Stinkdrinker Daredevil

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Stinkdrinker Daredevil

Creature — Goblin Rogue

Giant spells you cast cost less to cast.

MusicGoat18 on Big Fiery Bois

6 months ago

I'll take a better look at it later, but here are some card suggestions for the meantime: Tectonic Giant, Prophetic Titan, Glimpse the Cosmos, Lightning Bolt, Phantasmal Image, Sunrise Sovereign, Stinkdrinker Daredevil, Cyclone Summoner, Thundercloud Shaman (pardon if there are repeats or if they are already on your list). I'm not saying everything here should be used or is super good, this is more me listing out a bunch of ideas and options. I'm sure you're more in it for the fun and the casual, but with everything said, this deck will have a hard time in the current meta with all the crazy turn 2 wins and shenanigans. However, you never know when Wizards will release some pretty cool giant stuff in upcoming sets.

zretrareo27 on RW EDH Brion Stoutarm 2022

2 years ago

Made quite a lot of changes recently, ordering some better tempo cards as well. Added more mana rocks for tempo and removed some of the recursion as I don't seem to get to my big creatures fast enough to use it. Added more board wipes that work in my favor Realm-Cloaked Giant adventure saves my commander and Calamity Bearer and Realm-Cloaked Giant, and Solar Blaze saves Calamity Bearer, Capashen Unicorn, Hofri Ghostforge, Magus of the Disk, and Stinkdrinker Daredevil. False Prophet and Planar Collapse limit the amount of tiny creatures on the field.

lhetrick13 on Heartless Giants

2 years ago

NonetheWeisser - Cool deck, always like to see kinda off the beaten path tribes get some love (I am thinking of your cat deck).

I saw the above comments regarding Coalition Relic and generally speaking it seems as though the main reason it exists in the deck is to be played on turn 3 after combat, tap to charge it, and drop a giant earlier than usually allowed on turn 4. Why not run Stinkdrinker Daredevil? Similar effects and both cost 3 CMC. Con is that it is a creature so it is a easier to remove than an artifact but the Pro is it does have to be charged up to be used again and again every turn. Also, it can deal damage if needed...Just my two cents.

GrimlockVIII on Representation: List of Tribal Support in Pauper

3 years ago

Aight, so here's some pauper tribal stuff you're missing out on.

Dinosaurs: Commune with Dinosaurs, Kinjalli's Caller, Pterodon Knight, Stampeding Horncrest, Sun-Crested Pterodon, Thrash of Raptors, and Knight of the Stampede.

Giants: Crush Underfoot, Elvish Handservant, Kithkin Greatheart, and Stinkdrinker Daredevil

Faeries: Spellstutter Sprite, Thieving Sprite, Faerie Trickery, Silvergill Douser, Boggart Sprite-Chaser, Violet Pall, and Latchkey Faerie

Wizards: Information Dealer, Ixidor's Will, Lavamancer's Skill, Stonybrook Banneret, Step Through, and Vedalken AEthermage

Warriors: Brighthearth Banneret, Expedition Champion, and Herald of Dromoka

Pirates: Buccaneer's Bravado, Fiery Cannonade, Headstrong Brute, and Sea Legs

Allies: Akoum Battlesinger, Bojuka Brigand, Graypelt Hunter, Halimar Excavator, Highland Berserker, Joraga Bard, Kalastria Healer, Makindi Patrol, Makindi Shieldmate, Nimana Sell-Sword, Ondu Champion, Oran-Rief Survivalist, Spawnbinder Mage, Tajuru Beastmaster, Tuktuk Grunts, Umara Raptor, and Zada's Commando

Also btw would you count the party mechanic from Zendikar Rising as semi-tribal support or nah?

Also you're missing Rogue and Elemental support, but some of said support overlaps with other tribes like Faeries, Goblins, and Warriors.

Also I'm leaving out Merfolk, Zombies, and Goblins cuz those are just a whole ass can of worms.

lagotripha on Modern Giants

3 years ago

Making giants work in modern is something of a battle - most of their good cards sit at 4+ mana, meaning its really high on the curve. Crossing that 'cast first big spell' boundary, and making sure that spell is relevant is going to be most of the battle for the deck.

