Listen, I just want to build a fun EDH deck to play with my friends without them hating me all too much. Though, I have to admit, it is painful for me to build decks that are not optimal with the ressources I can afford to spend. Well, here's my latest try nonetheless! (At least it is fun, right? Oh I'm playing counters = it's not fun? at least I'm not playing the full suit of counterspells. I'm an awful person. :)) oh BTW, I'm somewhat on a budget. If you wanted to optimize this deck you might want to turn it into a Splinter Twin combo deck like I displayed for as long as I am unsure on how to build this deck - or actually just play a different commander ;)


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97% Competitive

Date added 3 years
Last updated 3 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

6 - 0 Mythic Rares

23 - 0 Rares

17 - 0 Uncommons

19 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.74
Tokens Ape 3/3 G, Bear 2/2 G, Bird 2/2 U, Copy Clone, Frog Lizard 3/3 G, Manifest 2/2 C, Morph 2/2 C, Wolf 2/2 G
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