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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Block Constructed | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
Highlander | Legal |
Legacy | Legal |
Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Modern | Legal |
Modern Beyond Horizons | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
He Who Hungers
Legendary Creature — Spirit
(1), Sacrifice a Spirit: Target opponent reveals his or her hand. Choose a card from it. That player discards that card. Play this ability only any time you could play a sorcery.
Soulshift 4

king-saproling on
Kyoki, Sanity's Eclipse EDH
5 years ago
Interesting, never seen this general before. You might like these: Urza's Incubator, Heartless Summoning, Cloudstone Curio, Horobi's Whisper, Rend Flesh, Sickening Shoal, Soulless Revival, Swallowing Plague, Waking Nightmare, Three Tragedies, Pus Kami, He Who Hungers, Gibbering Kami, Thief of Hope, Deathknell Kami, Ghost-Lit Stalker
ZOa on ZOa
6 years ago
Originaly the winning game plan was thorough the 8 rack package with extra damage and value through Nicol Bolas, the Ravager Flip but the plan became a lot easier when my freind decided to built He Who Hungers but yes the game plan would be frozen aether, (currently using my phone so im avoiding card links) strangle hold and blood moon to deny resorces. The reanimater package is something ill defently try
TheDeckMaker2300 on
7 years ago
I made a spirit tribal deck there's a couple stuff your missing that's a must
- Nikko-Onna
- Yuki-Onna
- Rend Flesh
- Wear Away
- Infernal Kirin
- He Who Hungers
- Yosei, the Morning Star
- Kokusho, the Evening Star
- Kyoki, Sanity's Eclipse
- Haru-Onna
And of coarse your fatal mistake Kodama's Reach is missing and I'm sure the top ten best ramp cards that synerizes in the deck should be in this.
TheDeckMaker2300 on
O-Kagichi, Vengeful Spirits
7 years ago
Here's some spirits I can point out
Reminder of the good old Deadeye Navigator is a spirit and the onnas are etb trigger plus a couple of more
You can also put in spirit avatars in this deck as well https://scryfall.com/search?as=&order=&q=%28t%3ASpirit+t%3Aavatar%29
Ore Gorger = have fun removing the opponents stupid powerful non-basic lands.
Karador, Ghost Chieftain ex main spirit tribal commander now can be the Lieutenant for this heck he's basically in a way Gisa and Geralf but for spirits
Kira, Great Glass-Spinner basicly a double dip on Drogskol Captain but problem is you have to shoot your abilities twice on your creatures to buff them.
Tomorrow, Azami's Familiar you choose from 3 chooses from a draw you choose the card for the situation going on and this is for every single dang draw.
You have a nice amount of enchantmentsEidolon of Blossoms feels sadden she's not in this Team
Eidolon of Countless Battles from the number of spirit tokens you make this is cute.
Drogskol Reaver seriously why is this not in the spirit usually have life gain and you can draw like crazy.
Ghostblade Eidolon oh great O-Karachi just has to make contact twice to eliminate someone from the game
Bounteous Kirin talk about life gain.
Infernal Kirin very classy you get to look at there hands and get a butt load of discard if you have the correct spirits
He Who Hungers...why...just why is this not in your deck? This is Coercion on a stick and it recurs a spirit when it dies (to hand) and you got token making.
Hokori, Dust Drinker plus bouncing it with Spectral Shepherd at the end step before you turn then casting it again and other spells and leaving at less 1 and a blue = cute
Elder Pine of Jukai you need lands you can dig to them with this plus combos with Loam Dweller
Last but not least Sekki, Seasons' Guide a huge 8/8 that makes spirits from damage and you can sac eight he's back on the board
TheDeckMaker2300 on
7 years ago
you should make room for some of the following
- Kodama's Reach
- Yuki-Onna
- He Who Hungers
- Angel of Flight Alabaster
- Kyoki, Sanity's Eclipse
- Cultivate
- Kokusho, the Evening Star (going to be cheaper as of iconic masters)
- Keiga, the Tide Star
- Yosei, the Morning Star
- Death Denied
- Terashi's Grasp
- Spectral Shepherd
- Soulless Revival
- AEther Shockwave
- Kindred Discovery
- Tomorrow, Azami's Familiar
- Kataki, War's Wage
- Temple of the False God
- Rending Vines
- Ghostly Prison (hey in a way flavor)
- Farseek
- Reliquary Tower
- Lightning Greaves
- The Unspeakable (enough arcanes and this guy will come in handy)
- Anguished Unmaking
- Jugan, the Rising Star (just if you decide to add all 5 spirt dragons..erm 6)
- Swords to Plowshares
- Fist of Suns
- Cyclonic Rift
- Herald’s Horn (this is now know as a budget urza's incubator)
- Spell Queller (spectral Shepard and this combo together for countering spells permanently)
just some suggestions
sonnet666 on
Commanders by Power Level [EDH Tier List]
7 years ago
For starters, I have already looked at your's and ay.lobo's Purphoros lists at least 10 times. You don't have to keep posting them. I know you've submitted them, and they're on my mind.
