Bloodtithe Harvester

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Bloodtithe Harvester

Creature — Vampire

When this enters the battlefield, create a Blood token. (It's an artifact with ", , Discard a card, Sacrifice this artifact: Draw a card.")

, Sacrifice this: Target creature gets -X/-X until end of turn, where X is twice the number of Blood tokens you control. Activate this ability only as a sorcery.

woolfhunt on Rakdos Disguise Combo

4 months ago

Main goal of this deck is to burn opponent's life quickly by flinging Hunted Bonebrute with Callous Sell-Sword. It will often do 9 damage to the dome. Doing so twice should kill opponent, as doing 2 chip damage with either Kumano Faces Kakkazan  Flip, creatures, or burn spells. Unfortunately Callous Sell-Sword is not very good in the vacuum, that's why we are playing Pyrotechnic Performer, flipping it and Bonebrute will also end us with 9 damage in addition to 9 power on the board. The drawback is of course tempo, as playing 2 disguise creatures requires a lot of mana. Although disguised creatures are rather well protected against common single-target removals, cards like Path of Peril can really mess with our board, that's why we are playing Deep-Cavern Bat and Duress in the sideboard. We are also playing package of cards that should help us digging to the combo - Bloodtithe Harvester, Charming Scoundrel, and Inti, Seneschal of the Sun.

Vessiliana on What is a Man? (a hyper aggro Edgar Markov EDH)

9 months ago

YamishiTheWickedOne, I have been doing well, though playing less Magic than I might like! I would say the purpose of Sorin, Imperious Bloodlord is cheat out more expensive vampires, so he exists to play only those that cost more than 3. So you would not want to play him unless you have a lot of those. I ended up cutting him from my Edgar list. But if you want him, I would replace Florian. For the signet, maybe cut Bloodtithe Harvester? I don't see enough blood token support for him to be all that useful.

K4nkato on Tomb of Annihilation (Venture into the Dungeon)

10 months ago

I have a few observations:

1) Your curve is too high. Too many hands have nothing to do on turn 1 & turn 2. Against midrange decks like Rakdos Midrange they’ll likely have Bloodtithe Harvester in play with Fatal Push ready to kill your three drop (they sack a blood token to trigger Revolt). Unless you open an Intrepid Outlander you’ll be defenseless until turn 4 or 5. You should diversify your curve with more 1 and 2 drops to smooth out your plays. While it’s not directly dungeon related I think Mosswood Dreadknight would be a great 2-drop.

2) You don’t have enough interaction. A combo deck like Greasefang, Okiba Boss can combo on turn 3 before you have a chance to remove her with Murderous Rider. If you remove her vehicle with You Find a Cursed Idol but don’t kill her she’ll just combo again the next turn. There’s a lot of great removal options in G/B like Abrupt Decay or Assassin's Trophy that handle tons of different matchups.

3) You don’t have a good plan for over-the-too value decks. The dungeon plan takes time to grind (not a bad thing), but your need to give yourself the time to grind. If you play against a deck with something like Bring to Light or Enigmatic Incarnation you might get completely ran over by Omnath, Locus of Creation or The Scarab God. You can fight back against these decks with unconditional removal like Go for the Throat and discard spells like Duress and Liliana of the Veil.

4) You need some more card draw. If you’re lowering your curve you should expect to play longer games & can pull ahead of opponents with card draw engines. Castle Locthwain pulls you ahead of your opponents in long games. Hive of the Eye Tyrant gives you an option to win the Dungeon back from an opponent when you’re out of creatures & closes long games against control decks. Field of Ruin is great for midrange mirror matches bc it blows up your opponent’s castles.

Dungeons can be a hard mechanic to work with but it rewards you for playing long games & slowing your opponent down. If you run a solid midrange deck with Dungeon cards to break parity and pull you ahead you’ll have a solid game plan.

Apollo_Paladin on Gore Festival

1 year ago

I have a similar Golgari-colored creature fight mechanic on Arena that tries to exploit Phyrexian Obliterator. It's a really fun mechanic, so +1 for giving it a go.

One thing I found that surprisingly helped a lot (since I too was running Vampire of the Dire Moon) was to include a couple of Giant Growth. These can do wonders on a Lifelink creature for pumping up your life total, plus they offer the chance for your Deathtouch blocker(s) or mana elves to survive an otherwise fatal block.

Best of all, when you're not using it to pump up your own creatures, you can cast it on an opponent's creature before you Fight it with the Obliterator, which can basically just end games. Plus, I like how sneaky it is to turn a classic like Giant Growth into an offensive spell.

I found this a highly useful workaround for weenie decks, since one of my biggest challenges with my build like this was opponents who simply use lots of small creatures, thus not leaving any real good targets to Fight. Adding 1 more mana to cast Giant Growth before using a Fight spell equals THREE extra permanents the opponent has to sacrifice, which is well worth it in my book (Plus its defensive uses as well).

