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Release the Kraken! (The Watcher in the Water)

Commander / EDH Mono-Blue


I'm really taken by this commander as a powerful creature who rewards you for drawing massive amounts of cards, but I wanted to see if I could generate a win con for this deck that isn't based in combos or drawing out my library because apparently I enjoy making life harder for myself.

Henceforth, the idea behind this deck is to protect its commander, generate a ridiculous amount of tokens, control the board with counterspells and the Watcher's second ability, then eventually draw into something like a Shark Typhoon, Eldrazi Monument, or Dragon Throne of Tarkir and win by combat damage.

Dirty Tricks include Snapcaster Mage for flashback on my draw spells, making the most of sacrificing a Solemn Simulacrum, and using Spark Double to duplicate my commander. I could have included card: Wandering Throne, but I thought Spark Double was funnier and [card: Zygon Infiltrator] was more flexible.

Psychosis Crawler also does a lot of labor in this deck.


I didn't want to jump through all the hoops required to play Kindred Discovery and not immediately deck myself either for better or worse. Although it would be funny.


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98% Casual
