Ledger Shredder

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Ledger Shredder

Creature — Bird Advisor


Whenever a player casts their second spell each turn, this connives. (Draw a card, then discard a card. If you discarded a nonland card, put a +1/+1 counter on this creature.)

Jund_Machinist on Breya, Doomsday Dominatrix

5 months ago

The main lines for the deck seem to be to either keep the Doomsdayfoil tech in or go with Underworld Breachfoil and a package that supports it. Cards I'm looking at include:

Brain Freeze to combo with Underworld Breachfoil and Lion's Eye Diamond, plus Wheel of Fortune etc.

Sevinne's Reclamation since it allows Intuition to directly tutor the previous combo in regardless of choice with Sevinne's, Underworld Breachfoil and Lion's Eye Diamond.

Final Fortunefoil seems really powerful.

Opposition Agent and Dauthi Voidwalker stronk.

Draw dorks: Ledger Shredder, Faerie Mastermind, Esper Sentinel, also Lotho, Corrupt Shirriff.

For more protection, Ranger-Captain of Eosfoil and Orcish Bowmasters

Ragavan, Nimble Pilferer seems meh unless in your opener.

Smothering Tithe cool, but 4 mana.

An Offer You Can't Refuse, Strix Serenade, Minor Misstep, Mindbreak Trapfoil, Dress Down

wallisface on Azorius Aggro-Control deck

1 year ago

Some thoughts:

  • Last time you started a thread about a deck, it was described as you wanting to make a deck more competitive, but when those suggestions came through you decided you'd rather the deck be casual than strong. Is this the same scenario, or are you legitimately looking for advice on making a strong control deck.

  • Azorius Conrtol already exists as a well-defined meta archetype, consistently hovering between 1-5% of the meta. There is an established deck list here

  • The kind of deck your describing (being aggressive while also controlling the board state) is basically what the current Murktide Regent lists do - deck here. I think it is going to be very hard to justify playing white over red in such an archetype, because red brings most of the aggression, but it's probably still achievable with some concessions.

Some thoughts on your current list specifically:

  • For the deck to work, you need to be running the minimum amount of creatures possible - between 12-15. Running more than this makes it too hard to control the board, and running less than this puts you at risk of not being able to threaten damage.

  • All the creatures you run need to be able to quickly close-out the game on their own. If you check the Murktide list linked above, you'll notice all of those creatures are able to dish out extreme pressure. So far, NONE of your creatures are even remotely threatening. You want to be playing creatures that can end the game fast and can do everything they need to by-themselves. You should really be playing cards like Murktide Regent, Ledger Shredder, Tishana's Tidebinder and Solitude/Subtlety instead of these extremely weak creatures.

  • Any number of Academy Ruins is excessive when you have no real reason to want to recur any of these artifacts.

  • 3 mana countermagic is always bad - there's no reason to run Render Silent especially when you still have room to play another Counterspell instead.

  • Assemble the Players is a terrible card and shouldn't be here.

  • you need waay more wawys to powerfully interact with cards that the opponent resolves - Oppressive Rays is too weak for this. You need cards like Prismatic Ending and Leyline Binding.

  • You are severely lacking in efficient draw. I would expect Preordain instead of Peek at a bare minimum.

wallisface on burn deck help to refurbish

1 year ago

9-lives that might be true for your local meta - though there's been a lot of big changeups at the competitive level, from cards like The One Ring, Orcish Bowmasters, Agatha's Soul Cauldron, Fable of the Mirror-Breaker  Flip, Sheoldred, the Apocalypse, Haywire Mite, Ledger Shredder, etc.

It might be helpful to know what your meta actually looks like - because it sounds very different from anything established.

capwner on Oath of the Birdwatch

1 year ago

Gaea's Cradle / Growing Rites of Itlimoc  Flip?

Also I want more birds. Keeper of the Nine Gales, Augury Owl, Commander Eesha, Thieving Magpie, Ledger Shredder, Emeria Angel, Wingmate Roc, Suntail Hawk, Thrummingbird, Soulcatchers' Aerie, Airborne Aid just some ideas

Enduring Ideal with Dovescape is a classic

Spitting Image is a cool card I forgot about that one.

Overall cool list, lots of interesting cards. Like I said I'd like to see more bird stuff since the deck seems to be more about flavor than being super competitive, plus low cost flyers synergize well with Derevi!

K4nkato on By the time I get my Phoenix

1 year ago

No local tonight because of finals.

I've done a bunch of playtesting on arena and I've realized that Ledger Shredder and Otherworldly Gaze are much better than I've given them credit for. I decided to shave a combo piece and run 4 Shredders. Still keeping 1 Thing In The Ice mainboard because you never know when you're going to need to fight some go over the top stompy deck or something.

Cut Pieces of the Puzzle for Otherworldly Gaze since Picklock Prankster makes it much worse and that slot mainly exists for Delve fodder.

IXALAN_Crazy on

1 year ago

Some thoughts from a fellow Murktide player:

Expressive Iteration over Serum Visions for greater card advantage.

I would add more disruption such as Unholy Heat and Spell Pierce over cards like Manamorphose and Izzet Charm.

This is more of a meta call but cutting 1 or 2 Ledger Shredders might be a good idea so your first game isn't miserable against Orcish Bowmasters

I've seen other people say this on here, but running a one of or maybe even 2 Blood Moon would be great in here, I would just cut Fiery Islet for off color fetches such as Misty Rainforest and add an island or two.

I like that you included Stormwing Entity a lot but depending how it plays the Ragavan, Nimble Pilferer would put more pressure on your opponent.

