Statute of Denial

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Statute of Denial


Counter target spell. If you control a blue creature, draw a card, then discard a card.

Tales19 on beegmanalaser

3 years ago

It seems like having 2-blue consistently open for most of your counters would be a bit tricky - at least before you go-big. I'd suggest Negate, instead of Statute of Denial; it doesn't get you card-draw, but it is a lot more helpful in protecting your plays from opposing counterspells.

GoblinsBeatElves on Card Art Easter Eggs

6 years ago

Suns_Champion, You mean Fblthp? He’s in quite a few cards, the others being Statute of Denial and Unquestioned Authority.

Also, in the card Treasure Trove’s art, you can see Hanna, Ship's Navigator, Karn, Silver Golem, Touchstone, Null Rod, Thran Tome, and Skyshaper.

KingKilvas on Eyes Everywhere

6 years ago

You forgot Totally Lost featuring Fblthp, most iconic homunculus! He's also on Statute of Denial in the corner, if you wanted.

Pal00ka on Auras for days

6 years ago


Silent Sentinel: high CMC and life-gain in EDH is meh unless you will actively use it (ex. Aetherflux Reservoir).

Battle wise Hoplite: underwhelming all-over.

Daxos of Melts: his trigger is pretty niche. Maybe ok 1v1 but multiplayer it will be not as easily obtained.

Celestial Mantle: /insert SS's reason\

Corrupted Conscience: infect is tricky because once people see you use it, next game they may gun for you to prevent it. And playing Bruna will already have people gunning for you. Your call.

Mask of Avacyn: better hexproof enablers out there. I like Lightning Greaves for haste, protection, and Bruna's ability doesn't care about shroud. Ring of Evos Isle slowly boosts Bruna and 2 for hexproof is not too shabby.

Counterspell: it is fine but I prefer a counter that replaces itself. Ex. Arcane Denial, Dream Fracture, or Statute of Denial.


Looting spells; like Artificer's Epiphany, Catalog, Pull from Tomorrow, etc. are great with Bruna because they let you dig deep into your library to find answers and discarding auras is fine because she can reattach them for free. Generally whoever can draw the most cards in EDH will win. You have next to no draw so add in a bunch in the 2-4 CMC range.

Key to the City would be great in here too, unblockable and draw.

You have so little ramp despite playing a 6CMC general. I know you know how curves work so fix this with a cursory view of her edhrec page.

You have next to no enchantment/artifact removal. Austere Command, Aura Blast, Dismantling Blow, Fragmentize, Ray of Distortion, Terashi's Grasp, etc. I personally like the ones that will draw you a card in addition to removing a problem.

Also a cursory look at her edhrec for lands will help you improve it. We have a lot of the better UW lands too.

Since this seems mainly voltron, I'd add in Crawlspace in addition to your other pillow fort effects. Redundancy is key.

And I think a fun "combo" would be to cast Approach of the Second Sun, then before your next turn cast Dig Through Time, cast Approach again on your turn to win!

Pal00ka on Ezuri, Claw of Counters

7 years ago

Just did a quick 1v1 w this and my Gonti deck for fun so here's what I would advise from that brief play and looking at your list:

No one likes infect so if you don't always want to be archenemy then I would cut them for unblockable threats like Triton Shorestalker & co.

Ezuri needs more protection. Lightning Greaves, Ring of Evos Isle and those already suggested would be a good idea. Your plans slow down like whoa if he cannot stick.

Cancel is meh, tbh, even Dissolve is better. I personally like using counters that replace themselves even though they usually cost a little more. Arcane Denial, Statute of Denial, Failed Inspection and Dream Fracture.

Progenitor Mimic is cute but if you want a clone why not Altered Ego since it gets counters (on theme)?

Cards that I saw and I was confused why they were even in here were Majestic Myriarch (not many creatures have keywords on them), Loam Larva (kills your next draw, how about Farhaven Elf?), Kruphix, God of Horizons (Thassa, God of the Sea and Nylea, God of the Hunt make more sense), Triskelion (expensive, slow, win-more), Orochi Hatchery (Snake Basket is better imo), Planar Bridge (so expensive to use), and Inexorable Tide (feels win-more).

Hope something helps!

Maxpphire on

8 years ago

This is a really solid deck

Not sure how I feel about Logic Knot as it exiles things from your graveyard and it more or less seems as if you want your graveyard to be another hand for you. Here are some suggestions:

Enclave Cryptologist - seems on the weaker end, but is a decent 1 drop and you can't even have to level it up all the way for the discard to trigger.

Hisoka, Minamo Sensei - I feel like this would be decent. Forces you to discard and you counter spells. Not Terribly expensive either.

Statute of Denial - Another Counter that would force you to discard and draw.

Vexing Sphinx - Might be an interesting thing to add in the deck

Out of all of these I think Hisoka, Minamo Sensei is the best replacement or addition to add to the deck, everything else it just a "Meh, this caught my eye but probably not"