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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal


Creature — Human Wizard

Morph (You may cast this card face down as a 2/2 creature for . Turn it face up at any time for its morph cost.)

When this is turned face up, change the target of target spell or ability with a single target.

mattzim666 on Muzzio, Visionary architect

3 years ago

Some cards which I think should be cut because I think they are not too great or have fallen out of love with them are: Inkwell Leviathan, Jhoira's Toolbox, Myr Battlesphere, Myr Enforcer, Scarecrone, Willbender, Brittle Effigy, Darksteel Ingot, Dreamstone Hedron, Lux Cannon (unless you have a way of getting counters more quickly), Staff of Nin, Tower of Fortunes, Trading Post, Dismiss, Dissipate, and Dream Fracture.

Droolz on Can I retarget / neutralize …

3 years ago


there are not many cards that retarget or neutralize creature abilities. but there are a few. Can I retarget Leveler triggered ability with Willbender so that my opponent mills his deck? Also can I neutralize Phyrexian Dreadnought ability with Stifle when it comes to play?


omega1563 on Azami's Wizard Gang

5 years ago

Planned Changes:

Schadowpop on Animar, Eldrazi and Friends

5 years ago

Why not pick any of these:
Draining Whelk , Glen Elendra Archmage , Stratus Dancer or Willbender
Instead of Counterspell ?
The synergy of the list above will be higher with your commander than with counterspell.

BMHKain on

5 years ago

@ClockworkSwordfish: I think I might also have some ideas for cuts as well:

  1. Willbender : Not truly powerful enough here; besides, Krosan Grip doesn't have that many targets here; & it needs new art... ...and a new Flavor Text that is NOT Pro-Nature; at all.

  2. Voidmage Apprentice : This deck already has enough Counterspell use, & is repeatable w/o needing to flip the table. There isn't that much danger from Split Second stuff anyway...

  3. Dream Stalker : & WHY did I already put in Tidespout Tyrant , & use Ancestral Statue , then Rescuer Sphinx , & back to the former?

  4. All down to you in case you accept these 3 as cut worthy.

Thanks for the help so far. :)

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