Additionally, this opens the door to a much larger Fight early-on, which can just destroy the opponent's mana base if they're not prepared for you to Growth, say their tapped 2-mana Bloodtithe Harvester (or whatever) and then fight it on like Turn 4 or 5.

droslag on Dragons,Speed, and Control

1 year ago

I see you’ve already added Invasion of Tarkir  Flip already got my set, decided to make rakdos dragons. Have you considered Bloodtithe Harvester , Fable of the Mirror-Breaker  Flip and Rivaz of the Claw ??

This is my list right now, seems a lot of fun in testing.

Rivaz’ rakdos dramgans

YamishiTheWickedOne on

1 year ago

A fellow fan, nice. Btw, the changes I'm recommending are based on established vampire decks that have seen some success in competitive play online, though not to the same degree as the most popular deck in the format, Rakdos midrange. Vampires used to be an alternative black midrange deck that was worse but didn't auto-lose to Burn game 1. Vampires have fallen out of popularity a bit but they still exist as a fringe tier 2 deck. They can still win locals and online competitions.

There's a Rakdos version of the deck I recommend that aims to utilize Sorin to drop Olivia, Crimson Bride and Lord Xander, the Collector who are both very strong with Sorin. I consider Orzhov to be less fun and explosive in comparison, but much more consistent overall. Although Rakdos does have access for the best vampire in recent memory, Bloodtithe Harvester. That and it can use Dreadbore.

My 2 Pioneer decks are Rakdos midrange and Orzhov vampires. Rakdos is better overall but vampires are more fun for me personally.

One last thing, there's going to be 2 new legendary vampires in the new set, and I could see Drana and Linvalda or whatever her name is making sideboard for BW. The big thing for me though is Ghalta and Mavren, which is Green/White but is still a vampire and can therefore be dropped turn 3 for no mana via Sorin. 12/12 trample Vamprie Dinosaur, whenever you attack you spawn an attacking dinosaur with p/t equal to your strongest creature's power, or alternatively creates that many 1/1 lifelink vampires. The issue is it's 100% dead in hand without Sorin but is probably the strongest Sorin drop from sheer power alone.

CNG_Stream on Construct Rush

1 year ago

If you are trying to make this more competitive then there is a bit I would cut from your deck. Here are some of my thoughts about some of the cards you are running that may need to more consideration to how your deck is crafted. You can see suggested cards towards the bottom.

Automated Artificer - Not that impactful of a card for your deck as most your artifacts that it could help you ramp are already cheap to cast, it doesn't have a good place here.

Jaxis, the Troublemaker - I'm honestly not sure what you are trying to copy here for value. Card feels like you want to get a Fable of the Mirror-Breaker  Flip.

Kami of Terrible Secrets - The size of the body for cost situational card draw would make this a cut. Better cards to be running that can give you better value.

Karn, Living Legacy - While your welcome to run the card, this is more a meme then a serious play card I would imagine. It doesn't do anything impactful to the board and the mana rocks it generates are that useful to your build. Trying to go the keep +1 to get to ult seems like a hard reason to want to keep.

Jodah's Codex - This is expensive card draw to be playing and would not trying running this card unless you are trying a domain build where the draw becomes free.

Dragonspark Reactor - is a cool card, but I don't think you are using enough cards that are artifacts to warrant this in deck unless you make changes.

Ghoulish Procession - seems interesting, but you may want to trim this to make room for more artifact based cards to get better synergies.

Patchwork Automaton - If you wish to run this, then I would suggest adjusting your deck to run at least 20 artifacts that you can cast for the trigger.

Cards you may be interested in using are that are seem as "staples" to the rakdos artifact deck are: Experimental Synthesizer, Bloodtithe Harvester, & Voltage Surge. These offer you card advantages that work well with the anvil and also have some flexibility in their use.

From the new set I would say check out Garna, Bloodfist of Keld. This lets you get some extra burn to your opponent if you creatures die outside of combat, but you get extra card draw bonus for each creature that dies in combat. Please note that you could sacrifice your artifact creatures to Oni-Cult Anvil after damage step if they survive before leaving combat if you need that draw.

Last note I would have is you would likely want to be running 4 Oni-Cult Anvil if you plan on building around them. More of them in play is always better as long as you don't get hit by a Farewell.

If you have any questions about the suggestions or comments please let me know and I will try to help.

multimedia on Bloodtoken vampire deck

1 year ago

Hey, you keep getting mana screwed? But 26 lands is high amount for Vamps. Deadly Dispute is a good Standard card for draw and ramp when playing Blood tokens and little creatures especially Voldaren Epicure. 4x Dispute could replace 2x Edgar's Awakening and 2x Westgate Regent? I don't think Westgate Regent is good enough Vamp at 5 mana.

Vampire Socialite is a reason to be playing all Vamps, tribal and it's really the only true tribal card here. Could add 2x more Socialite, cutting Restless Bloodseeker  Flip and Vampire Interloper?

This is a core to consider playtesting. Good luck with your deck.

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