Banishing Stroke

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Banishing Stroke


Put target artifact, creature, or enchantment on the bottom of its owner's library.

Miracle (You may cast this card for it miracle cost when you draw it if it's the first card you drew this turn.)

Crow_Umbra on

1 year ago

Unless your opponents are playing something like Disciple of Caelus Nin, all of your phased out permanents should phase back at the beginning of your next upkeep. Here's a wiki entry for Phasing if you wanted to review the rule details.

Understandable regarding Krenko. Mostly suggesting creature token creators that are pretty commonly utilized in Isshin token decks, and since you have Isshin in the 99.

I don't mind if you're not running the ramp stuff. I'm mostly suggesting running more ramp to avoid getting mana flooded, since you're not playing a strategy like Landfall, which can play more than 1 land per turn. Having some mana rocks can act as like an extra land drop in your early turns.

A few suggestions regarding your removal options, but I think that Generous Gift, Swords to Plowshares, Stroke of Midnight, Wear / Tear, and Grasp of Fate could all be alternatives to Archangel of Wrath, Banishing Stroke, and Bone Splinters. All of these options have minor drawbacks, but are a bit faster and more versatile than the options you're currently running.

All that being said, it's no big deal to me if you use anything I suggest or don't. Your enjoyment of your deck on your own terms is what matters most.

ZendikariWol on I'd Scry that for a dollar (Erratic Miracles)

5 years ago

Serum Visions seems excellent here.

Also, have you considered some wincons rooted in Miracle, such as Entreat the Angels , Temporal Mastery for general value, Terminus and Banishing Stroke are both nice control pieces, or Bonfire of the Damned is a decent sweeper.

I have no idea what's played in legacy. I am just a humble, broke Johnny.

dingusdingo on Haïti chérie

5 years ago

I'm assuming this is a budgetless list, so my first question is why no Mox Opal ? Oversight or intentional?

Next, how do you handle resolved creatures? You have three spells capable of removing a critter off the board, in Chain of Vapor Cyclonic Rift and Toxic Deluge , but that's about it from what I can see. Why don't you run Ensnaring Bridge Humility Damnation or similar? I understand you want to be proactive with counterspells but there's no way you can lock the other 3 players with 1 for 1 trades while you're also building your board. Also consider that bouncing THEN countering a spell is 2-for-1'ing yourself when you could just Swords to Plowshares it. Literally every deck features a creature as the commander so its not like you won't have targets except the unbelievably rare pod of 4 PW commanders.

Are you aware in that you have a wincon with Angel's Grace + Ad Nauseam + Silence + Brainstorm + Windfall + Yawgmoth's Will ? I don't see the line listed despite being a built in backup if both labman + Jace are exiled. I see Yawgill + Grace listed but it doesn't look like you realize you can force 99+ draws to win.

Have you considered running tutor hate in tandem with Scheming Symmetry ? Aven Mindcensor or Leonin Arbiter break parity and are worth running even without Symmetry. I understand this is meant to be a bear-lite build but with how many wheels (free draws for opponents) you're running, turning off tutors may save your bacon. Also works well with Wishclaw which you seem to enjoy (its a Grim Tutor for first activation but being reusable for cheap unconditional tutor is fantastic so I have mixed feelings)

Have you considered miracle cards for Aminatous +1? Having the ability to always get them for the miracle cost is pretty rad. Banishing Stroke Devastation Tide Temporal Mastery Terminus . The timewalk one should be worth a consideration for sure. Miracle cards also make great surprise plays with EOT Vampiric Tutor or Mystical Tutor

Have you played against a discard stax deck like Nath or a mana denial stax deck yet? Your low amount of removal is leading me to believe that a resolved Trinisphere or Oppression makes this deck cry big sad tears.

Why would I choose Aminatou as the commander over Zur for a similar build? Zur can consistently grab Waste Not to kickstart wheel lines or value grinders like Necropotence Rhystic Study . I like the Aminatou interaction with Wishclaw but I don't think that single interaction in your 99 can justify the choice when Zur is going to give you 100% consistency. I normally see Aminatou decks run stax pieces that it can break parity on by blinking your own permanents ( Static Orb shutting the game down but you blink a tapped Mana Vault to get far ahead, blinking a 1 counter Tangle Wire to reset it, untapping your Ancient Tomb while Winter Orb is out, etc.etc.). You could certainly run strong hate cards like Winter Orb without turning off your combo lines. Cost enhancers like Trinisphere or Sphere of Resistance might prove unwise though.

Extremely interesting build, curious to see where it goes. Cheers

Dischord on Aminatou, Fate Is An Art

5 years ago

If you want some real recursion with Archaeomancer, you should definitely slot in the best of the best flicker card out there, Ghostly Flicker ! You can target Archaeomancer and another creature with Ghostly Flicker, and then grab Ghostly Flicker again when it finishes resolving.

I think that Command the Dreadhorde is a better card to reanimate with than Liliana, Death's Majesty . Reanimate everything!

I would cut out Yennett, Cryptic Sovereign , Disinformation Campaign , Oath of Gideon , and Banishing Stroke . Yennett is better in its own deck, Disinformation Campaign doesn't do enough for the cost, Oath of Gideon's extra loyalty counter doesn't affect anything, and Banishing Stroke barely works out.

I love Aminatou decks! She's one of the decks that I had the most fun playing and building. Hope this helped!

Saljen on

5 years ago

I know that Miracles is your theme, but 4x Path to Exile would be far better than 1x PtE and 3x Banishing Stroke . You'd still have 12 Miracles without it, which is more than enough. No need to hamstring yourself with 6CMC single target removal.

Idoneity on Emmara, Soul of lifegain and token

6 years ago

Swords to Plowshares is the best option for white decks. But for more universal removal, Beast Within or Banishing Stroke do nicely. For board wipes, I'd consider Phyrexian Rebirth , Martial Coup , and Fumigate . They'll give you a board presence or life. Some spicy options are Retribution of the Meek or Tragic Arrogance .

xaarvaxus on Flicker Powers Activate!

6 years ago

23 combined is probably a good amount, however, I have found Banishing Stroke to be lackluster as if I can't get the miracle cost, it's just way too expensive for when I need it. Crib Swap I guess it can depend on your meta on how good it is. I tend to have to loan my EDH decks out to find enough players and the most popular ones for people to borrow are my tribal decks... especially my Sliver Overlord deck, so, making a changeling that gets all of those buffs... yikes.

If you own the Cyclonic Rift, I'd play it unless your group has threatened you with bodily harm.

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