Goblin Freerunner

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Goblin Freerunner

Creature — Goblin Warrior Ally

Surge (You may cast this spell for its surge cost if you or a teammate has cast another spell this turn.)

Menace (This creature can't be blocked except by two or more creatures.)

Spell_Slam on PDH - Zada Hedron Grinder

5 years ago

Looks like a great start!

You're missing a few of the card-draw cards that really make this deck competitive. I'd recommend you add Renegade Tactics and Panic are the main ones you're missing, and the deck can't get enough of them. I even considered running Rile , but it's a bit risky.

I just wanted to make sure you knew that copied spells off of Zada won't trigger Prowess and other "Cast" triggers. They're still fine cards, but maybe not as effective as you maybe thought.

When playing Red PDH, I don't leave home without Destructive Tampering . That card is so good as an overcosted Shatter or Falter effect.

I see you're also playing Goblin Freerunner . Since Zada doubles up as an ally, I take advantage of that by also playing Akoum Flameseeker and Ondu Champion for some recurring fixing and trample-giving. They are pretty reliable with Zada.

It's not necessarily synergistic with Zada, but Rites of Initiation is an awesome finisher with all the card draw we do.

Here's a link to my list. I went with a more Goblin Tribal theme that has been shredding through opponents so far. I'd like to see what you think! Zada, Card Advantage Grinder

TurboLover004 on 5C Allies under construction

5 years ago

I think there's two fairly large problems with this list as is, the first is mana. With only 34 lands and 3 cards which can be considered ramp, you're going to struggle to hit your land drops and have enough mana in the late game to cast your spells.

I would run at least 38-39 lands and make room for cards like Harabaz Druid , Cultivate , Kodama's Reach and Chromatic Lantern . Around 10 of these cards which both give you extra mana and fix what colours of mana you have.

The other area you will struggle in is card advantage. Tribal decks with lots of creatures are particularly weak to board wipes, which are prevalent in Commander, so it's important they can rebuild from scratch. Doing so is going to be very hard if you have no cards in hand.

Kindred Discovery , Vanquisher's Banner , Lifecrafter's Bestiary can make sure you're firing on all cylinders while Arguel's Blood Fast  Flip, Vivien Reid will keep providing you cards on their own and Fact or Fiction , Dig Through Time , Rishkar's Expertise give you a burst of cards that can help dig for lands or specific answers. Again, I would try to fit around 10 of these cards into your deck.

As for what you can cut, you can make room by removing the lower impact creatures like Shatterskull Recruit , Umara Entangler , Goblin Freerunner which although they are Allies, they're also just collections of stats without relevant abilities that will be swept away the first time someone casts Wrath of God .

Hopefully this helps.

Elmoisamac on

6 years ago

Hey I am not sure what the power level of your playgroup is, but I have a few suggestions.

One card you should consider cutting is Arlinn Kord  Flip and if you really want to play a planeswalker include Gideon, Ally of Zendikar. He is more on flavor and can give you value even if he dies after only one activation.

When it comes to removal, consider adding Krosan Grip, Anguished Unmaking, and Utter End. Also a boardwipe or two would be good. I like Living End a lot.

Also, I would up the land count to at least 36 and add Kodama's Reach.

When it comes to allies, I would cut some out to make room for lands. I suggest cutting Angel of Renewal, Coralhelm Guide, Goblin Freerunner, Drana's Emissary, Makindi Shieldmate and some of the Changelings.

Also, add more card draw engines like Vanquisher's Banner, Phyrexian Arena, or Rhystic Study.

Here is my list. It isn't budget, but the creature base and most of the spells are affordable.


KongMing on Rally the Allies!

7 years ago

Adding a couple Munda, Ambush Leader could be a really handy way to help you stack your topdeck for the Allies you need instead of just any Ally.

Normally Stoneforge Masterwork isn't ever worth it, but damn, literally two-thirds of your deck is just Allies. Might have some utility here, especially with Goblin Freerunner. You can pay a total of 2 colorless and 1 red mana to cast both (Freerunner for the Surge cost after you cast the Masterwork), and then 2 more mana to equip. Paying 5 mana for a 3/2 with Menace and +X/+X where X is the number of other Allies you control seems pretty dope.