ASalesman on Unesh, Ultimate Guide (Tribal)

1 year ago

One more rev and talk about a strong new Synergy

  • Take out Nexus of Fate for Ledger Shredder and move Back to Basics to the sideboard. The Nexus is great casually, but if I am paying 7 mana for a spell it better win me the game. Nexus of fate just doesn’t do that. Ledger Shredder is another card draw engine, it gets you deeper in to the deck. In cases where nexus of fate sits dead in your hand doing nothing, ledger shredder can be on the field generating excellent value, and it is 5 cmc less. I understand that infinite turns will no longer be wincon, and I think that’s okay. Thassa’s and Aetherflux fill those roles well enough. I will be updating the guide soon to talk about these recent additions as well as remove irrelevant info.
  • Take out an Island for Lorien Revealed. Another deck thinning card that is basically still a land, but it has other synergies. The island cycling is another effect that can be copied by Virtue of Knowledge. This card can also be cast from the graveyard by Scholar of the Lost Trove. You will rarely hard cast this card, but you can in dire straits.

Speaking of Scholar of the Lost Trove, this card has some great synergy with recently added Orvar, the All-Form. When you cast Scholar of the lost trove while Orvar is on the battlefield, you can cast all bounce spells in your graveyard, then still get your value engine from the graveyard after that. If Unesh is on the field when this happens, you can get through a lot of your deck. If Aetherflux Reservoir is on the field you can get a large storm count. The cycle goes like this:

  1. Cast Scholar of the Lost Trove while Orvar, the All-Form is on the field.
  2. Scholar ETB cast a bounce spell from graveyard targeting Scholar.
  3. This triggers Orvar and makes a token copy of scholar.
  4. Return to step 2 for all bounce spells in your graveyard. If there are no bounce spells proceed to step 5.
  5. Cast a big payoff artifact like Caged Sun or Aetherflux Reservoir to end the cycle.

So in this stage of revision where I am ruthlessly cutting high cmc cards, I will probably not cut Scholar of the Lost Trove because it can be such a huge payoff card. It also makes you less likely to care about tossing your big artifacts in the bin during your BFOF because you might be able to get them back later with this card.

ASalesman on Unesh, Ultimate Guide (Tribal)

1 year ago


I will post this comment then make the changes as specified in the list.

I have been studying a lot of cEDH meta, and found a lot of cards that I haven’t been using that are really great in Unesh. After a lot of consideration I have decided to pull the trigger on this revision.

  • Replace Mystic Sanctuary with Otawara, Soaring City. Mystic Sanctuary is used to retrieve interaction and put it on the top of your deck. This is anti-deck thinning which feels really bad in this deck. Instead, lets have the interaction printed on the land itself. What is great about Otawara is that this interaction is an ability, not a spell. So it can be used even while cards like Grand Abolisher are on the field. You can remove the abolisher and then interact with your opponent.
  • Replace Extraplanar Lens with Urza's Saga. The lens feels clunky. Sure it combos with Palinchron, but this combo requires lands to be on the field. Sacrificing a land has anti synergy with this. If the lens gets removed, you are out the double mana AND a land. It feels bad too often which is why it is getting cut. There are still 5 other combo pieces in the deck that you WILL see. You can even tutor for High Tide if you have to. Urza’s Saga is one of the best lands in the format and it isn’t hard to see why. More deck thinning. If its in your opening hand you guarantee Unesh by turn 3. Moonsilver Key seems to perform really well, so keeping this in as redundancy for this effect will turn out well I think.
  • Replace 2 Islands with Mox Opal and Mox Amber. This deck has a lot of lands in it for cEDH. Although Unesh doesn’t mind being mana flooded usually, the count is still a bit high especially after adding Urza’s Saga. Fast mana in these spots feels nice. They aren’t necessarily going to get Unesh on the table faster, BUT they can effectively make your Thassa's Oracle win con cheaper. While you are rolling through your deck after Rite of Replication resolves, you can pick up these pieces to gain mana to cast Thassa’s Oracle.
  • Replace Island with Gemstone Caverns. I goldfished this change a lot and found that Unesh will almost always prefer this in your opening hand over an Island. It makes early Unesh more likely, which is the primary goal of this deck.
  • Replaced Trickbind with Mental Misstep. Mental Misstep is too good in the format. There are a lot of awesome 1 cmc cards. Sol ring, carpet of flowers, swords to plowshares, mental misstep, other 1 cmc counters, mystic remora, and more. Trickbind is a great card against the right opponent(ie Kinnan), so for me this goes in the sideboard.

Sideboard revision 0

This is my first stab at a sideboard. So constructive criticism is very welcomed. The main goals of the sideboard is to change out the interaction package to fit the pod better, and to shift to more of a midrange strat than turbo if necessary.

  • Trickbind. Great interaction with other ability centered decks.
  • Grafdigger's Cage. Unesh can play this card without consequence pretty much, and it is an effective stax piece in the meta. This card might even weasel its way in to the main board.
  • Tormod's Crypt. More graveyard hate, nothing else to explain here.
  • Flusterstorm for a spell heavy pod.
  • An Offer You Can't Refuse also for a spell heavy pod.
  • Pongify for a more creature heavy pod.
  • Lotus Petal for better odds to cast Unesh first, making the deck more turbo. I think this card is possibly better than 1 or more of the mox’s, but I will leave it in sideboard for now.
  • Perplexing Chimera. If you need to grind in the midrange more this guy can be a great option. Combining him with Homeward Path can be a good combo to soft lock your opponents in the mid game while you get to the bottom of your deck.
  • Homeward Path for the above card.
  • Ledger Shredder for making the deck more midrange with another card draw engine, allowing you to more likely get the interaction you need.
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