Bound in Gold

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Bound in Gold

Enchantment — Aura

Enchant permanent

Enchanted permanent can't attack, block, or crew Vehicles, and its activated abilities can't be activated unless they're mana abilities.

TheoryCrafter on Pioneer Bogles MOM UPDATE

2 years ago

Have you considered Siona, Captain of the Pyleas? If you replace it with Commune With Spirits you can look seven cards deep into your library and create chump blockers. If you choose to go this route, you may want to consider replacing Paradise Druid with any combination of Karametra's Favor and Nature's Embrace. If you go for the latter you'll definitely want to consider Stirring Wildwood.

Considering Light-Paws is a Legendary Creature who helps tutor auras you can get away with removing one.

As for your sideboard, you're probably going to want to go more auras that can stymie your opponent. These can range from taxing effects(such as Curse of Silence, Detention Vortex, Oppressive Rays and Soul Tithe) to activated ability prevention(such as Bound in Gold, Intercessor's Arrest and Overwhelming Splendor) to Protection(such as Guildscorn Ward and Holy Mantle.

Thank you for reading me out. I hope this helps. Happy Hunting!

Wuzibo on Questioning the Iona Banning

2 years ago

"The only colorless removal i've tried to defend". I've already brought up scour. There are only two colorless removal spells. Introduction to Annihilation and Scour from Existence.

I'd defend running Scour from Existence too. You're paying 2 extra for instant speed and giving nothing in return.

There is nothing else to defend. That's why i haven't defended anything else. So that has no bearing on its feasibility.

It also isn't "to board against one commander." They're cards you can use in literally every game because they can exile any target permanent. Run graveyard hate? why do that when i can run permanent hate that gets the job done and offers more versatility? What actually sounds like the more "unfeasible" strategy, there? Running graveyard hate that is kind of just a dead draw vs a non-graveyard deck, or running a spell that does what the yard hate would do which i can also use to answer any threat on the board? It could always be blue artifacts. They don't care so much about getting stuff out of the graveyard. This answers their Darksteel Forge. This answers an enemy Zurgo Helmsmasher on your turn. This could answer Iona. This could answer emrakul if they were legal in the format. It's even a way to deal with a Bound in Gold or Darksteel Mutation. It's good vs every indestructible commander and every protection from colored commander. It even deals with stax. What's important too is that it has a permanent effect and it is not a permanent. Grafdigger's Cage can be blown up or countered, just like Relic of Progenitus and Rest in Peace. However, the colorless spells can only be countered. There's nothing to blow up. Scour can even deal with Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth to stop a Sheoldred, the Whispering One, or a Rogue's Passage. Sure ghost quartering them would be much better, but if you drew one and not the other, and that's what's killing you...

You framing this as something people run just to deal with iona is wrong. That would be like saying people only run RIP for the Helm of Obedience combo. That's not true at all.

jamochawoke on Path to Exile or Swords …

2 years ago

TypicalTimmy the best removals are actually the Arrest enchantments. Your examples give them an indestructible chump blocker and a land for ramp as well.

I'm talking about:

Niko9 on Budget - Marisi, Breaker of the Coil - EDH

2 years ago

It looks pretty solid all in all, and the only thing that jumped out at me was Blade of Selves Because why not goad everyone at everyone when you can? It might not be super budget anymore, but it seems like it goes with the deck so well.

Oh, and there are a few other Pacifism type effects that have been printed in recent sets that are usually slight upgrades. Trapped in the Tower Bound in Gold Skyclave Apparition Fiend Hunter or there are the classic removal stuff like Darksteel Mutation or Generous Gift

Also, Unquestioned Authority if you want another Spirit Mantle effect.

Just a few minor tweaks because really, it looks quite nailed down. How much removal does Marisi draw? I feel like all of my commander decks would try to remove him as fast as I possibly could :) That might be the mark of a pretty sweet deck.

NorinTheWise on I'm either crazy Aura genius!

2 years ago


  1. Soul Tithe: This card is really narrow. If the game piece is part of their win condition they will just pay. Many threats are not high in mana cost. It mainly acts as removal for mana rocks or early game pieces.

  2. Bound in Gold: Minimus Containment was just printed and is by far the superior. I have found that triggered abilities tend to be as or more threatening than activated abilities. "Loses all abilities" vs. "can"t activate abilities" is a HUGE difference.

  3. Faith Unbroken: This is too risky. It creates a potential for huge loss on your part with little loss on the opponents. They can now use creature removal to get rid of the enchantment, which is always easier. Then you lose your creature, enchantment, and give them theirs back. It's also expensive to cast!

  4. Coalition Flag: I have looked at this countless times and this is the first time I put together the fact that it also redirects good targeting abilities as well as bad! Someone forgets it's their and casts Colossification, Boom! You have the biggest creature on the board! I always thought of it as a single time protection for your better creature from a Path to Exile single target removal style effect. I will look into this, maybe play test it a bit.

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