Cards like Pentad Prism or old fashioned mana dorks will be essential. Stinkdrinker Daredevil doesn't make the cut, but I could see a build going black for Heartless Summoning.

Their tribal support has some clear themes to work with - 1 sided boardwipes in Realm-Cloaked Giant+Thundercloud Shaman+Battle of Frost and Fire, direct damage to face, and big creatures. I'd personally lean more heavily into rushing out a 1 sided wipe to survive my local meta, but efficient creatures (with changeling support) will do a lot, as will a 'slower' burn deck focussed more on efficient 4 mana damage to face.

Some of the odder tribal support is pretty good- Giantbaiting is an incredible source of damage on an empty board when you have smaller creatures, which might play well in a Mothdust Changeling build.

keizerbuns on Modern Giants

3 years ago

zapyourtumor haha that's cause it was based off my standard version of this deck, Giant Trouble in Little Standard. I made this into a modern deck just cause I really liked the combo of Hamletback Goliath and Surtland Flinger .

I didn't want to add too many non-creature spells or else I totally would've added a few more burn spells like Lightning Bolt in here. I have thought about cutting out green but I also like how well Beanstalk Giant combos with Surtland Flinger. Plus it enables me to get Hamletback Goliath out on turn 4 by playing Invasion of the Giants turn 2, Beanstalk Giant turn 3, then my big boi turn 4, which is always fun.

I really like Ancient Grudge as a replacement to Sunder Shaman so I'm definitely gonna do that! And I agree that Vanquisher's Banner could be cut, but it's tons of fun when I do get it out and I'm mostly just playing this deck casually, not so much competitively.

Also, I do really like Stinkdrinker Daredevil , however it would end up dying to my own Battle of Frost and Fire so I'm not so sure I would want it in there. Crush Underfoot isn't too bad, but Squash is just a bit more consistent in damage and it combos well with the last ability of Battle of Frost and Fire .

I never noticed Inferno Titan and Frost Titan when I made this deck so they might both be worth looking into! I did have Crystalline Giant in this deck originally but I took it out cause it felt too inconsistent and I needed room for Surtland Flinger and Hamletback Goliath haha. Thundercloud Shaman is also definitely worth playtesting in place of Battle of Frost and Fire so I'll have to try that out too.

Thanks for all of your suggestions, they were really well thought out and very helpful! :D

zapyourtumor on Modern Giants

3 years ago

This looks a lot more like a standard deck than a modern one. I'd probably either switch to standard/pioneer or add some modern upgrades (for example a playset of Lightning Bolt ).

Also, I'd suggest cutting green for only two colors, since trying to make a smooth 3 color manabase on a budget is miserable and probably impossible. I don't think Beanstalk Giant is good enough to merit this pain. For the sideboard, you also don't need green for Sunder Shaman . Even though its a nice giant card for your artifact destruction, it costs four mana and doesn't even have an immediate board impact so it won't destroy anything until turn 5. Against most artifact decks you would much rather have Ancient Grudge .

Vanquisher's Banner is only a singleton, costs ten bucks, and is an especially slow card even in an already slow deck; I'd definitely cut this.

To help accelerate into your slow giants, I'd run 4x Stinkdrinker Daredevil . Crush Underfoot doesn't seem too good to be honest, since it doesn't really stall the early game when you most need removal, but it might work okay.

Inferno Titan and Frost Titan are both great giant cards, especially the first one. Crystalline Giant is a nice cheaper 3 drop giant, since you probably want to lower your mana curve a bit. Thundercloud Shaman is a nice wipe.

Happy brewing :]

Temur_Frontier on Giants - Version 3

3 years ago

Any reason all your basics aren't snow-covered? Also the giants you're running all look pretty great aside from the commons, but the non-giant creatures could use some work. Tbh, with some of your other tribal elements like Battle of Frost and Fire and Reflections of Littjara , why not scrap the wizards that aren't providing much, and go almost full giant tribal? Thryx, the Sudden Storm and Stinkdrinker Daredevil could certainly use a home in this deck, I feel. Thundercloud Shaman would be huge. Borderland Behemoth could be a win condition, but just remember to assign at least 1 point of trample damage/excess damage to the blocker in order to get the card draw.

If you're looking for more giants, search up "giants" in Gatherer, or look at what EDHREC says about your commander:

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