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Wort: the Ramp Mother of Burn

Commander / EDH Aggro Burn Ramp RG (Gruul) Tokens



Wort, the Raidmother and her cute little babies like playing with matches (what could go wrong with that?). They ramp, ramp, ramp, and then throw a giant fireball at your face. This deck focuses on copying green ramp spells, red burn spells, and impulse draw spells. The deck plays very synergistically with its heavy emphasis on sorceries and Instants in order to maximize Wort's ability. The dropdown menus provide more detail into how the deck works. Please provide feedback and up vote if you like it.

Wort costs 6 mana so getting her out can take a while. Don't wait for Wort to come online before ramping. Getting her out ASAP is crucial. The deck has a ton of ramp spells so there WILL be more to conspire later. Use any of the 4 or less CMC ramp spells to get to 6 mana quickly. I would only hold off on Crop Rotation as it doesn't really ramp you unless copied.

Early Ramp

Nature's Lore, Three Visits, and Skyshroud Claim: Great because they can fetch Cinder Glade or Stomping Ground.

Grow from the Ashes, Rampant Growth, Cultivate, Kodama's Reach, Harrow, Migration Path, and Explosive Vegetation: Can only fetch for basics but are still great at getting you to 6 mana for Wort.

Myriad Landscape and Blighted Woodland: Ramping lands. They move a little slowly but are low opportunity cost to run since they take up land slots.

Value Weenies

Also, in the early game don't be afraid to play some of the value weenies. At the very least they'll provide early game chump blockers and a little extra burn or token production. If they stick around for a while they can provide great value.

Young Pyromancer: Makes more tokens for conspiring with Wort.

Goblin Anarchomancer: Provides cost reduction and can be conspired as both a red and green creature

With Wort out now comes the fun part: copying spells for crazy amounts of mana and tokens. Card draw an disrupting opponents are also important in this phase.

Mega Ramping

This deck has so many green ramp sorceries that it is quite possible to pull every basic land from the deck. This will allow us to cast massive X spells later. As well as the ramp spells discussed in the previous section, there are a few other key cards:

Harvest Season: This spell can fetch you a lot of lands if you've already copied a spell with Wort this turn.

Boundless Realms: When conspired this card basically pulls every basic land out of the deck.


Wort can devastate board states when her spells are copied. She can keep opponents at bay while building up her own resources:

Blasphemous Act, Volcanic Vision, and Burn Down the House: boardwipes to keep opponents from going out of control.

Fiery Confluence: can flexibly be used for artifact destruction, a mini boardwipe, or extra burn.

Volcanic Offering: Offers great value, destroying 4 creatures and 4 lands when copied.

Beast Within and Nature's Claim: Green removal staples.

Artifact Mutation: Doubles as both removal and token creation.

Decimate: this spell is massive card advantage even when not copied.

Hull Breach: Another Gruul removal staple.

Card Draw

One shortcoming of aggro decks is that they tend to run out of gas as you play out your hand. Card draw helps keep wort fueled with options.

Tormenting Voice, Thrill of Possibility, Pirate's Pillage and Unexpected Windfall: the card ditching cost only has to be paid with the original spell. When copied these rummaging spells give you great card advantage value for only 2 CMC.

Manamorphose: when copied this spell both ramps you and gives you 2 cards.

Apex of Power: offers massive temporary draw while giving you 10 mana back to cast those spells.

Escape to the Wilds: More impulse draw that digs deep into the library and ramps.

Harmonize: green card draw staple that gets you 6 cards when copied.

Ignite the Future: Great impulsive draw with flashback.

Shamanic Revelation: Creature-based card draw that draws a decent amount of cards even if Wort and her babies are the only creatures out.

Return of the Wildspeaker: Acts as either card draw or an Overrun effect.

Jeska's Will: A ritual and impulsive draw all in one.

So how do Wort and her babies actually win? By burning s*#t down! Giant X spells and hordes of tokens with haste burn out her enemies.

