Azami's Excelsus Academy of Wizardry (D)

Commander / EDH DarkRequiem


Servbot says... #1

Building my Azami deck was one of the hardest times I had. So MANY great cards in blue. Wizards of the Coast That is my deck atm. Hopefully we can help each other out and build some nice Azami decks.

February 19, 2014 5:24 a.m.

Servbot says... #2

be careful with Mangara's Tome and Parallel Thoughts etc. as they will be targeted by removal, and you probably put some decent cards under them. Maybe too many counter spells? This can mean some dead draws if you don't have your draw power available due to a field wipe. Wizards like doing everything just before the start of your turn in the opponent before you endstep. Leyline of Anticipation Gives flash to everything. Any wizards you have untapped you tap for draw now, as you most probably/ hopefully used other abilities during other opponents turns. Suggest Spellbook / Library of Leng to keep large hand size as its always hard to chose what to discard.

February 19, 2014 6:43 a.m.

DarkRequiem says... #3

I hate blue but Azami makes it sound so sexy! ;) The draw power sounds superb to me!

At first I considered both Mangara's Tome and Parallel Thoughts together in the deck. But then I thought about what you pointed out and ended up removing the Tome (which might be the worst of the 2), keeping the Thoughts to playtest. As a matter of fact I don't think that it'll suffer much since I should always able to either protect it with counterspells or just tap my wizards to draw everything tucked under the enchantment, allowing me to get all the cards. Still, I think one such effect is more than enough.

Leyline of Anticipation is a card I had given some thought. I was considering Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir but it only affects my wizards, not the rest... Added.

As for Spellbook , I've been trying to avoid it. Reliquary Tower and Graceful Adept do the same with added bonus (the first gives mana while the 2nd is a blocker tha gives me cards). I do agree that its effect is quite important for the deck but... I'd prefer Venser's Journal and even that sounds a bit subpar. Library of Leng on the other hand is a different story. I don't get big hands but I can destroy Sadistic Hypnotist 's ability without spending resources countering its ability every time it triggers. Good call on that one. :)

February 19, 2014 8:26 a.m.

IvanS says... #4

Diviner's Wand is a really fun win condition.
you can check my azami deck if you need more ideas Azami Ozu

February 19, 2014 10:14 a.m.

DarkRequiem says... #5

I find Diviner's Wand subpar for this deck. I don't want to beat face and its drawing ability doesn't keep up with Azami.

I'm much more interested in stuff akin to Intruder Alarm , Turnabout and Riptide Chronologist ...

February 19, 2014 2:17 p.m.

Servbot says... #6

What I would personally avoid. CreaturesCards with enter the battlefield effects. Once entered there done, Only to ever be used as fodder or tapping source for Azami. -AEther Adept -Augur of Bolas -Sage of Epityr you already got better cards listed. Tomorrow, Azami's Familiar , Tidespout Tyrant , Sphinx's Disciple & Riptide Chronologist are creatures which are very unlikely to be ever played. Lighthouse Chronologist will never live long and just waste your mana. He draws a lot of hate.

Sorceries Inundate , Savor the Moment love this card. But wastes a spot in the wrong deck.

Instants As I said before to many counters.Commandeer willing to lose 2 cards or pay 7? Deprive Your playing mono blue returning a land is harmful.Foil losing a land again in blue. Overwhelming Intellect Too large of cost. the draw cards is still not worth it.Put Away Cool art. IM on the fence about this one. Thassa's Rebuff Only good if you have a full field. Probably rare.

EnchantmentsIntruder Alarm On the fence on this. great if you can draw and play a wizard. Field clearing is abundant in EDH, if you dont get a wizard your stuck. But this has good synergy with some wizards you have etc. Vedalken Mastermind

maybeboardBarrin, Master Wizard Brine Seer Chalice of the Void Descendant of Soramaro Frostwind Invoker Can be a win con, but 8 mana :s Isochron Scepter Hate drawerMeletis Charlatan Never done anything great for me, been a let down every game. Sage of Fables SlowThought Reflection Not as good as it sounds on paper.Tradewind Rider

February 20, 2014 1:06 a.m.

DarkRequiem says... #7

I don't mind wizards with etb effects. First, they are low cost creatures which allows me to cast them without compromising my mana base. Second, they can trigger Intruder Alarm and give me more cards to draw. I believe that as is I will hardly ever have problems with drawing into a creature to cast. Third, I can return them to my hand and recast them if needed be, benefficting from the etb effect once more. Fouth, I can tap them and get a card if Azami is in play.

