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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
Highlander | Legal |
Legacy | Legal |
Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Djinn of Infinite Deceits
Creature — Djinn
: Exchange control of two target nonlegendary creatures. You can't active this ability during combat.

xstaticx on
Lover of Shiny Things [A Primer]
2 years ago
Played a game at an LGS on Sunday. First time playing the deck. Only 4 players there and one had to leave early. Can't say the game was high quality. Faced a Yurlok and a Niv Mizzet. Niv player was new to EDH and pretty much net-decked and and then had a lot of difficulty tracking his triggers with Veyran, Voice of Duality and Harmonic Prodigy on the field. The deck had insane ways to control the board if I wanted to, but didn't want to ruin his experience as he's new. Still, was able to make some observations.
I knew the land count was low so I bumped that up to a more reasonable 36. Will have to observe how well that works since we have such high average CMC. Spawnbroker was a a dud. I have low power creatures in this list and couldn't swap for anything useful. Moderation seemed decent, but once you're over that hurdle of the first few turns, you really start to feel sluggish with its limitations. Planar Guide costs too much and is telegraphed. Ebony Owl Netsuke was cute against the Niv player and knocked him out, but was pretty lackluster. Iron Maiden fills this slot nicely.
Perplexing Chimera was game-warping. This card singlehandedly caused mayhem until people coordinated to get rid of it. Great card.
Additions: A land Djinn of Infinite Deceits Juxtapose Phantom Steed Order of Succession
Cuts: - Archaeomancer - Ebony Owl Netsuke - Paradoxical Outcome - Planar Guide - Spawnbroker
seshiro_of_the_orochi on Creature Donation Ideas
2 years ago
Did some research, found some things for you: Aku Djinn, Benthic Djinn, Juzam Djinn, Serendib Djinn, Bog Elemental, Chisei, Heart of Oceans, Demonic Hordes, Liege of the Pit, Lord of the Pit, Minion of Leshrac, Painwracker Oni, Shadowborn Demon, Yawgmoth Demon
For more exchange of control: Djinn of Infinite Deceits
If anything gets out of control: Tidespout Tyrant
Peoni on
Inniaz Fliers
4 years ago
Some cards you might like: Consecrated Sphinx, Djinn of Infinite Deceits, March of Souls, Thopter Spy Network, Illusions of Grandeur, Transcendence, Field of Souls, Anointed Procession, Serra Ascendant.
Kind of a mixed bag of cards for all sorts of strats just to maybe give you some ideas. I fell in love with this commander when she was spoiled but I keep forgetting to make a deck for her. Maybe now I finally will. Nice deck. :^)
TriusMalarky on Suggestions for a very political …
4 years ago
With this kind of deck, you need to first ask yourself what strategy you're actually going for. Are you
Trying to use politics to slowly gain advantages before suddenly taking over and dominating?
Trying to make yourself such a valuable ally that everyone leaves you alone and then you go one-on-one after two people die?
Trying to make games last as long as possible?
I'd likely recommend the second. This is because it is easy for each opponent to justify letting you live. If you win too often, your playgroup will either opt to team up on you and crush you early, or they will(each on their own accord) attempt to take you out at the end of the game by playing their cards right.
For this deck to work, you really need to be able to guarantee that you can incentivise certain actions at your discretion. For instance, with Kenrith you can say "Hey, I'll let you draw a card if you attack player B" do the player with a solid board state but an empty hand. Every card should give you as much choice as possible and with powerful enough effects that you can give people treats for following your orders, and bring down hellfire if they disobey.
Here's my personal list:
ZendikariWol on
Roon your day in a blink of an eye
5 years ago
Mulldrifter seems like a shoe-in.
Deadeye Navigator is very strong.
Djinn of Infinite Deceits works like a charm with Roon- especially in conjunction with Agent of Treachery!
Duplicant has the removal.
Ephara, God of the Polis can draw you 2-3 extra cards per turn cycle, which is awesome.
Glen Elendra Archmage is a repeatable Negate effect.
Knight of Autumn is an extra Rec sage.
Kiora's Follower can ramp or untap Roon.
Palace Jailer can exile things permanently if you blink him.
Perplexing Chimera is just bat-shit crazy, it messes the game up so much.
Reveillark resurrects people.
Solemn Simulacrum is still good ol' sad robot.
Soul of the Harvest... does its thing.
Sundial of the Infinite can skip the end step, permanently exiling a creature with Roon.
Guardian Project is bonkers.
ZendikariWol on how tin with as blink …
5 years ago
I run Roon of the Hidden Realm so my wincon is basically to Aura Shards/Knight of Autumn/Reclamation Sage and Duplicant/Mangara of Corondor/Djinn of Infinite Deceits/Meteor Golem/Palace Jailer/Sundial of the Infinite the opponents' boards away and chip in with dorks.
babushkasara on
What's mine is mine and what's yours is mine
7 years ago
Lazav, Dimir Mastermind - not really stealing, per se, but close
Reins of Power - especically if you have no creatures at the time
Boneyard Parley - politics!
Grim Return - they finally kill their creature to get it away from you and...no. Yours again.
Ink-Eyes, Servant of Oni - repeatable
Iridescent Drake - blue! Also, enchantments!
Djinn of Infinite Deceits - in case they try to escape by playing creatures with downsides or something? Just a fun card in general.
You could also do something like Mirage Mirror for temporary 'stealing' (or to copy your thieves for more stealing)
Sadly you can't use Pygmy Hippo or you could steal their mana too.
Suns_Champion on
Need Some Creatures? Here, Take Mine!
7 years ago
You might be in need of some pillowfort options like Ghostly Prison, Windborn Muse, Sphere of Safety, and Propaganda. Don't want to be attacked while giving stuff to people.
If you like Paradox Haze, Strionic Resonator will both double down on his triggered ability.
Vedalken Plotter, Harmless Offering, Djinn of Infinite Deceits and Bazaar Trader to give stuff away or trade, which is nice.
If you like Reliquary Tower you'll also like Thought Vessel.
Good luck! Hope some of these are useful!