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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Block Constructed | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
Highlander | Legal |
Legacy | Legal |
Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Modern | Legal |
Modern Beyond Horizons | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Tiny Leaders | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Dosan the Falling Leaf
Legendary Creature — Human Monk
Players can play spells only during their own turns.

NiftyCheshireCat on
Take Six
1 month ago
Thanks capwner!
All great suggestions! I especially like Shigeki, Jukai Visionary and Dosan the Falling Leaf, going to have to play around and see if I can make room for them.
capwner on
Take Six
1 month ago
Neat build! First card I see is Acidic Slime, that's a +1. My only thoughts are to include some channel cards like Boseiju, Who Endures and Shigeki, Jukai Visionary, maybe even Twinshot Sniper (depending on how many Kinnans there are in your meta :)). Also some creature ramp options you might consider are Orcish Lumberjack and Tinder Wall, as well as the Spirit Guides, these are all fast mana which will help power out Ruric Thar early, which means damage triggers online during crucial development turns and potentially a lot of extra damage. Cryptolith Rite could be good as well, it's noncreature but hopefully this comes down before Ruric and can even net mana immediately like a rit. Last recs would be Dosan the Falling Leaf to provide additional counterspell protection, and Vorinclex Flip I think is just an amazing value card/body/finisher that I think would make a lot of sense in here.
Predator_90 on
Azusa, Lost but Staxy
5 months ago
There is some nice green stax you should consider, Dosan the Falling Leaf, Root Maze, Manglehorn, Primal Order, Freyalise's Winds
capwner on
Who's Counting?
6 months ago
Mono-green isn't known for protection spells but it does have Heroic Intervention which is solid, and, if you're really creature-reliant, perhaps Wrap in Vigor, Asceticism, Archetype of Endurance, and Yavimaya Hollow. You do have access to a lot of anti-counterspell cards with Allosaurus Shepherd, Veil of Summer, Dosan the Falling Leaf, as well as land tutors to find Cavern of Souls and Boseiju, Who Shelters All, though obviously these cards are better in decks that build around a single creature type or have powerful instants/sorceries.
DawnsRayofLight on
Squirrel Combos
7 months ago
Mazirek, Kraul Death Priest goes infinite with Scurry Oak and Basking Broodscale with a sac outlet (Ivy Lane Denizen also goes infinite)
Nuka-Cola Vending Machine + Academy Manufactor/Peregrin Took + Krark-Clan Ironworks/Grinding Station goes infinite
Basking Broodscale + Tarrian's Soulcleaver goes infinite
Ygra, Eater of All goes infinite with camelia and Experimental Confectioner
Using the above to explain my adds:
ADD (16)
Phyrexian Altar/Blasting Station
Lively Dirge:helps to get cheap combo pieces
DROPS (need to drop a single card too to get to 100) 17
4x lands (this deck looks like it can run fine off of 30 if you add 4-5 0-1 cmc ramp pieces)
Cauldron Familiar (unless I am missing the combo piece for it in the list)
Craterhoof Behemoth: may be a bit win more. don't see it doing much
Gala Greeters: meh card
Gilded Goose: meh
Tireless Provisioner: could stay or go
Toski, Bearer of Secrets: don't know how aggro this deck is, seems more combo oriented
Damnation: probably between MHM and fallout you have enough wipes
Nature's Claim: good removal but probably good on that
Woe Strider probably fine on sac outlets
May consider Protean Hulk piles as well
SufferFromEDHD on
Nazahn | LIpgrade Logic
2 years ago
Grand Abolisher or Dosan the Falling Leaf great hatebears that control spells.
Manglehorn punish opponents for playing similar strategies.
Phyrexian Revoker is Pithing Needle on a stick.
NV_1980 on
Coven Ov Colfenor
2 years ago
This looks like a lot of fun! Would Dosan the Falling Leaf be in-theme (and useful)? Keep up the nice brews!
Regards, NV_1980
Dete on
Borborygmos Enraged EDH
3 years ago
le podria Field of the Dead cambiando una basica o Cinder Glade por q no tiene tantas basicas.
si le ponemos Vesuva podriai ponerle tmb Dark Depths+ otra pa copiar Thespian's Stage, en volada pa hacer mas mana rapido ponerle tierras locus.
The Tabernacle at Pendrell Vale en volada pa mantener al resto mas piola.
Ash Barrens, Crop Rotation, Expedition Map, Elvish Reclaimer, Evolution Charm, Realms Uncharted son todos buenos pa el enfoque en tierras y 4 son buenos pa buscar las de arriba.
Druid Class, Khalni Heart Expedition,, Azusa's Many Journeys Flip, Rites of Flourishing, Summer Bloom, cualquiera es buena pa esto.
ponerle otra copia del kruphix podria estar weno Augur of Autumn/Wayward Swordtooth
Scute Swarm hmm es muy weno jajaja,Tireless Provisioner, Veteran Explorer en volada son buenos tmb. Splendid Reclamation+Scapeshift≅The Mending of Dominaria, dependiendo q tanrapido lo queri hacer.
Dosan the Falling Leaf/Vexing Shusher/City of Solitude/Defense Grid pa tener un poco de defensa contra counters y otras cosas.
en mi opinion sacaria: Glint-Horn Buccaneer (mas q nada por q no me gusta mucho noma),Living Twister, sacaria 1 o 2 de cualquiera de los encantamientos q cuestan 5/6, Bag of Holding en volada tmb, Dragon Mage, Krosan Grip y/o java
podrias poner cartas con cycling o retrace, tmb Rites of Spring esta wena pa ponerla y Treasure Map Flip le puede dar un poco de mas seleccion de cartas. hmmm le dejaria igual Mulch y añadiria Winding Way por lo mismo.
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