Tomorrow, Azami's Familiar is, regardless of what people might say, mandatory in this deck. What is of a master wizard (Azami in this case) without her familiar? Besides, it does suit the deck. And since I'm playing casual EDH, I can play this kind of cards. Its so flavorful!Regarding Sphinx's Disciple , what's there not to love?Riptide Chronologist might sound a bit of a waste and I'm somewhat iffy about it. But it works a bit like a 2nd instance of Turnabout which is good.Tidespout Tyrant has a very high CMC but it can have a very deep inpact in the game. I might have to find ways to cheat it into play early on though. Only Quicksilver Amulet comes to mind and I'd prefer to avoid that. Speaking of which, it reminded me of something else that could be quite interesting... Cryptic Gateway allows me to cast some of the higher costed wizards for free. Lighthouse Chronologist was removed. I believe that yes, it makes me too much of a target.

Intruder Alarm is awesome. More so if my creatures have flash. It keeps me drawing and drawing and drawing!Mass removal might be a problem indeed but that's the main reason why I'm packing so many counters. Yet you're right, those might be too many so I'm removing Commandeer and Deprive . Foil can be cast for free (I don't think I'd mind the discard), Put Away helps me if I'm facing Oona and end up with Laboratory Maniac or Day of the Dragons in the grave, Overwhelming Intellect adds to the main theme of the deck and it should be quite easy to use while Thassa's Rebuff should be a nice counterspell, considering all the blue mana symbols in my permanents.

Inundate can be instrumental since it is a 1-sided WoG effect. On the other hand Savor the Moment helps me getting an extra turn and works great if I have spare mana and Intruder Alarm in play.

My maybe board is stuff that I've considered in the past and that might be added in the future if the deck needs to be changed. These would be the 1st cards I'd take into consideration, many of them pending on possible future sinergies added to the deck. But most probably stuff I won't ever use... :)

Of course, all my considerations can subject to change if real gaming ends up too different from what I'm imagining this deck able to do.

February 20, 2014 8:28 a.m.

DarkRequiem says... #8

I'm having a hard time removing the last card of the deck to bring it down to 100 cards. What do you think should go?

February 24, 2014 8:15 p.m.

Servbot says... #9

remove Thassa's Rebuff , I've played with it recently. its absolutely useless of a counter.

February 25, 2014 1:49 a.m.

DarkRequiem says... #10

Can do that. I was already thinking about changing the deck a slight bit to accomodate a Stoic Rebuttal instead of Thassa's Rebuff . I prefer hard counters.

February 25, 2014 4:57 a.m.

DarkRequiem says... #11

The deck has been updated to 100 cards and the name has been changed.

Ideas to further improve it are welcome, of course.

It will be tested next weekend. If I confirm that a friend of mine has a High Tide it will be added to the deck by then.

February 25, 2014 6:59 a.m.

DarkRequiem says... #12

Tested the deck and came to the conclusion that I need to add Fabricate .

Other than that more wizards might be good too.

March 9, 2014 11:58 a.m.

DarkRequiem says... #13

I'm also considering Realmwright paired with Maze of Ith and Ice Floe ...

March 9, 2014 6:43 p.m.

DarkRequiem says... #14

Added cards to the sidedboard as stuff that I'm considering adding right now.

March 9, 2014 9:21 p.m.

DarkRequiem says... #15

Very much willing to add the sideboard to the mainboard but unsure about what to remove.

March 19, 2014 5:46 a.m.

Servbot says... #16

Swap Long-Term Plans for Information Dealer . Experience with the 2 circles i play in, People like making you shuffle.

March 19, 2014 5:55 a.m.

Catzhova says... #17

This is a very solid deck. +1

Maybe remove Cancel for Dissolve ?

March 19, 2014 7:02 a.m.

DarkRequiem says... #18

Information Dealer was tested and didn't add that much to the deck. Its fun wwhen Azami is out, letting me get the pieces I need faster. But with Azami I get to draw all those cards, no matter the order. And Azami seems to be somewhat resilient since I do tend to counter most spot removal...

Long-Term Plans on the other hand allows me to tutor for any card at instant speed. With Azami out I will, most probably, draw into the tutored card the moment I need it.