The big problem with this deck is that it's really weak to removal of both the counterspell and destruction variety, and there's not a lot of Ally-specific cards in these colors in Standard that can help you out there. Ally Encampment gives you a way to bounce an Ally to your hand. Provides you with one-off evasion and the ability to cast the same creature card twice.

Eerie Interlude also provides you with some usefulness, but not as much as it could. The good: You can blink all of your creatures out at Instant speed, so it gives you a great way to work around boardwipes and other forms of removal. The could-be better: All of your Allies effects really only matter if Allies ETB before/during combat; Eerie Interlude has your creatures re-enter at the end step. So you can't Eerie Interlude to activate all your effects and swing for the win, but it can at least keep you from losing all your creatures and having no way to get them back.

Nice deck overall, I like it. I don't know a ton about Standard, so I don't know how useful my recommendations will be in the context of the meta. +1.

musicman3310 on A Modern Deck Idea from …

7 years ago

The other night, I was playing with a revised version of my WORST deck irl. It's a boros deck built around Odric, Lunarch Marshal. It was a 3 person free-for-all and I won turn 8 with nothing but Odric, Lunarch Marshal equipped with two True-Faith Censers, a Lone Rider  Flip that had been flipped, and Goblin Freerunner.

Is it possible to build a modern deck (preferably Boros or Orzhov) based around Odric that would be viable? I would love to see any decks built like this!

musicman3310 on

7 years ago

You might need more allies so that Kalastria Healer triggers more. Goblin Freerunner and it's surge cost is good.

hoardofnotions on saskia allies

7 years ago

Makindi Aeronaut dosen't seem strong enough

Ondu War Cleric not strong enough

Sylvan Advocate not good enough for commander

Drana's Emissary not strong enough

Heartbeat of Spring wayyyy to risky

Vampire Envoy not strong enough

Veteran Warleader too all in, no etb not good enough

Drana's Chosen too slow

Goblin Freerunner not strong enough

Odric, Lunarch Marshal out of place i think

Munda's Vanguard cohort dosen't seem strong or fast enough for commander

Shatterskull Recruit dosen't do enough

Tajuru Pathwarden dosen't do enough

Angel of Renewal not strong enough

Tajuru Beastmaster too expensive for effect

Possible adds

all your cards in the maybeboard are good, except for Kazandu Blademaster and Riptide Replicator

I think you you add some board wipes, card draw, and recursion.

just do a gatherer.magic.com search for allies.

hoardofnotions on The Family from Sea Gate.

7 years ago

Shard Convergence- worth it? maybe a Cultivate instead

Darksteel Ingot swap with Chromatic Lantern or Coalition Relic

Lands could use a big update, and it dosen't need to be expensiveall the taplands (guildgates and gain 1 life lands) could be replaced with the tri lands from alara blockArcane Sanctum, Crumbling Necropolis, Jungle Shrine, Savage Lands, Seaside Citadel, and Exotic OrchardReflecting Pool is a better Rupture Spireyou could throw in a couple colorless utility lands and have you filter lands color fix you when needed. maybe add Vault of the Archangel, Reliquary Tower, Temple of the False God, Winding Canyons

Lurking Predators and Munda, Ambush Leader seem like best friends!

Captain's Claws makes ally tokens

Jwari Shapeshifter is the clone you want!

creatures that don't seem strong enoughGoblin Freerunner, Drana's Chosen, Drana's Emissary, Jori En, Ruin Diver (Not even an ally!), Zulaport Chainmage,

ally's you could addAkoum Battlesinger, Bala Ged Thief, Bojuka Brigand, Bruse Tarl, Boorish Herder, Grovetender Druids, Hada Freeblade, Halimar Excavator, Harabaz Druid, Highland Berserker, Kalastria Healer, Kor Entanglers, Makindi Patrol (change for Joraga Bard), Murasa Pyromancer, Oran-Rief Survivalist, Reckless Bushwhacker, Tuktuk Scrapper

you could swap Marshal's Anthem for Patriarch's Bidding

also add Harsh Mercy

maybe cut the Overwhelming Stampede

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