Comet Storm and Crackle with Power: X burn spells that go right to the face. Can act as removal in a pinch but I much prefer to use these as finishers.

Impact Tremors & Burn at the Stake: Turns those little token babies into burn.

Tempt with Vengeance: Produces a massive hastey army.

Chatterstorm, Empty the Warrens, Scatter the Seeds, Verdant Command, and Invoke the Ancients help us go wide with massive token armies for conspiring or attacking.

Second Harvest, Parallel Lives and Saproling Symbiosis: token doublers that get out of hand quickly, allowing us to conspire more spells.

Rude Awakening: with so many lands out, may as well turn them into an angry army of mountains and trees.

Mizzix's Mastery and Past in Flames: turn your graveyard into a giant bomb waiting to go off. Easy to win on the spot of either of these resolve.

Kessig Wolf Run: makes even a 1/1 token terrifying in this deck.

Xenagos, the Reveler: turns tokens into a massive amount of mana to pump into an X spell. Also can create a token for more conspiring.

Early Harvest, Jeska's Will, Battle Hymn, Rude Awakening and Mana Geyser: Provide huge boosts of mana helping X spells deal enough damage to close out the game.

The following cards have been tested and I've decided against them:

Reiterate: I try to avoid infinite combos in my decks. I find I get bored of them too quickly.

Reverberate, Fork, and Howl of the Horde: I found that one shot spell copiers were unnecessary. Increasing Vengeance stays because of its great flashback ability.

Rampaging Baloths and Omnath, Locus of Rage: the deck used to have more of a landfall theme. However I found the token generation to be too slow for what I needed. They were fun to play with though.

Siege-Gang Commander and other goblin cards: these would be great in a goblin tribal build. However they were too low impact for what I was trying to do.


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This is one of my oldest decks that I still have around and it has definitely gained in power and consistency over the years. It got to a point where it could win quite consistently with a giant X spell too quickly for most tables. Because I love the deck so much, I've decided to go back to the token theme that tended to take a little bit longer to get going and was easier to interact with as you can sweep away the tokens. I've massively cut down on the X burn spells, but I have kept Comet Storm and Crackle with Power as 2 finishers. I've also cut back on graveyard recursion as it was making the deck very consistent. I've removed Underworld Breach and Finale of Promise.

I've added back in a bunch of token generators including some newer ones like Chatterstorm, Verdant Command, and Invoke the Ancients. I've added Overrun, Return of the Wildspeaker, Impact Tremors and Burn at the Stake as ways to turn those tokens into win cons

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Revision 98 See all

(2 years ago)

-1 Banefire main
+1 Burn Down the House main
+1 Burn at the Stake main
-1 Cathartic Reunion main
+1 Chatterstorm main
-1 Circuitous Route main
-1 Clan Defiance main
-1 Commune with Lava main
+1 Crackle with Power main
-1 Electrodominance main
+1 Empty the Warrens main
-1 Fall of the Titans main
-1 Farseek main
-1 Finale of Promise main
-1 Firecat Blitz main
+1 Goblin Anarchomancer main
+1 Harvest Season main
+1 Impact Tremors main
+1 Invoke the Ancients main
-1 Jaya's Immolating Inferno main
and 38 other change(s)
Top Ranked
  • Achieved #3 position overall 8 years ago
Date added 8 years
Last updated 2 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

5 - 0 Mythic Rares

35 - 0 Rares

14 - 0 Uncommons

18 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.66
Tokens Beast 3/3 G, Devil 1/1 R, Elemental 1/1 R, Elemental 1/1 R w/ Haste, Goblin 1/1 R, Goblin Warrior 1/1 RG, Pest 1/1 BG, Saproling 1/1 G, Satyr 2/2 GR, Spirit 4/5 G, Squirrel 1/1 G, Treasure
Folders Favorites, Good decks, Edh decks, Decks I like, EDH, Commander Deck, Sounds Fun - EDH, Cool stuff, Good Budget Commander, EDH
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