March 19, 2014 7:03 a.m.

DarkRequiem says... #19

Dissolve does sound good. It does a bit more than Cancel so teah. I need to check if I got ant copy. :)

And thanks for the +1. :)

March 19, 2014 7:07 a.m.

Aelorith2117 says... #20

April 5, 2014 8:10 a.m.

Aelorith2117 says... #21

There's also a sweet combo with Day of the Dragons and Gather Specimens that basically lets you take control of all of your opponents creatures! What about Mana Short , Draining Whelk , Condescend , Counterlash , Cryptic Command , Declaration of Naught (for commanders!), Desertion , Discombobulate , Dismiss , Exclude , Ixidor's Will , Last Word , Lay Bare , Mana Drain , Patron Wizard , Power Sink , Psychic Trance , Rethink , Sage's Dousing , Scattering Stroke , Spell Contortion , Spelljack , Thassa's Rebuff , Thwart , Stifle and Voidmage Prodigy ? They're all really good counters and some are wizard specific! I love the mono blue! +1!

April 5, 2014 8:31 a.m.

DarkRequiem says... #22

Thanks for the +1. :)

I'm trying to avoid three kind of cards: 1. expensive cards that I don't own (Cryptic Command , Mana Drain and Patron Wizard are among them, although I recognize those are great, no doubt), 2. conditional counterspells (Condescend , Ixidor's Will , Power Sink and the like) and 3. cards with too high a cmc (Counterlash , Desertion , Scattering Stroke and Stifle since I'm trying to keep my counters bellow 3 cmc.

The only exceptions I'm making are Rewind , Syncopate and Put Away because the 1st untaps is almost free, the 2nd exiles the threat (which is important in my meta) and the 3rd recovers me something that can be quite important).

Gather Specimens and Day of the Dragons is a cute combo. Quite so. But it also requires a lot of mana available. I've even cut out Day of the Dragons because it tends to be a bit too expensive for what I want.

Draining Whelk and Deadeye Navigator are a bit overkill. Someone else on my playgroup brought that combo into play once and everyone else disliked it, considering it a dick move. I'm not looking forward to incorporate that combo here. I believe that I don't need the Navigator to maximize CiP effects though since I don't have that many creatures that do stuff when they come into play.

Voidmage Prodigy is something I'm quite unsure about though. I think he'd play better in a UB deck dedicated to wizards. I don't think I'd like to sacrifice my wizards.

I did enjoy Discombobulate , Spelljack , Declaration of Naught and Psychic Trance . A lot! I will have to check consider them. :)

April 5, 2014 11:41 a.m.

Aelorith2117 says... #23

Well said! I agree with your points nearly 100% my only qualm is your problems with Deadeye Navigator . He can be very powerful as a way to keep your wizards and your commander safe, as well as a way to make infinite mana with things like Peregrine Drake . If you won't consider him I'd recommend something to help you with mana on opponents turns like maybe more mana rocks with Seat of the Synod and Unwinding Clock ?

April 5, 2014 6:13 p.m.

DarkRequiem says... #24

Ah, Seat of the Synod 's already there. ;) I considered it because it could at least be fetched with Fabricate (which meanwhile got removed).

Unwinding Clock ... I only run 3 artifacts that it can interact with. Besides, mana on my opponent's turn isn't much of a problem, regularly.

Instead of Peregrine Drake I prefer the beast you mentioned above: Palinchron . But I tend to frown at that sort of cheap tricks. Infinite mana tends to draw way too much attention to future games. You do have a point though. The Navigator can keep some stuff safe. I'll take it into consideration too although right now I'm more worried with what to remove to add Spelljack , Declaration of Naught and Discombobulate (decided against Psychic Trance though).

April 5, 2014 7:41 p.m.

Aelorith2117 says... #25

Makes sense. I'd call Cancel weak even compared to Dissolve which isn't in here so you can cut that for Declaration of Naught ?

I'd argue that Capsize is weak without the infinite mana to make it truly shine. You could replace that with Discombobulate ?

Rayne, Academy Chancellor is awesome but I don't think you have the enchantments/auras to support her.. switch for Spelljack ?

Lastly, Cryptic Command might just be worth the money.

Thanks for considering my suggestions!!!

April 5, 2014 8:36 p.m.

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