Secondly, Purphoros was the first EDH deck I built when I first got into the format, and I've played and updated the deck ever since then, so I know the ins and outs of the deck very well. And believe me when I say you are still using some sub-par strategies in your list. For instance, I can say with certainty that Glitterfang and Lightning Berserker are too slow to be of any real use.
Third, goldfishing Turn 6 wins is no longer enough to get you higher than T3. Since the advent of Paradox Engine, Aetherflux Reservoir, Walking Ballista, new efficient combos like DramaticScepter, and the Protean Hulk unban, nearly everything in the top tiers have gotten a significant uptick in power level. Nearly everything in T2.5 and above is capable of goldfishing T4 wins. The top tiers have so many overpowered cards right now that they could unban Tinker without shaking up the format too much. Purphoros gets a little bit of leeway, since he screws over AdNaus decks so badly, but if I were to put your list up as the example for Purphoros right now, I would have no choice but to demote Purphoros to T3, since it's unrealistic to expect a deck that wins on turn 6 to compete with the upper tiers in this meta.
If you still think that your deck is between T2 and T1.5, then I challenge you to playtest the Arcum Dagsson and Azami decklists from T1.5 and T2 in the description. Both of those can go off on turns 2 to 4 easily, with occasional T1 wins. A Purphoros list would lose to those decks without a doubt 99 times out of 100.
That being said, I appreciate the contention with the current Purphoros list in the description. As ay.lobo has brought up, restricting the deck to just goblin tribal cuts out a lot of cards that synergize really beautifully with Purphoros. However, there are a lot of things that play well with Purphoros, and unfortunately, not all of them play well with each other. The reason we have a goblin tribal deck up right now is that the tribal synergy speeds up the clock of the deck by about 1 turn because of the extra rituals, tutors, and things like Warren Instigator or Goblin War Strike. It's that little bit of speed that's keeping Purphoros in T2.5 really.
I think what needs to happen going forward is to work out how to add the non-goblin cards that Purphoros shines with to a goblin shell that will continue to speed up the deck. Could be super tricky. I've been planning on taking a crack at it for a while now.
spudman3d, A while back I suggested a six tier system in the interest of separating the moderately (mostly) Janky commanders like Chisei, Heart of Oceans or He Who Hungers from the complete trash like Barktooth Warbeard or Myojin of Infinite Rage. (Also, to keep stuff like Chisei from clogging up T4, which clogged up T3, which actually bothered people.)
We tried it for a little while, but ultimately thegigibeast decided that T5 and T6 were so close that functionally no one cared to separate them. He combined them into the current T5, and I think that's fine the way it is.
Also fyi, there are actually some pretty functional Phage decks. Black has the best tutor power and the best graveyard recursion, so you can easily get one of the six ways to get Phage out of the command zone: Sundial of the Infinite, Command Beacon, Null Brooch, Thrull Wizard, Withering Boon, and Kozilek, the Great Distortion. It's stupid and over-complicated for what is essentially a mediocre Voltron deck, but it does function.
Making-a-new-account-Hopefully-I-can-get-my-old-Username on Knight_of_Aces
7 years ago
Twilight Shepherd is best friends with Teysa.
Baleful Eidolon early defense, and boosting to boot.
Belfry Spirit was made for teysa's ability.
Bygone Bishop gives great drawpower.
Celestial Kirin can be rediculously fun.
Crypt Ghast, ramp and extort, anyone?
Disowned Ancestor good early blocker that can grow.
Divinity of Pride just amazing!
Drogskol Cavalry makes spirits ang goves you life for it.
Ghost Council of Orzhova the OG Orzhov baddie.
Ghostblade Eidolon two words: double strike...
He Who Hungers hand-hate
Hopeful Eidolon early lifegain and boosting.
Infernal Kirin more hand hate
Kami of False Hope my favourite white 1-drop, and for a good reason.
Karlov of the Ghost Council if you have a subtheme of lifegain, then this guys is the BOMB
Kataki, War's Wage if you're not big on artifacts yourself, this guys is fantastic.
Kokusho, the Evening Star just amazing
Kyoki, Sanity's Eclipse even better hand hate
Lantern Kami cheap early air-control
Myojin of Cleansing Fire might be expensive, but I had to mention him.
Nikko-Onna solid enchantment hate
Obzedat, Ghost Council they're back. And better
Oyobi, Who Split the Heavens big beefy tokens? Yes please!
Revered Dead early awesome defense
Seizan, Perverter of Truth extra cards, at a price
Shirei, Shizo's Caretaker can turn things like Kami of False Hope into an endless loop.
To be continued...
Cybersix on
Kamigawa Spirit Deck
8 years ago
I tried to make this deck in Grixis with Tetsuo Umezawa, and I gotta ask how Baku Altar and Thief of Hope are working out for ya, they kinda suck in my deck but I keep on hoping that He Who Hungers will finally go off with Baku Altar like it should...
Suggestions: Get the other honden and missing Myojins. Get That Which Was Taken to make Myojin of Night's Reach a "Do you really wanna keep playing?" card.
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Want (2) | mflint , Kripkenstein |