the bottom in a random order. You draw the next seven and decide if you'd like to keep. If you do, you choose 1 of the 7 and that too goes to the bottom.

If you do not keep, all 7 go to the bottom and you draw the next seven. If you keep that, you choose 2 cards and those go to the bottom.

  • (They may all get shuffled in, I'm not sure.)

Either way, the best way to end poor draws and needless mulligans is to just adhere to proper deck building techniques, such as land ratios and mana curves. That won't guarantee you 100% of the time that a hand is usable, but it will significantly improve your odds.

Although the BEST method is to implement redundancy. For example, having a "midrange" deck with only 5 removal spells is entirely pointless. You'd want probably 12 removal spells, so you constantly draw back into something new, to keep the midrange game going. Hell, you may want something like 12 instant / sorcery removal spells, a few kill-ability spells such as Steel Hellkite and Meteor Golem, probably like three solid wraths to reset the boardstate, and maybe even a Planeswalker or two that can kill creatures just to have some added and repeatable utility thrown into the mix.

Redundancy. Now when you take a hand, as long as your mana curve is tight and your mana base is fluid, you'll be able to be more flexible in your plays.

We, in Commander, don't get the benefit of running playsets of the best spells in the game. We don't get 4x Counterspell and 4x Lightning Bolt and 4x Mutagenic Growth. So we have to make due with a Dreadbore and a Terminate and a Murder and a Go for the Throat and a Walk the Plank and a Fatal Push. Because now, if you draw a theoretical hand of say, 3 lands, some enchantment, an expensive creature and two of anything listed above, you're probably going to be good. Because you can get your lands out and hold your removal against someone's Commander to buy you time - as is how you'd want Midrange to play. As an example.

But, seeing as this is a General forum, the idea still remains. Redundancy. Run 2x, 3x and 4x of the very best cards. Now, your hand is far more predictable and solid, all the time.

Redundancy is how you win games.

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