Hada Freeblade

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Hada Freeblade

Creature — Human Soldier Ally

Whenever Hada Freeblade or another Ally enters the battlefield under your control, you may put a +1/+1 counter on Hada Freeblade.

nuperokaso on Esper Allies

3 months ago

to_regatha_and_beyond on Busted Ally Deck

2 years ago

Good synergies you're establishing!

A few cards I would cut:

  • Maskwood Nexus, you can't really use its first ability for much since every creature in the deck is an ally, and its activated ability isn't really powerful enough to bring it to the same level as the rest of your cards.
  • Halimar Excavator isn't going to be super useful since you aren't really running enough mill to make it particularly viable as a strategy.

A few additions I would make:

  • Tajuru Warcaller can often give your creatures +4/+4 each turn, with Panharmonicon that number goes up even more. Super helpful.
  • Beastcaller Savant can provide some mana-fixing and ramp, which is quite useful in a 5-color deck, while also being an ally.
  • Hada Freeblade is a great play for turn 1, as it will likely be a 2/3 by the time it attacks and will be huge by the late game.
  • City of Brass instead of some of those vivid lands, it's faster as it enters untapped and it can profuce any color later in the game as well. If you're willing to spend a lot more money, you could use Mana Confluence instead because it's techically better, but in my opinion the price difference isn't really worth it.

If you're going to add a sideboard, I would include these cards:

  • Kabira Evangel, it can be very helpful when you're playing against monocolored decks or removal-heavy / burn decks.
  • Drana's Chosen can help by generating extra tokens in case your opponent runs a lot of spells that make you sacrifice creatures, or they can be used as chump-blockers.

Nillstan on Help Me Out Here

5 years ago


Hada Freeblade is not legal in pauper. That said, the decent options in white are few and far between. Same with blue for the most part.

Boza on Help Me Out Here

5 years ago

Well, if you are cutting healer, the only real B card in the main is Outcast. Which, while an ally, does not grow too much. How about cutting B altogether for W. Then, you can add Hada Freeblade instead of changeling and add powerful W stuff like Prismatic Strands to the sb or even main.

Blue_Flame on

5 years ago

The really poopy thing about Allies in Pauper is that Wizards didn't print a ton of pushed Allies in the common slot. Because of that, we only have access to like a third of the selection of Allies ever printed, which not only limits your options but limits the value of the Ally synergy as well. For example, you don't get to play with Hada Freeblade and Kazandu Blademaster , two absolutely insane cards for the Ally tribe.

As far as a Jund Allies list goes in Pauper, I feel like this is the most optimized you can get. Though I'll provide a few suggestions in case some cards haven't come to mind.

I'm a huge proponent of playing Ash Barrens in a 3-color deck as it can instantly find a Snow-Covered land for you. Hell, I even play it in 2-color decks. Is there a reason it's not in this list? Or am I missing something?

If you're trying to go more of the aggro route I'd suggest Goblin Bushwhacker as another Akoum Battlesinger effect but you've likely already thought of it.

Dedudegod1 on Cocaine

5 years ago

Nice Decklist! +1 from me. I think you should consider Mirror Entity , possibly over Mikaeus, the Lunarch ? I've found it synergizes very well with Kazandu Blademaster and Hada Freeblade . Also, why do you run Journey to Nowhere over Seal Away out of curiosity?

Darth_Savage on G/W Interlude

5 years ago

Throne of the God-Pharaoh, could work here given the volume of creatures your running. Thalia, Guardian of Thraben would be a good control option and Mikaeus, the Lunarch might let you grow your creatures, similar to Steel Overseer for artifact decks. You could also consider a black splash for Siege Rhino and Anafenza, the Foremost or get protection and lifegain from Auriok Champion.

Unfortunately, you are missing the consistency and advantage of going for the tribal option, since you can't leverage Unclaimed Territory or Cavern of Souls and don't have a low cost creature which grows itself like Champion of the Parish (Humans) or Hada Freeblade (Allies). Outside of that, your deck doesn't actually avoid, what I think is, the biggest weakness for Humans, that being cards like Torpor Orb or Tocatli Honor Guard which suppress ETB effects, though these are by no means that common.

I hope this is of some help, good luck with your brew.

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