
THE UNICORN INVASION HAS BEGUN! ** "Fireballs and lighting are raining from the sky Chaos and bloodshed while all the people die In this epic battle begins the final war Tragedy will strike this day, prepare thee for The unicorn invasion of Dundee"**

HEY EVERYPONY! I hope you are looking for a little bit of fun because you came to the right place. This deck has just the right blend of semi competitive, casual and flavor that you would expect from a unicorn deck! This deck like all my other edh decks has some infinite combos but does not really need to rely on them 100% really. It features itself around both of Emiel's abilities to bolster your ponies and flicker aboot as well. The main objective is to win either by collecting all of the pieces of exodia the pony one and blasting your opponents away with an infinite mana combo of some kind or by simply overwhelming them with your creatures by using emiel's flicker ability to get multiple etb's per turn. Ponies, Infinite combos', Expensive powerful cards...this deck has a great balance of fun, powerful and mean.

Emiel the Blessed + Brood Monitor + Ashnod's Altar - Endless ETB, Mana, and death triggers. Emiel the Blessed + Workhorse + Good-Fortune Unicorn - Infinite Mana Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite + Nature's Revolt = all of your opponents creatures are now dead and all your lands are now 4/4 creatures! LOL. OMG, this one is GREAT! If you have out something like Doubling Season or Branching Evolution an you use your Slippery Bogbonder ...well...let's say you have 5 counters on one creature. You put him into play and then you move all of the counters on that creature to another....but that counts as PUTTING counts on something so those counters double. Then you flicker him again and move those again so now you have TWENTY counters on another creature since you moved the 10 from that creature onto a new creature. You can keep flickering counters and each time you move the counters from one creature you are PUTTING them onto another creature and because it counts as PUTTING counters on that creature they trigger your counter doublers and they keep doubling. Oh...and each card you have in play that doubles counters.....each doubler triggers independently. So, let's say you had 5 +1+1 counters on a 2/2 creature and then you flicker the bog guy once while having 3 counter doublers. So first you move over the 5 counters to another creature when the bog guy comes back into play with Emiel's ability. Doubling Season triggers and that 5 becomes 10, then Branching Evolution triggers and that 10 becomes 20 and then the Primal Vigor if it's also on the field triggers and with just 3 mana you have created a ...oh....let's make it Pearled Unicorn and it's now a 42/42 unicorn....oh...and that's just a single trigger with 3 colorless mana needed for this to work! Is it going to come up every time? No! Is it going to come up sometimes? No! Will it day....on that amazing lucky wonderful day when the sun shines through the clouds of doom and gloom and shines it's rays of rainbows and happiness on you? bet your sweet sweet cotton candy PONY ASS IT WILL!

As soon as you see them, play your Doubling Season Anointed Procession Bramble Sovereign Branching Evolution Hardened Scales etc. If you have an Angel of Grace it could be a great and powerful card for this deck as well. The Ozolith is also going to ba REALLY great, because if you flicker with your counters creatures than you can keep storing those counters like.....A LOT! Craterhoof Behemoth is your game winner. You can flicker this several times per turn and swing for the win. This card by itself is great, but playing it several times in a turn or if you have infinite mana, infinite flickering this guy in a single turn to swing for infinite damage is just titties and ice cream at that point of the game. Bramble Sovereign if you have emiel and you wanna blink a creature, like, Armada Wurm, well if you pay the extra 2 so a flicker for 5 instead of 3 means you get TWO armada wurms for the price of 5 mana and you still get their ETB and other ETB's from anything else on the field. Woodfall Primus and any other Persist creature can be around forever. Only exiling them will ever work as long as you have the extra mana to put counters on it when it comes back. Avenger of Zendikar this is quite nasty with this deck. So if it comes up, consider it as an option above stronger looking creatures. Any of the combos mentioned in the section above are also game winning strategies as well.

There is actually quite a LOT of synergy in this deck, so playing anything essentially is a good idea but these are essentially the power cards you should look out for.


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91% Casual


Revision 9 See all

(2 years ago)

-1 Captivating Unicorn main
+1 Preston, the Vanisher main
Top Ranked
Date added 4 years
Last updated 9 months

This deck is not Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

17 - 0 Mythic Rares

24 - 0 Rares

17 - 0 Uncommons

16 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.62
Tokens 2/2 W Token Creature Unicorn, Beast 3/3 G, Copy Clone, Eldrazi Scion 1/1 C, Emblem Garruk, Unleashed, Golem 3/3 C, Insect 1/1 G w/ Flying, Deathtouch, Knight 2/2 W w/ Vigilance, Plant 0/1 G, The Monarch, Wurm 5/5 G w/ Trample
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