Your goal is to get both the commanders out and just have Tana start swinging to make as many fast saprolings as possible. While that's going on, all the fungus help to play the longer game by getting spore counters to make more tokens, as well as serving as sac outlets to do spicy things.

Life and Limb + Sporemound is the only real combo in here. Play whichever one you want first, then play the other, then play a land or have a saproling token ETB. Once that happens, the combo goes, forever, and doesn't stop. So with that said, make sure you have something like Impact Tremors, Goblin Bombardment, or Altar of the Brood out to make use of the infinite ETBs to kill everyone, or have your Krosan Grip or Naya Charm on hand to be able to end the combo whenever you feel like it.

Keep in mind, with something like Utopia Mycon and Mentor of the Meek or Psychotrope Thallid (or better yet, just only have Fungal Plots active) on the battlefield when the combo goes, you don't even need removal in hand, you can just pay what you need to draw your deck up until you find something that works, then hope you drew Goblin Bombardment or something too if you just wanna sac for damage to win after you stop the loop. Or if you really wanna push your luck, wait and just swing out next turn, especially with Cavalcade of Calamity out.

Everything else is just really good synergy, no specific combos to speak of.

Beware giving +1/+1. If things become too big, Sidar can't help them. So essentially, if you're going that route with some of the fungus that let you sac for it, go big or go home, and make sure you can actually attack the way you want.


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Date added 2 years
Last updated 1 year

This deck is not Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

3 - 0 Mythic Rares

32 - 0 Rares

19 - 0 Uncommons

19 - 0 Commons

Cards 80
Avg. CMC 3.22
Tokens Saproling 1/1 G
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